Friday, July 8, 2011

The usual defense is either the "lying #$%$ defense" or the "she wanted it" defense.... sounds like these big corporations used both...
This is not the first time KRB has been taken to court on a rape case. One a couple of years ago ended up in front of the US Senate. The rape victim of that case was gang raped. She had informed her employer, KRB, many times of the sexual harassment and threats. KRB did nothing. She and another women were gang raped.
So she sued KRB. KRB said that she agreed in her contract not to sue KRB. When it ended, KRB settled out of court with her.
Now I know some of you enjoy seeing people hurt, but the women in this case actually had to have reconstructive surgery on her vagina. I also know that upon reading that you will go running down the street cheering that she got raped.
Now, the Senate brought KRB's attorney and had him testify. They tore him up. And did so in front of the nation.
As I said, this isn't the first time KRB has had this happen. Remember the soldiers who died from being electrocuted by using their faucets in the bathroom?
There was once a time these acts would have been call "war profiteering." But not now.

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