Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bloomberg outraged at ultra-orthodox Jewish bus where women are told to sit at the back Signs direct men to the front and women to the back Mayor Bloomberg said this is 'obviously not permitted' By Mark Duell Last updated at 6:56 PM on 20th October 2011 Comments (21) Add to My Stories Share A bus carrying mostly Hasidic Jews - where men sit at the front and women sit at the back - has provoked fury from the New York City Mayor. Michael Bloomberg said gender segregation on public buses is ‘obviously not permitted' and called the bus in Brooklyn, New York, an 'outrage'. From the outside the B110 might look like any other bus - but on the inside revelations about its seating arrangements are causing huge controversy. Seating rules: Men sit at the front and women sit separately at the back of the B110 bus, which carries mostly Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn, New York Seating rules: Men sit at the front and women sit separately at the back of the B110 bus, which carries mostly Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn, New York The unusual practice has only come to light after a woman told a student newspaper other riders said she had to leave the front and sit in the back. The B110 has been operated by the Private Transportation Corporation for 38 years under a city franchise, reported the New York Times. More... Boy banned from bringing a saxophone on school bus because it's a 'safety hazard' The bus’s outer colours are red, white and blue, it costs $2.50 to ride and it is out of action on Friday night and most of Saturday. ‘It’s such a normal thing for us that women and men are separate,’ rider Gitty Green told the New York Times. ‘Most of the ladies go to the back.’ Male Hasidic Jew: There are guidelines in the bus saying if it is crowded then women should pay the driver in the front before boarding in the back Male Hasidic Jew: There are guidelines in the bus saying if it is crowded then women should pay the driver in the front before boarding in the back Anger: Mayor Michael Bloomberg said gender segregation on public buses is 'obviously not permitted' and called the bus in Brooklyn, New York, an 'outrage' Anger: Mayor Michael Bloomberg said gender segregation on public buses is 'obviously not permitted' and called the bus in Brooklyn, New York, an 'outrage' The bus should be ‘available for public use’ because it was awarded the route in a public bid, a city transport spokesman told the New York Times. The department has asked bus firm president Jacob Marmurstein to provide it with any complaints made about the separation. He has not yet commented. 'It’s such a normal thing for us that women and men are separate. Most of the ladies go to the back' Gitty Green There are guidelines in the bus saying if it is crowded then women should pay the driver in the front before boarding in the back. ‘I don’t like it,’ regular rider Asaf Amitay told the New York Times. ‘The women is in the back. The men are in the front.’ There are 165,000 Hasidic Jews in New York, with the majority of them living in Brooklyn, and they follow strict religious rules. They are not allowed to sit with people of the opposite sex who are not their spouse. Their roots are traced back to 18th-century Eastern Europe. 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In my opinion however this is all just a load of baloney as religion is just for the weak mind. - Nick, Malaga, Spain, 21/10/2011 13:08 Click to rate Rating 14 Report abuse Funny how if it were Muslims there would have been a whole more fuss about it - Barnes, Birmingham UK, 21/10/2011 12:32 Click to rate Rating 47 Report abuse why are so many religions so anti women? why do people right off HALF the population for being the "wrong" gender?!! as a femail this makes me so mad! this is why i am an athiest, religion is all about repressing & exerting power over people who are seen to be weaker. - nikki, london, 21/10/2011 11:48 Click to rate Rating 29 Report abuse I must say when I go to New York shortly with a group of female friends, I'm seriously tempted to taken them to Brooklyn so we can spend a couple of days travelling in the front of this bus. - Sarah, Hereford, 21/10/2011 11:35 Click to rate Rating 39 Report abuse If the men have a problem with women sitting at the front, perhaps they should leave the bus and walk. - worldatpeace, Abingdon, 21/10/2011 11:11 Click to rate Rating 39 Report abuse Jewish sexism is the same as Islamic sexism... Both outdated but lack knowledge and understanding... God (who I believe does exist) created Man & Woman, not to be dominated by one or the other but to LOVE AND CARE for each other. Many so called religious people forget that simple message in their quest for domination and power... - dabdess, Northant's, 21/10/2011 10:47 Click to rate Rating 41 Report abuse Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2051399/Bloomberg-outraged-ultra-orthodox-Jewish-bus-women-told-sit-back.html#ixzz1eQrINMjg

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