Presentation of the H.-Hypothesis from
1900 to 2006.
“Do you
now believe in the holocaust, at last?” was the first and only question of a
German judge in an appeal case against a man who had allegedly voiced doubts
concerning the official version of the treatment of convicts in the labour
camps. As the defendant answered evasively, he was immediately sentenced. The
rigid laws for “holocaust denial” in many European states provide terms of
imprisonment of up to twenty years! Recently a German politician (Axel Reitz)
was sentenced for years for committing the “hate crime” of faithfully quoting
passages from the Talmud.
In many
European countries, unprejudiced research into these matters is only possible
if the scientist carries out private studies all at his own expense and
without any grants from state institutions. In addition he places in jeopardy
his freedom, his health, his fortune, his family, and his entire way of life.
Attempted murder against revisionists is not an exception and many people that
knew too much have died under suspicious circumstances. In spite of this, it
is actually a great thing that so many individuals from different countries,
backgrounds and education, with widely varying political views and religious
believes have devoted themselves to this mission.
I owe the
information given in this report to the books of Germar Rudolf, Gerd Honsik,
Don Heddesheimer, Bruno Montoriol and to many other authors.
is supposed to be a science and therefore historical hypotheses are not
supposed to be simply “believed”, but falsified or verified by scientific
argument. I am a scientist, but I am not a martyr. Therefore I will carefully
avoid giving anybody the impression that I might doubt the official version.
Rather I wish to present actual facts to you about the history of the
presentation of the “holocaust” hypothesis and I hope you will find this to be
an interesting, if not indeed, a fascinating article on the subject.
If one
examines the various manifestations that the "holocaust" has adopted over the
years, one gets a vague and confused picture without solid shape, like a demon
emanating from a bottle. What is more, we are presented not with one big
holocaust but a multitude of widely varying stories, forming a sort of
continuum from as early as 1900 almost to the present day.
Elements of the tale of a "holocaust" go back to ancient
myths of the Jahwe cult. A prophecy would have it, Jahwe would give back
"their land" to the followers of the religion of this aggressive desert tribe
after the mythical figure of 6 million Jews had lost their lives in fire
ovens. The Zionist movement exploited this myth from it's earliest days. In
1900, the N.Y. Times reported an address made by Rabbi S. Wise at a Zionist
fund raising campaign: "There are 6 million living, bleeding, suffering
arguments for Zionism…". In 1915, the N.Y. Times knew of "…6 million Jews
endangered (by Russia, GK) in the war zone of WWI, who were enduring danger to
life, grief and misery…". In 1916 a book (published in 25.000 copies) was
distributed to the top ranks of public life and the military in the USA
entitled, "The Jews in the eastern War Zone". It claimed that the Russians
were concentrating 6 million Jews in a sort of huge prison, guarded by an army
of corrupt and brute camp guards. In those days the alleged perpetrators
changed, but constantly 6 million Jews were the victims. An exception to this
rule was the report by the London Daily Telegraph in 1916 which claimed that
Austria and Bulgaria had killed some 700,000 Jews in local churches in Serbia
by suffocation with poisonous gas and by stabbing. Notably, a nearly identical
report was published by the very same newspaper in 1942, "Germans have killed
700,000 Jews in Poland by movable gas chambers, biggest massacre in world
1919 a really heartbreaking article appeared in a Jewish US newspaper, "…6
million Jewish men and women are whirled towards the grave, ...are dying,
…crying for help, 6 million in the threatened holocaust…". Interestingly, the
headline of this article contained an antichristian religious connotation:
“The crucifixion of Jews.. must stop!”. From 1917 to 1927 a wealth of
comparable reports were published in various newspapers, especially in the
“New York Times”. The readers were informed of the incredible misery and
danger to life of mostly 6 million, sometimes four or five million Jews. These
campaigns have been seen as motivated by the Balfour declaration and the
necessity to collect money for the realization of the emigration to Palestine.
Anti-Jewish persecutions in Poland triggered the dramatic protest of Dr.
Joseph Tenenbaum, the chairman of the American Jewish Congress in 1932: [23]
"The Jewish people all over the world face a war of extinction, [...]."
In 1936 the US Peel Commission had to try to bring peace to
Palestine after heavy fighting between Arabs and Jewish militia. Before this
commission Chaim Weizmann emphatically declared that, “…6 million Jews in
Europe had to live "unwanted" and endangered as if detained in a prison…”. In
those days only some 300,000 Jews (5% of the overall figure) lived in Germany.
In 1991, Jewish officials in US newspapers accused Iraq,
and Germany of developing a new, and highly effective gas "containing Zyklon-B",
to be used in homicidal gas chambers ready "for all Jews", “6 million Jews”;
even pictures of these gas chambers were shown: The fourth or fifth
"holocaust" in this century.
alleged holocaust in 1942-1943 is therefore only one example out of several
similar accusations, but this one has strictly to be believed in by citizens
of many of the European states. Also this thesis of a “holocaust” has been
presented in ever varying versions.
So, how
did the story develop? By 1941 reports originating from the communist
underground of the
CC’s reached the US government and the Vatican about mass
murder in Auschwitz. The alleged weapon was however not “ZyclonB”, but a
sophisticated killing machine, best described as a pneumatic hammer or
compressed air gun, or alternatively, electric high voltage baths and war gas.
these accusations were totally rejected by the officials in London and
Washington. Not only had the Allies information from dozens of resistance
groups, the secret services had also broken the German radio codes and
carefully monitored any broadcasts between the CC’s and the HQ’s in Berlin.
There were also secret reports by hundreds of agents in the German controlled
territories. Even from the office of Adolf Hitler himself there was an
important flow of information to Allied secret services. In addition, the
Vatican had plenty of informants from the catholic clergymen in Poland and
other eastern countries. The Red Cross also informed the Allies about all
circumstances of the camps. So the accusations were taken as mere propaganda
by the well informed Allied administrations. However, the rumours were
enforced by Soviet atrocity propaganda, particularly after the mass murder by
the NKVD in Katyn. In the West, articles in newspapers appeared again,
especially in the NY-Times. A communication from the president of the “Joint
Intelligence Committee”, Victor Cavendish-Bentinck rejected any possibility,
that the “holocaust” story could be based on fact. Slowly however, the Western
Allies officially adopted and propagated the thesis of the mass murder, when
Soviet atrocities in the course of the occupation of the Eastern parts of
Germany became evident. This is clearly documented in a letter by a British
propaganda office to wide circles of recipients to that effect.
The first
reports about Zyklon B materialized in an official US report of 1944 according
to statements of four or five persons, who claimed to have been eye witnesses
to a mass murder by Zyclon B in gas chambers in Auschwitz. However, in the
beginning, this version of the holocaust hypothesis was merely one among
dozens. Witnesses tell about killing of Jews by the thousands in one moment by
high voltage current on huge, 7 km wide underground steel platforms. They tell
about killing by vacuum chambers, electric baths, chlorine gas, mustard gas,
steam, by burning alive, by virtual transformation of a crematorium into a
veritable gas chamber, by drowning, shooting, on heaps of burned lime in
railway wagons, suffocation by gas from shower heads or from underground
sources, or, alternatively, by gas slowly emanating from the solid Zyclon B
put into the notorious gas chambers by several different methods, by blood
poisoning, by suffocating in lorries or in buses, where the exhaust gas had
been led into the passenger compartment, by hand grenades, by boiling water,
by deadly acids, by diesel motor exhaust gas, by traceless annihilation via a
newly developed explosive in a village built exclusively for that purpose, or,
even by a German atomic bomb. All this had allegedly happened in the manner of
an industrial project according to a rigid master plan designed by one master
mind, which was transmitted to the many executive organs by some sort of
telepathy and wordless understanding.
Also the
numbers presented for the victims of the alleged mass murder differ to an
astonishing degree in various versions of the thesis. The most important
witness in the first years of the development of the thesis is the SS officer
Kurt Gerstein. He is said to have presented as many as six different versions
of his mass murder story and the highest number: 26 million victims! He
later died in mysterious circumstances in prison. As a Non-Jew, he had
obviously not heard about the importance of the 6-million figure.
torture, Auschwitz Commandant, Höß “confessed” that there were 2.5 million
victims of the “Auschwitz gas chambers”. Continued discussion of the thesis by
the revisionist authors succeeded in the reduction of the official numbers for
the Auschwitz complex by 2.5 to 3 millions, however, without equivalent
reduction of the overall victim count. Here and there each official author
reduced the numbers further in the course of time, until Jew Fritjof Meyer
eventually ended up with the equally unfounded speculation of 356,000 gas
chamber victims. Thus any of the versions presented is severely at variance
with the others. A special example of the irredescent nature of the
presentation of the holocaust-thesis is represented by the versions of the
Majdanek report. In the Nürnberg trial the “court” there found to be true that
1,7 million Jews had been killed by gas there (IMT Nürnberg, Document
USSR-93; VII, p. 214). The official and sacrosanct organ of the Majdanek
museum presented various versions, eventually a victim count of less than 5%
of the Nürnberg count. Ernst Zündel challenged these views by forensic
research and presumably will be convicted for years in these days. However a
German court (Landgericht Berlin, 8.5.1950, PKs 3/50) had found true
that, in accordance with Ernst Zündel, no gas chambers had existed in Majdanek.
Another German court (Landgericht Düsseldorf, 30.6.1981, XVII-1/75 - S)
based its sentence on the finding that mass killing in Majdanek had been done
by gas chambers. Each of these versions has to be believed in as obviously
proven beyond doubt by everybody not keen to become a martyr, except the one
based on forensic analysis.
At the
end of WWII Germany sank into chaotic coma: many millions of refugees and
displaced persons without homes formed part of a tragic odyssey. It was
impossible to tell about the level of any ethnicity. Yet the Jewish leaders
immediately came out with their precise accusation that no less than six
million of their kindred had been killed by the Germans. Later, Jewish
statistics were published disclosing that world Jewry had not been diminished
during WWII. It was not until after 1950 that six million vanished from the
Jewish statistics. If the Jewish encyclopaedias were to be believed, yet
another six-million-holocaust would have to be postulated, one that would have
been executed by Polish or Russian perpetrators in the late 40’s.
When Auschwitz was captured by Soviet troops in January
1945, a reporter officially commenting the findings in the camp did not expend
many words writing about gas chambers. He reported about some of these
chambers, but found them in a place, where later witnesses have not described
them. He did however give a detailed and comprehensive description of an
extraordinary “death production line”, where hundreds of Jews had been
murdered in minutes. Western or neutral observers were not invited, at least
no account of such a visit has come forth.
The task remained now to agree about the place where the
gas chambers would have been located. In phase one of this process in 1946, it
was decided that every CC had to posses it's own gas chamber. There are, for
example, some twenty highly differing designs and locations described for the
Dachau gas chamber. For each of these chamber versions reliable witnesses were
presented to courts and historians. However in1960, the later director of the
institute of contemporary history, Martin Broszat, made the revolutionizing
concession to the early revisionists that gas chambers had only been
discovered in the CC’s in far away Poland, which was under Communist rule and
not accessible at that time. Thus the contradictory multitude of versions told
about the Dachau gas chamber evaporated into thin air. No comment was offered
as to why the quality and reliability of witnesses for eastern gas chambers
were superior to the reliability of witnesses for the gas chambers in Dachau
and Buchenwald. There was however a fundamentalist phase three: since 1983
minor gas chambers have been introduced in some of the western CC’s. In 2002 a
leading German journalist and historian and JEW, Fritjof Meyer, officially gave up
trying to determine the location of the chambers in the Auschwitz complex and
suggested without proof, that gassings had instead been executed in two farm
houses some km away from the camps. Meanwhile there is the tendency gradually
to give up the story of homicidal gas chambers in the concentration camps.
Instead, the latest version of the thesis (told by Goldhagen) transfers the
“murder of the six million” to hundreds and thousands of unnamed and
undescribed localities, small ghettoes, and “Stetl’s”. However the backbone of
the thesis, common to all the contradictory versions remains constant: 6
million Jews, master plan, industrial manner of execution.
There is also a version of the “gas chamber thesis” ex
Any mentioning of mass murder is avoided in the memoirs of
Eisenhower, Adenauer, Churchill and others, and also the Vatican remains
silent with respect to this issue. All Vatican documents remain unpublished
for the relevant time period. The Red Cross however had access to all CC’s and
the delegates could freely and without surveillance talk to the inmates. A
comprehensive report (3 volumes) was published in 1948 about the conditions in
the camps. The delegates of the ICRC found no evidence whatever at the camps
in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all
its 1,600 pages the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas
chamber. The Red Cross Report clarifies the legitimate circumstances under
which Jews were detained in concentration camps, i.e. for security reasons
according to the principles of 1929 Geneva military convention as enemy
aliens, due to several declarations of war against Germany by international
Jewish Agencies. From the autumn of 1943 until May 1945, about 1,112,000
parcels with a total weight of 4,500 tons were sent off to the concentration
camps and supervision was regular. The report clarifies the true cause of
those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war.
Says the Report: "In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion
during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all
and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this
situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st,
1945 ... In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and
General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner (took place). …(Additional) relief could
henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorised to stay
in each camp ..." (Vol. III, p. 83). The ICRC states that food supplies ceased
at this time due to the Allied bombing of German transportation, and in the
interest of interned Jews they had protested on March 15th, 1944 against "the
barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies".
Look at this
memorial-plate from before 1990
Look at how the
memorial plate looked after 1990
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