Saturday, December 29, 2012

Economic Disasters - All Jewish Creations

The New Stürmer, Year 2003
Is every Abraham, Isaac, Ruth and Judith responsible for the suffering of the world? Yes, they have not protested against the evil their Jewish leaders do to us. We must hold all Jews responsible since none of them have said: "Do not attack these people!"

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans,
I do not intend to bring information on all economic disasters of our times in this article, I will just refer to some.
Over the years — no, let us say centuries -- our world has been forced to live with economic disasters, not created by our racial kinsmen -- white Christians -- but by the vermin living off our blood, the Jews. At the beginning of this article let me give you a story about the Rothschild family in London. Before the Battle of Waterloo, the head of the Rothschilds of London approached the man responsible for distributing information regarding the outcome of the battle with Napoleon. The Rothschilds wanted a false message regarding the outcome to be signalled to London. The Rothschilds had their own signals, but needed the official signals to be falsified. In the beginning the man responsible did not want to comply with this wish of the Jew, but after the promise of money and fame the signal man said he would do as the Jew wanted -- send a false message to London, but they also agreed that some hours later the correct message would be sent. (At that time messages were sent using signal flags. Even over long distances signals could be sent, using telescopes.) London got the false message: Napoleon had won. The stocks on the London stock exchanges dropped. You all know who bought all the stocks, the Rothschilds. When finally the correct message came, the Rothschilds could bank a tremendous profit. People cried, "We have lost our money!" The Rothschilds’ response was: "No, your money is not lost -- somebody else has now got it."
I am sure the Jews will tell you how smart the Rothschilds were. If you ask me this was not a question of being smart, but of how devious the Jews are. And yes, even little Abraham and Ester, ordinary Jews, must be held responsible for that fraud -- they have not taken the side of those who were swindled of their money.

The Twentieth Century
In 1694, the Bank of England was set up and the national Debt Institute secured for the Jewish moneylenders first priority on the taxes of England for repayment of interest on their loans. The right to print money was also transferred from the Crown to this "Bank of England."
In 1913 the Jews infiltrated the USA’s financial system and, by blackmailing President Wilson and by subverting a few members, persuaded the US Congress into adopting a system -- designed by the Jews -- that took away from Congress the constitutional right to coin money. This way, the Jewish bankers were granted total domination over the United States’ finances and consequently over the world.

Russia/Soviet Union
After the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, a revolution financed partly by some Jewish bankers in New York and partly by robbery from Russian banks, the Jews got hold of the wealth of Russia. Robbing of banks has throughout the last century been a business of Jewish mobsters -- the mobsters before 1930 -- robberies of banks belonging to Christians, never Jewish-owned ones.
In Russia the Bolsheviks, who were led by Jews, after coming to power had to pay back the money lent to them by Jews in New York. This they did by selling off grain, harvested by Russian farmers, on the world market. This led to the first famine in Russia -- a famine requiring global aid. This aid came from various European countries.
When later the farmers of Russia would not give their farmlands for free to the Soviet Republic, first Lenin and later Stalin started to kill and imprison farmers; those not killed were sent to Siberia. After the farmlands had been taken over and the Bolsheviks under their Jewish leaders were farming, the harvest dropped and the people of old Russia experienced their second disaster. This disaster, as the one some years earlier, led to the death of millions of Russians. By 1930 the farms operated pretty well, but food was scarce in the Soviet Union.

By 1929 the Jews started their attack on the farmers of the USA. Jewish-owned banks allowed people to borrow money to buy stocks on the stock exchange -- people could borrow up to 90 percent of the value of the stocks they bought.
The Federal Reserve of New York issued an edict that the re-discount rate to small banks was to be raised, and raised dramatically -- from the historic minimal, 2 percent, to a massive 8 percent! The small and independent banks which had lent out money at an interest rate of 6 percent to their costumers would have lost money if they had not asked the farmers for repayment of their loans. Since many farmers could not pay back their loans, a lot of them lost their farms, and consequently a lot of independent banks went into bankruptcy.
Josef Stalin
This happened at the same time the Soviets, under the Jew Stalin, sold grain on the market at prices less than the cost of production and transport. This led to a catastrophe for farmers not only in the USA but all over the western world. Since the farmers could not sell their products, they could not buy products from the various engineering companies which in turn led to a stop in production, mass unemployment, bankruptcies and consequently the disaster at the New York Stock Exchange. Since the people who had borrowed money to buy stocks could not sell the stocks and pay down their loans, banks and the stock exchange "dropped dead."
The economic disaster in the USA was not helped by the Jewish President F. D. Roosevelt -- he had to do as his kindred, the Jewish bank owners, told him.
One country under one leader was not struck by the Jewish-created crises: Germany. If you go to my web site and click on The Third Reich you could read how Hitler took Germany out of crises. Hitler did not use armament as the Jews have been telling you for over 60 years, Hitler said the solution was for German industry to produce goods for Germany, not import goods the country could produce herself. Roosevelt could have done so too, but his Jewish kindred did not allow him.
Germany had to pay a tough price for not following the Jewish route, i.e., import and borrow from Jewish banks. The western world could have helped Germany before 1939 had the leaders of western countries said "NO!" to the Jews as they forced all countries to dance to the Jewish bankers’ tune. Unfortunately none of the western politicians except Franco had the guts to say no, they were all chickens dancing to the Jewish fiddlers.

The Armageddon of the 1990s
Between 1945, after Germany and the German people had lost the war which the Jews had forced upon them, and 1990, many Jews made money attacking various currencies in Europe and Asia. Best known of these Jewish criminals is George Soros. If you look up Soros in any Jewish or lemming encyclopaedia you will see Soros referred to as a philanthropist -- to Jews any criminal giving money to Jews or Jewish causes would be a philanthropist. To me, Soros and the likes of him are criminals.
During the late 1980s and all through the ‘90s, banks all over the western world have given people loans -- banks have even palmed loans onto their customers, loans the customers did not need. If we look back in time this is exactly what happened by the end of the ’20s and the early ‘30s -- before the crash of the stock market. And a disaster is starting all over again, just look at South America and what is happening there. All over the western world the stock exchanges dropped by the end of 1980s.

South America
All countries in South America had a fairly stable economy, but the economies were based on the Jewish system -- no real value behind the money printed.
In order to keep the New York Stock Exchange from melting down before the last election in the USA, various Jewish banks in the summer of 2002 pulled money out of many countries in South America. Result: the currencies in the whole region went down. First were Argentina and Uruguay, then Paraguay. Now Brazil is starting to fail with its rotten system -- all to prevent the Jews’ own backyard, the Jew York Stock Exchange from melting totally.
For the last three years the Stock Exchange has lost points to an extent not seen since 1929. To help the Jewish rotten system, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, Jew Allan Greenspan, has dropped the interest rate in the USA to below 2 percent, but still the Stock Exchange keeps dropping. All this while a former employee of Soros, Arminio Fraga, is president of the Brazilian Central Bank. Do not tell me the Jews are not behind what is happening in South America, where the currency of various countries has dropped more than 30 percent over the last 7 months. Who do you think has benefitted??? The darnn Jews.
All this has happened in spite of the various national banks’ efforts to stop money floating out of the region. But they never stopped the Jews moving their money out; what the banks stopped was allowing ordinary people access to their money to buy food.

What Needs to be Done?
First, all countries in South America must get off the globalization wagon and start producing what the people need to survive. Then they must stop the import of all goods which can be produced at home. But most of all the banks and the politicians must agree on a new political system -- a system which is for the people of a country and against internationalists like the Jew Soros and his ilk.
If the countries of South America agree on a way out, they can make it -- it has been done before. Germany managed to in the 1930s. And finally the countries of South America must throw out all foreign companies -- they are either owned or controlled by Jews. If any of the countries need to sell goods they can trade them between each other at a fixed rate, just like Germany did some 70 years ago.
Why can this succeed??? The Jews cannot force the US Congress to start a war on all the countries of South America. What reasons would they give??

Could This Have Been Stopped Earlier?
Yes it could. Had all the people in leading positions in all western countries read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion they could have stopped the Jews. All of what the Jews have done over the last century was described in the Protocols.

What Can Each of Us Do?
Stop buying things we do not need . That is, buy only food and clothes one really needs, and most of all save money. If you do that you will send a message that you do not trust the politicians and the Jewish bankers. If you need anything MAKE SURE it is completely produced in your own country. And send letters and postcards to your politicians telling them you do not support their eagerness to follow the Jewish bankers and Jewish fellow politicians.
Had the US politicians done their job ENRON, WorldCom and other US companies would not have been cleaned out by the Jews last year, 2002.

In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and swindle, resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael

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