Thursday, July 14, 2011

I think I will vote for Obama again, or any other decent American citizen that wants to end the AID TO ISRAEL WHICH HAS BROUGHT CATASTROPHIC RESULTS TO OUR ECONOMY & OUR WORLD POSITION AS A TRUE DEMOCRATIC NATION. Let's get the true values of our country back....
Amal, the republicans cater to the 5% right wing nutjobs, and the democrats cater to the 5% leftwing nutjobs!!! The Libertarians cater to the 90% in between, and emphasize fair for everyone, with government as small as possible. Too much government = too much corruption!!!
I keep telling you that Binyamin Netanyahoo is the most dangerous man on the planet, ditto the son he is raising. The Israelis are settlers, who are murdering the people they found on the land. Like Zimbabwe, like South Africa, like America. Netanyahu has no intention of cedeing any land to Palestinian for a State.....stop playing...

Reply U.S. Policy toward the establishment of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories is unequivocal and has long been a matter of public record. We consider it to be contrary to international law and an impediment to the successful conclusion of the Middle East peace process…Article 49, paragraph 6, of the Fourth Geneva Convention is, in my judgment, and has been in judgment of each of the legal advisors of the State Department for many, many years, to be. . .that [settlements] are illegal and that [the Convention] applies to the territories.”
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance before House Committee on Foreign Affairs – March 21, 1980


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