Sunday, April 10, 2011

You have to be kidding !!!! The only rights the US government knows about is the right of corporations to rape the American public, the rights of lobbyists to influence policy, the rights of the top 400 richest people in the Us to make as much as the bottom 100 million, the rights of Wall Street to call the shots defraud America and the world and be paid huge salaries and bounusses instaed of going to jail. When Hillary Clinton and the congress of the United States wants to start addressing the real issues in this country maybe then they can start telling other countries how to behave BUT until then......................!!!!!Our government is not truly an advocate of human rights. The issue is only used as a means of irritating China. If we were truly concerned about human rights why have we never made the same criticism of Saudi Arabia?Lemme get this straight...we can't afford to keep our government open...but we have the time and resources to bother another nation? There are bigger problems currently at hand Uncle Sam.

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