Saturday, December 29, 2012

Enemy of the World

The New Stürmer, Year 2003
Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to mortality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general."

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans,

Dan Rather                               President Saddam Hussein 

Last week we all watched CBS journalist Dan Rather’s interview with President Saddam Hussein of  Iraq. It was an interesting interview, it showed us an other Saddam than the one US President Bush Jr has portrayed. President Bush Jr has shown us a despot of a man, a man nobody wants to have as his friend. After the interview I would like to call President Hussein my friend, I would not want to be an acquaintance of President Bush Jr. During the interview President Hussein stressed Iraq was not an enemy of the USA nor of the Americans.   He even said he wanted to meet President Bush Jr in an open TV-debate sent via satellite to the world. In this debate he hoped to prove to the world that he was not an aggressor and to show who the real aggressor was.
Sadly for us, the White House does not want such a debate. Are they afraid the world might see how stupid President Bush Jr is???   In an open debate the participants cannot use any speeches written by secretaries.
President Hussein was asked - as you all know - if he wanted to go into exile. The only answer any man with honour could give was no, and President Hussein said NO!
Further, we the audience were told what atrocities the Iraqi people have been through over the last 12 years with bombing from the US and the UK. During these years and before, no attacks have been launched from Iraq on the USA or the UK. Neither have any atrocities been carried out by Iraq on the USA nor the UK.

     US-President Georg W. Bush Jr.
Yes, President Hussein might be looked upon as a dictator, but my question to you is:  Who dictates to President Bush Jr????  Is the US president acting on his own or is he told by anyone to act as he does??
We - the free people - know who dictates to President Bush Jr. We know who want to conquer Iraq, we know who want to conquer the world: The jews.
Iraq, a country the size of France or California, is said by President Bush Jr to be a threat to the USA, the largest and strongest country in the world. How could a relatively small country be a threat to the world’s only superpower? During the 1930s the Jews of the USA said the same about Hitler and Germany. The only thing Germany and Hitler wanted was to be left alone and the opportunity to rebuild after the country had been driven to the dogs by Jews and their lemmings.
In view of the interview with President Hussein it is important to ask the question: Why does President Bush Jr want to attack Iraq? Why does he want to remove President Hussein from his presidency? Is it because Israel needs oil or because he himself wants to increase his wealth? We will know that after the attack on Iraq. It could even be because Jews need another country to provide with opium.
Over the last few months we have learned that President Hussein has bombed and poisoned his own people. Such behaviour is bad, but a Jew, Abe Lincoln, was the first to do so. And today another Jew, Ariel Sharon, is bombing and killing children in Palestine - but President Bush Jr does not threaten Israel with invasion. If it is OK for Sharon and the Jews to fight terrorists in Israel it must be OK for President Hussein to fight the terrorists of Iraq too.

Back to CBS’s interview with President Hussein.
President Hussein to me looked like a reasonable man, a man who was willing to do all in his power to protect his country and country-men. He appeared like an honest man, a man with dignity and honour. Such a man is by my standards a real leader.
Dan Rather defended his interview with President Hussein on Larry King. Here two Jews discussed what the Iraqi president said. They were both upset about Iraq not wanting to destruct some missiles with a range over 150 km. Iraq needs weapons to defend herself. Iraq knows as you and I know: the USA and the UK are about to attack. Any country about to be attacked needs weapons for defence.
In the eyes of the Jews it would be best if all countries they want to take over had no defence.  Just look at what happens in Palestine.  Here the Jews use tanks, armoured helicopters and the latest weapons in fighting stone throwing children.  This is what Jews call a just war - Jews have weapons, their opponents have none.
I trust you all to make up your own mind about the interview with President Hussein, whether he told the truth or not. But please also reflect on the way the Jews are attacking Iraq.
In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and swindle, resistance must be a national duty.
 Heil og sael
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