Saturday, December 29, 2012


The New Stürmer
Year 1999
Dear friends and fellow Aryans!
"It is my profound opinion that Judaism must perish"
"Remember, the Jews declared war on Germany on March 24, 1933"
Look at what the Jewish "New York Times" of June 26, 1999 printed, this is part of their interview with the historian David Irving. Irving said: "There never were any gassing or mass killing in Auschwitz!"    Do you think this Jewish newspaper would have printed Irving's statement if they ever doubted the correctness of his statement? I say NO! They know there never were any gassing or mass killing at Auschwitz, that is why they printed what Irving said!!!

Some of you might have heard that Europe have had many scandals in their meat industry, especial in Britain and Belgium. Now the truth behind the scandals have been revealed: Jews from Russia is behind! Jewish maffia organizations have sold contaminated articles of food to various farmers. It all started in Britain with the BSE or CREUTZFELDTS-JACOBS illness. Then one had the scandals in Belgium with contaminated chickens (dioxin in the meat). Now 250 pig farms are closed down - dioxin poison. All this just because the EU- politicians do not want to stop the Jewish maffia.

I hope I am not offending any of my friends in England, Wales, Scotland or any other inhabitants of the Anglo Saxon Islands by what I am about to say in this letter. I hope you see that I am avoiding a word which one usually uses in speaking about the people of the Anglo- Saxon Islands. Some months ago I promised myself never to use that word after I realised what it meant. When you read the explanation below you will also probably relinquish the use of that word: that word is British, and it is a Hebrew word meaning "covenant man or conspiracy man".

Do you want to say that your friend or neighbour is such a man? Do you want to be one? I do not want to call any friends or acquaintance of mine by such a name, nor do I want any of my friends to be known as one.
I will never call the Aryan people still living in those islands by a Jewish descended word. This in spite of the lack of Aryanism among all English political leaders since Disraeli. Even the lack of Aryanism among ordinary Englishmen/women will never bring me to call these fellow European by their Jewish name. Should I use the Jewish name on the inhabitants or the homeland of the Anglo Saxons it will be to describe the Jewish proselytes living there or the homeland of those traitors, never the true Aryans living on the Anglo Saxon Islands.
Further, I will never call a man with the condescending Jewish word gentleman. Why use a Hebrew word to describe a fellow human being when I can use an Aryan word like man, Herr, mann/Mann? (mann is Nordic for man, Mann is German for man.) The word gentleman is a transcription of the Jewish word for all non-Jews: gentile. Do you want to be named "Non-Jew"? I do not, I prefer to be called Aryan or Teuton - which is what I am. The famous Norwegian poet Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsson always said he was a Teuton and he was proud of being one. The Norwegians politicians of today don't want to remember Bjørnsson as a Teuton, they only want to remember him as the one who wrote beautiful stories, and dramas and the National Hymn of Norway, "Ja, vi elsker".
By accepting their description of us we bow to them, and that is something we shall not do. THEY SHALL BOW TO US!!!
Ever since the Jews reentered the Anglo Saxon Islands during Cromwell's rule they have been destroying the once proud homeland of the Aryans.
They have taken over the banks in every Aryan country - they have even taken over our schools and our governments.
This must stop!!!
Every Aryan must do his/her duty, we must tell the world who they are and what they are doing. But how can we do this?
How can we stop it?
Speak to your relatives, your fellow workers, your friends? It's too little a task.  Try to write letters to your local newspapers? None will be published. Publish your own brochures/books? It's too expensive for most of us, and we risk being imprisoned.
Try this:
I think that banknotes are a useful tool. Yes, banknotes! You may laugh, but think about it. A banknote is the handiest thing and something which is used by everybody. It passes from hand to hand, dozens of times a day. If you write a motto or a revisionist sum-up phrase on each banknote which happens into your hands, you raise enormously the chance of spreading the truth among our people. Just keep a pen in your pocket and write your mottos/slogans on banknotes before passing them on, especially into automatic machines, if you're afraid someone may refuse them.
Dozens of people will see your motto in a day, hundreds in a week, and so on. Someone else may also do it himself and start writing the same phrases on other banknotes. Of course the majority won't care about what's written on them but the rate of those who start thinking about your motto rises immensely. And you never know what effect you might have. People may quickly notice and keep in mind what they have read, just the way occult advertising works. It's a small thing to do but do it for years and suggest it to your comrades and you can be sure you will have done your part in the battle against the Jewish monster.
By exposing them on the banknotes we force them and their lackeys to either make new notes or let our writings stay in circulation - that is, when they discover what we have done, but until they discover it the writing is passed on to a lot of people.
And the banknote is one of the things the Jews love. Think about berating them with the thing they love most of all in the world - notes, money.
Not just the truth about the "holocaust" may be transmitted in this way, but also the truth about their undermining of our Aryan culture. Eventually they will have to do something about these truths being spread throughout the world. They cannot afford to let such things continue - they will have to start up their own propaganda - which we must be prepared to meet.
I know that defacing money is an offence in many countries, but who will they imprison? Write in capital letters and use Indian ink. I will be looking forward to reading about the results. They won't like this!
If you agree then let us begin!
Heil og sael

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