Saturday, December 29, 2012

Quo Vadis Iraq?

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans,

Now, some 40 days after the end of the war on Iraq, the truth seems to reveal itself. The JSA is in power and is using it to intimidate Iraqis.  

The JSA did not find any weapons of mass destruction. So their allegations of the existence of such weapons before the war were big fat Jewish lies. They did not find any moveable laboratories for production of such weapons either. But we knew that, since such laboratories also were mentioned during the Nürnberg trials. (As I told you.)

The JSA wants all UN sanctions on Iraq lifted. Why?? So the JSA can start doing business. Thank God, Russia and China want the UN to send inspectors to inspect before any sanctions are lifted. By doing so Russia and China can prove to the world the JK and the JSA were lying when they said they had proof of the existence of weapons of mass destruction. There are more reasons why Russia and China do not want the sanctions lifted. They want a part of the reconstruction business and they want the money they lent to Iraq during Saddam's government.

Iraqi Oil

Iraq and Iraqis are learning what it means to be occupied by Jews. I trust you all remember my mail to you called  "War on  Iraq —  Why, and Who Benefits From It?"  In that mail I said the JSA would take over the Iraqi oil wells.  Those of you who were able to read the May 17, 2003, edition of the Washington Post could read what Philip J Corroll who is an adviser to the Iraqi Oil Department said: "Iraq should not be a member of OPEC!" Further, Mr Corroll said: "Iraq would benefit from maximum export and production of oil for many years to come."   I am not sure maximum oil production and export would benefit the Iraqis or Iraq, what I know is that an Iraq not being a member of OPEC would benefit the JSA.   They would then be in a position to dictate the oil price worldwide and what is more important they would control in what currency the oil should be sold. We know Saddam sold Iraqi oil in EUROs before the war, which was a hard blow to the sick JSA economy.

Before "getting" the post of adviser to the Iraqi Oil Department Mr Corroll was employed by Royal Dutch Shell. I could disclose to you: Mr Corroll would not have been employed by the Iraqi Oil Department if Iraq were not occupied by the JSA.

The Iraqi State

The Jew Jay Gardner was replaced by L Paul Bremer because Gardner did not act fast enough to bring Iraqis to understanding they were not a free country. Further Mr Gardner was only expected to stay in Iraq while Jews stole antiques and artifacts from Iraqi museums.

The new ruler, Mr Bremer, will be in Iraq for the indefinite duration. He will lead Iraq into the JSA culture of McDonalds, soap TV and all the other Jewish shit the JSA have to export.

On May 17 we read in the New York Post that the JK and the JSA had decided to occupy Iraq  indefinitely. And the New York Post knows what the Jews want. I am not surprised. I was surprised when the JSA started to talk about democratic elections in Iraq with Iraqis both in exile and within the country. Such elections will first take place after the Iraqi people have learned the Pax Judeaica and what it means to an occupied country.  How will the Iraqi people react, you say?  How can they react with the JSA military having full control?  A country cannot be stripped of her belongings as long as her inhabitants are sane. Stripping of a country after a war is typical of the JSA and the JK. Just look at what they did to Germany after WW2.  Patents worth over 10 billion dollars were stolen after WW2. Those thefts were carried out during the first three years after May 1945 and while Germany was occupied.  After the thefts were completed the JSA allowed Germans to elect a "government". I know Mr Bremer has said the NYP does not know what it is talking about when it comes to a future election, and when, in Iraq. I am however afraid the NYP does know and Bremer does not want to tell the truth. There is no doubt - Mr Bremer as well as Garner are so close to the Oberjuden one cannot see any difference between them.

This JSA behaviour regarding governing Iraq has changed because the Jews are afraid conservative Moslems would be taking over before the Jews have brainwashed all Iraqis.   The Jews are afraid Iraq could turn into a new Iran - and they did not send American and British soldiers into Iraq to end up with a new Iran.

The Oberjuden want Iraq turned into a puppet state of Israel. A state where Jews can be kings, a state which will support Israel's hunger for power over all Moslem states in the Middle East.

War on Iraq Won ?

I would not have boasted over a victory over Iraq if I were President Bush Jr. Iraq was not a militarily strong country, neither did it have modern weapons. Its citizens were weak, caused by lack of food and medicine and equipment - due to UN sanctions - and still its citizens were willing to fight. Iraq fought the trigger happy JSA soldiers with dignity. I have spoken to a few Waffen SS soldiers about the JSA trigger happiness. They said such happiness comes from lack of confidence and because the soldiers are afraid.

After the war

In context with what happened in Iraq after the fall of Baghdad it is interesting to know that the JSA's soldiers managed to secure the Oil Department, but none of the other official buildings. They did not secure the National Museum nor the National Library. Why?   Because the people behind the war did not want Iraqis to be able to study their true history.   Who were behind the looting and burning of Iraqi official buildings? The same race of people who once set fire to the Alexandria Library - the Jews.  According to the New York Times over 500 Zionist agents were active in Baghdad before the city was taken by the JSA. They were behind the looting and everything that happened. Many of these agents were Jews who had lived in Iraq for a long time. According to the NYT a lot of the looted artifacts and antiques have turned up in the JSA, Israel, Japan and Switzerland.    Interesting, to learn that stolen goods end up in the robber state of Israel, don't you think?   Does this speak for Jews behind the looting? In my eyes, yes!
The 500 Zionist agents were not in Baghdad on vacation, they were there to  steal whatever they could.

I am sure you have heard about Saddam's son stealing money, foreign  currency, from the National Bank just days before JSA soldiers took Baghdad.  Why should Saddam's son steal money from Iraq just days before the end?  Had he wanted money he could have taken the money long before the war started. No, that money and all the other things stolen in Iraq as JSA troops entered the city were stolen by the kings of thieves, Jews.

The Germans have a saying that goes: There'd be half as many thieves if the  Jews were not the handlers.

What the JSA soldiers further did not manage was to clean up after the  bombing.  Now they are asking the world to help. This is typical for the JSA.  They did not clean up in Germany after WW2 either.

Economic Chaos

Iraq is experiencing economic chaos - chaos caused by lack of Iraqi money  and plenty of US dollars.  

Who do you think benefits from this chaos???   Jews.
I leave you with this. Hoping to hear from you regarding this mail.

In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and swindle, resistance must be  a national duty.

Heil og sael

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