Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Treason of the Resistance
Commentary by Dr. Gunther Kümel
It seems almost unbelievable: WW2 could absolutely have been won by Germany!
The freshly-baked Wehrmacht (German Defense Force) was admittedly most incompletely armed at the time of the declaration of war by the Western Powers. Reserves of ammunition for some weapons were only available for a few days, altogether only for four weeks. Not a single heavy tank existed (Suworow). The multiplicity of the actual developed „miracle weapons“ arrived only late or not at all at the front. The superiority of the Allies and their worldwide strategic reserves was overwhelming.
Really decisive though for loosing was the widespread treason at the highest places. The „Resistance“ (really: „Treason“) has hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dead and maimed to their conscience, the temporary loss of the Reich, and the suffering of the German Nation from the terrible consequences of war. After the “ceasefire”, in the middle of “peace”, the Allies have murdered many more Germans, than have become their victims during the war. The war was obviously waged by the Allies with the aim to decimate the Germans and destroy the Reich. 
Some sources refer to Martin Bormann as the traitor in the Führerhauptquartier (Fuehrer Headquarters).

These theses were held by historians up to the 1990’s. When the Russian archives then finally were accessible, one was able to identify the retired first lieutenant Dr. Wilhelm Scheidt, the adjutant of General Scherff, the representative for military historiography, as the main traitor in the Fuehrer Headquarter. He was the only one with access to information without exception which had been transmitted to the Russians. Scheidt had joint the resistance against Hitler at the beginning of the Russia campaign and maintained, inter alia, contacts to the “Red Orchestra”. He penned a dissertation about Goethe, therefore the alias “Werther”.

In any case, as well as defense, as also Gestapo, SS and SD (security service), had committed treason. Several high officers (amongst them General Field Marshal Paulus) reported after the war that they had been
interrogated by the chief of the Gestapo, chief section commander Heinrich Müller. He had worn Russian uniform. Müller was officially assumed missing since 1945. After his activity for the NKVD he was thought of having defected to the Western Allies, but this is only a rumor. The acting FBI-director Robert Mueller is supposed to be a direct descendant of Heinrich Müller. A striking similarity of both men can’t be denied (see below).


In diverse sources the alias “Lucy” appears repeatedly.
Under “Lucy” Rudolf Rössler from Kaufbeuren was burrowed, who was active in Berlin as a director of a publishing house from 1930. He fled to Switzerland in 1934 and founded the publishing house “Vita Nova”. He relayed the information sent by “Werther” from Berlin via Lucerne to Moscow.

The source of the 771 mini picture films with 36 pictures each, which document the deployment plans of the OKW (the German Armed Forces High Command) completely, has not been clarified. They are stored up to today at the Koblenz Military Archive and prove that there were quite a number of traitors in the FHQ (Fuehrer Head Quarter) and in the individual departments. Without the active support of communication and other defenses, and the Gestapo, the treason of such extend would have been unthinkable.
A question of War guilt
About the real extend of treason in their own ranks very few people, including historians, have a clear or even only an approximating conceivability.

The “Red
Orchestra” is generally know; nobility, officers and intellectuals were part of it; 68 of them were caught. More than 500 reports of treason on tactical and operational, as well as strategic plans of the German Armed Forces, troop relocations, armaments, supply transports, and attack dates were intercepted via radio transmissions.

Still weightier was the treason by the “Red Three”, who were led by the National Socialism hating Rudolf Rössler for religious reasons in Switzerland. Through this grouping practically everything was betrayed what had been determined in the Fuehrer Head Quarter, in the Armed Forces High Command (OKW), and in the Army High Command (OKH). The soviet general staff practically sat with their help in the most secrete meetings in the Fuehrer Head Quarters. Often the Russians knew the schemes earlier than the German front troops, so that they could easily prepare retaliatory and defense actions. For instance, the “operation citadel” was practically revealed from A to Z, by which the German tank troops had their “backbone broken” at the Kursk Bulge in the summer of 1943. “Operation citadel” can also be called the last German offensive at the Eastern front.

Similarly ill-fated was the activity of the “Group Hirse” in Japan, which was situated in the German Embassy in Tokyo and whose most important man was Dr. Richard Sorge. He revealed to the Soviets that Japan wouldn’t enter the war against the USSR on the side of Germany, wherefore some 2 million rested and extremely well equipped Russian soldiers in winter gear were able to be redirected to the crucial fronts before Moscow, Leningrad, and Rostov.
We still don’t know who Rössler’s informant was – we will never find out. He possibly belonged to the “Black Chapel”, whose members throughout originated from the Zossener Great General Staff (part of the OKH) in Bendler Street and consisted of more than 30 high officers, mostly generals. But to this circle belonged also many diplomats and members of industry and capital. They had close contact with the leader of the German Defense, admiral Canaris, about whom and his later general Oster the Western Powers had been most precisely informed. The introduction of the Jewish star, the deportations into camps, and certain other discriminations against the German Jews, were pushed through by Canaris on advice from Zionists (Lekarsky) in connection with alleged “security interests” against the resistance of the National Socialist Hierarchy. Oster, at the time still major, revealed the attack dates of the Norwegian operation and the France campaign in 1940. Canaris personally persuaded Franco not to enter the war at the side of Germany, by which Gibraltar remained in British hands and Rommel’s Africa Corps had it’s supply lines cut off by the British Air and Naval Forces.

All of them had one thing in common, which one of them, who advocates the “reputation” of these “gentlemen” still today, formulated in the following words: “To prevent under all circumstances and with all means this success of Hitler, even when it meant the death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians, and also with the defeat of the Third Reich, was our most pressing task”.
(Fabrian von Schlabbrendorff in: “Offiziere gegen Hitler” (Officers against Hitler), page 38).
He hasn’t comprehended until today what the former German Federal President Dr. Eugen Gerstenmaier perceived – though quite late: “What we didn’t want to realize in the German Resistance during the war, we have learned afterwards in particular: That this war just wasn’t fought against Hitler, but against Germany”. (from FAZ [Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung], 21. March 1975)

What von Schlabbendorff expresses neutrally with “at the cost of a grave defeat of the Third Reich” really meant the death of hundreds of thousands of German soldiers in traps, ambushes, pockets of encircled troops, and in grueling captivity. When the enemy knows everything which the High Command intends to do, when their own counterintelligence doesn’t work for Germany but for its enemy, then there is no question that the winning of the war was impossible.
It is an exclusive merit of the German soldiers at the time, and this generation in itself, that in this war the German troops in history were initially able to secure unprecedented successes, and it took more than 50 states, and that only after 6 years, to wrestle us down.


The French historians Pierre Accoce and Pierre Quet have expressed it thus: “These officers not only fought Hitler but also his mysticism, that of the swastika. This double aim of their struggle will push Germany into the abyss – they are sure of this! They don’t cease in spite of it to strike everywhere, until they know that Germany will bleed to death of its wounds. Without avail it looks for the murdering hands, without avail it unbends, fighting against the blood loss. They strike unrelentingly, until Germany is dying. Only then the arms of these “officers” will grow weary. They will look at each other standing on the ruins and part, never to see each other again. They have lost the fatherland but they got rid of the “monstrousness”. (from the book of these French historians with the title “Moscow knew everything”, page 64)

The French though idealize here something – very often it’s only the hurt feelings of men who had lost clout after the fall of the German Kaiserreich had taken place in 1918 and who saw themselves disappointed in a Restauration of the old status and their hoped for privileges through National Socialism, since in National-Socialist Germany not line of decent, but merit was judged on. This surely is also the reason why so many traitors had names of nobility and were found in officer corps, in the defense and in the diplomatic service, which gave ideal options for news transmissions through their international connections.

Besides this, traitor circles came from politicized Christianity and – only very rarely – from Marxism of social-democratic and communistic character. The latter didn’t occupy influential positions, and there existed otherwise no mass basis for Marxism because of the social reforms of National Socialism, and by then the soldiers own experience of the shambles in the “worker’s paradise” of Soviet-Russia healed the last of them from his utopian delusion.

From the same sources traitors could arise today, and that’s why an extensive, historical consideration is so important. We then know from this, that whenever ideologies and religions alien to the (German) Nation are imposed, the power of resistance will be weakened. A realization of the aims and needs of the German Nation then is not possible. If some says: “First my class, Church, trade group, my social standing, my privileges – only then my Nation”, he is our enemy then! Because then he foments the class struggle, culminating in civil war, which paralyses us. Only when we tear down the enforced barriers which separate us Germans from Germans will we gain back – the Reich!

Treason in the Armed Forces High Command (OKW)

To use perpetrators by conviction as spies is cheap and moreover exceedingly dependable. This became quite clear in the Armed Forces High Command: From the middle of this headquarter the Soviets received precise information of all sorts during the whole time of the war. Also about the preparations for the last great offensive in Russia against the Kursk Bulge, the “operation citadel” in the summer of 1943.

In the summer of 1942 a spy transmitter working for the Soviets in Warsaw was located and eliminated. This might have been reassuring for some troop leaders of the German Armed Forces. After all, these two spy agents, former Polish officers, had supplied the Russians with such excellent messages, that no one dared to submit a report to Hitler. But the General Staff of the Army had far greater worries at the time. Ten years after the end of World War 2 Colonel-General Halder, up to 1942 Chief of General Staff, formulated these thus: “Nearly all German actions of aggression were immediately after their planning by the Armed Forces High Command (OKW) known by the enemy through treason by a member of the OKW, before they even landed on my desk. To jam this source hasn’t been possible throughout the whole time of the war”.

What this means becomes clear when one reads in Russian documents how pertinent the German plans for the battle at Kursk had been presented. There it says for instance: “The High Command of the Front presented a report on the 21st April to headquarters of the discovered intentions of the enemy for summer 1943 in the following way: ‘The enemy is preparing an offensive and will undertake concentric attacks from the area of Belgorod-Borissowka towards North-East and from the area of Orjol towards South-East to surround our troops West of the line Belgorod-Kursk. The enemy will try further on to repeat its thrust towards the South-East into the back of the South-West front, to then turn to the North, or he will desist from a push towards the South-East this year and advance towards the North-East after concentric blows from the areas Belgorod and Orjol to skirt Moscow’.” In another passage it says, not less profoundly informed: “Since the enemy however prepared very strong blows aiming for decision-making, the Headquarter gathered large reserves at the Kursk Bulge, which was not only planned for defense, but for…an offensive”.        

Without ever indicating from where the information came, the Soviet documentations point out with ill-concealed pride their extent: “Although the enemy endeavored very much to keep his offensive secrete, the Soviet High Command discovered it nevertheless in time. The reconnaissance was successful in not only ascertaining the broad idea and the possible attack direction, but also the grouping, it’s composition and strength in numbers, the likely reserves, and the dates of their arrivals, and finally also the point of time of the beginning of the offensive”.

And in another reference: “The Front High Command pointed out that the enemy mainly depended on tank and air power, and proposed already now to work out a plan for a large air operation and then destroy the enemy air force on it’s airfields. Additionally one had to be thoroughly prepared to ward off massive tank attacks of the enemy and destroy them”. 

But also stregth and composition of the German forces were known to the Russians into the last detail:
„From Velikie Luki up to the Kursk Bulge the Soviet fronts were opposed by the army group „Mitte“, with the 3rd  tank army, the 4th  army, the 2nd tank army, as well as the 9th and 2nd army. The army group consisted of over 87 divisions, amongst them 11 tank and mechanized infantry divisions, and one brigade...In the area strip of these two fronts and opposite the middle and the left wing of the Voronezh Front the army group South with the 4th tank army, as well as the re-established 6th army defended themselves. The army group South had totally over 43 divisions, amongst them 13 tank and mechanized infantry divisions to it’s disposal...The German High Command had only some eight divisions for the whole of the Soviet-German front for reserves.
At the beginning of the summer-autumn-campaign, 196 divisions, amongst them 26 tank and mechanized infantry divisions, of the 294 divisions of the German Army, were deployed against the Red Army. These were about 70% of the land forces. Beyond theses 15 divisions, amongst them one tank division and six brigades of the Finnish army, five divisions and two brigades of Hungarian troops, nine Romanian divisions, two Slovakian divisions, one of them motorized, and a Spanish division, were located at the Soviet-German front, resp. the occupied area. With them the Soviet troops were opposed by 232 divisions”.

Individual perpetrator or Group?

But the Soviets knew even more: They learned of detailed military plannings which were known only by an infinitesimal small circle of people. Wherefrom? They knew “Fuehrer’s orders”, even before they reached the intended addressees. Wherefrom? They were most precisely informed about the plans and dates, and main points of armament. By whom? The most secrete orders from the Fuehrer headquarter were immediately transmitted to them. How was that possible? The spy had to be located in the OKW (Army High Command) – so it logically was assumed. And this in a relative small circle of people. But who should or would be implied with these unimaginable enormities? Was it an individual perpetrator? Was it a group?         

Quite a number of authors and historians have asked theses questions and searched for answers without ever finding a satisfying one. Two if them will be quoted here: Paul Carell with his book “Verbrannte Erde“ ( Burned Earth), (Ullstein-Verlag, Frankfurt/M, 1966), and Bernd Ruland with „Die Augen Moskaus“ (The Eyes of Moscow), (Schweizer Verlagshaus, Zürich 1973).

Paul Carell documents, with which precision the Russians asked questions of the middle men in Germany, and with which precision these were answered. Here Moscow radios:
“To Dora – Where are the rearward defense positions of the Germans along the line South-West of Stalingrad and along the river Don located? – Director.”
A few hours later:
“To Dora – Where are now the 11th and 18th tank divisions and the 25th motorized division located, which were deployed earlier in the front section at Bryansk? – Director.”
During the encircling of the 6th army at Stalingrad:
“Send information about the concrete actions intended to be taken by the OKW in connection with the advance of the Red Army at Stalingrad.”
A week later:
“The most important task for the near future is the most precise pinpointing of all German reserve divisions behind the Eastern front.”
And another two weeks later:
“Werther is asked to provide clearly how many reserve divisions will be established from the reserves by 1st January. Answer urgently required.“   

These radio messages are authentic! They were one and all answered. They were also intercepted by the Germans, but only deciphered later for most parts. The mentioned cover names are now also decrypted. ‚Dora’ stood for the chief of the Soviet spy net in Switzerland, the born Hungarian Alexander Rado; ‚Director’ was the under cover name of the leader of the military news service in Moscow.     

Werther finally seems to have been the most important figure, the mysterious spy agent with the news straight from the OKW and the Fuehrer headquarters. The orders for him were equally as succinct as scandalous. Like:
„Procure immediately plans of the OKW from Werther about the aims of army group „Kluge“.
Or: Werther should find out if Wyama and Rzhev will be evacuated.”
Werther answered precisely and promptly. An enquiry after all “about the plans and intentions of the OKW” he answered in detail only two days later. But also information arrived from him unasked for, so on 13th May 1943: “German reconnaissance has discovered Russian forces concentrations near Kursk, Wjasma, and Welikije Luki.”        

„Who was this man who delivered this information?“ Paul Carell asks in his book. And he gives an answer: “For more than 20 years now ‘Werther’ is hunted. But no one has been successful in accounting for him.”

At this point Bernd Ruland’s book begins. He writes among others: „Speculation, rumors, combinations, conjectures – the merry-go-round of theses turns for 25 years unceasingly: in countless news articles, in many books, in Radio and TV-programs…” If Ruland’s Thesis though is right remains unclear, if one considers the speed and magnitude of the traitorous messages, the question-and-answer-game of treason. The traitor must have been himself comprehensively informed. It’s possible that his thesis wasn’t contrived, that the great leaky source has be looked for somewhere else. If ‘Werther’ was identical with Scheidt, then he would have only skimmed additional information from traitorous female news service operators. 

Most secrete Reports

„Nearly all hypotheses so far have been false; all suspicions groundless; most of the conjectures incongruous. The right answer to the question wherefrom “Moscow knew everything” will be surprising – because it’s basically so simple…  

Due to my field of activity as ‘telex officer’ in the central news office of the OKW in Berlin during the Second World War, I sussed out the secrete by accident…I
have remained silent, made no reports, didn’t take any consequences, and trusted that luck, which a soldier not only at the front needs, to survive. I will register dispassionately only facts in this report. The solution of the riddle is as amazingly simple as surprising…

The most important and productive news-suppliers for Roessler were two young ladies from May 1941 to mid-May 1944: Female news service operators in the telex centre of the OKW/OKW in Berlin’s Bendler Street. Here were besides ‘normal’ teleprinter communications also more most secrete messages (‚Chief’s matter, only through officers’ and also ‚Secrete Command Business’) transmitted than at any other teleprinter service in the German Armed Forces.  

The officers, soldiers and female news service operators, through whose hands the most secrete messages went, found out more about establishment, armament, and plans of warfare, to mention just three examples, than any commanding general…….” 

About the circumstances, how he found out the undercover work of two female news service operators, Ruland reports:   „I started my duties on 14th June 1941 at 7pm and the colleague I took over from passed me a few dozen ‚Secrete Command Businesses’, which had to be posted speedily……I greet the ten female news service operators who sit here in front of the special teletypewriters in their grey coats…Among them Angelika von Parchim (the name has been changed), whose bright intelligence, friendliness and speed at work impress me.

Angelika gives to my surprise an impression of embarrassment when she sees me suddenly besides her. I have never known her this way. She takes her fingers of the keys of the machine. It doesn’t escape me that they tremble…

I don’t want to insist on delving further and take a telex next to her. It’s from the Fuehrer headquarters and destined for colonel-general Fromm, the chief of army armament and commander of the reserve army, and contains, as I notice at first glance, a list of urgently needed divisions and some specialty-formations, which have to be expeditedly assembled for the imminent “Campaign Barbarossa’… 

Only now I discover a small white telex strip which lies as a loose ball in Angelika’s lap. I skim over...a few words on this strip. It is immediately clear to me that it is a copy of the telex to colonel-general Fromm.”

On the following day, the 15th June 1941, exactly a week before the beginning of the Russia-campaign, this news service operator admits to him that she passes such telex-strips occasionally to a Swiss diplomat, Ruland report further. And: “Only after the war I find out from Angelika that it was no diplomat in Switzerland, but a German officer, to whom she has given these copies of important telexes.”

As things developed, alleges Ruland, he had found out that the mentioned news service operator and a colleague of her – both as political motivated ‘perpetrators by conviction’ – had supplied all these messages, which were then passed to the Russians by a German officer – obviously ‘Werther’.

Bernd Ruland, he died 9th January 1976, noted down in his book, that in case of his death, he left all documents relative to this topic with his son, who lives in Berlin as an attorney. These documented proofs have not been presented to the public at the present time…  

As we can see, there are countless conjectures and theses about the treason in the highest German places during the entire Second World War. The full truth will probably never see the light of day. 

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