What they are doing to our Children!
The New Stürmer -
Year 2003
I am a survivor of the ethnic cleansing which the Jews have imposed
on all Aryan nations for the past 60 years. Please help me and all my fellow
Aryans to keep on surviving as Aryans. Please help our children to survive.
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
Arachim 45 a: Jusrina the daughter of Severus son of
Antonius asked a rabbi: "At what age can a girl marry?" "At the age of
three", answered the rabbi. "At what age can she get pregnant?" asked the
girl. "At the age of twelve and one day" said the rabbi. "Oh, I disgust
the three years I spent in my father's house" said the girl.
Erich Glagau, Der babylonische Talmud,
Verlag Neue Vision GmbH, Wuerenlos, Switzerland, 1996, page 46,
When reading this you should note that Severus was not a Jew and neither was
his daughter. This should give you a fair understanding of what the Jews
think and learn about our young girls and children It should also give
you a fair look at how they look upon us and why they think they can exploit
us to satisfy their own sexual lusts.
Nidda 47b: A girl of three years and one day is old enough
to marry. (A girl of three years and one day is old
enough to have intercourse. See Kethuboth 6a, 9a, Jabmuth 57a, 60a,
Kidduschin 10a, b, Aboda zara 37a, if she is younger then three years
of age, the intercourse is to be equated with a finger touching the
eye--the virginity is not harmed because the membrane will grow out
Erich Glagau, Der babylonische Talmud, Verlag Neue Vision GmbH,
Wuerenlos, Switzerland, 1996, page 58
The aforementioned Nidda quote shows the Jews even teach that sex with
Jewish children is allowed according to Talmud. I am not suggesting each
and every Jew is a child molester, I am merely saying their religious
teachings allows them to molest children if they so desire . Such
exploitive behaviour towards children was unknown among all European people
before the Jews took over the leadership in freemasonry and as such could
led the nobility and leading classes in Europe onto new and Jewish ways of
"pleasure". We must in this context remember that not all freemasons were, or
are, molesters of children--but remember that some Jews
by moving their Talmudic teachings into freemasonry introduced child
molesting into sick minds among the
nobility and upper classes in Europe.
The garment Industry
I trust you understand why the garment industry--which is
totally Jewish comes up with clothes making our daughters
look like whores. Even clothes for children younger the
four, make young girls look like whores.
If you study the clothing industry for children, you would be surprised, I
believe, in finding Jews being the ones who are not only manufacturing
children's clothing, but who are also designing it.
Sex Classes would be Compulsory for 7-Year-Olds
London, September 25, 2003 -- Pupils aged seven would be given explicit information on sex, including how to use contraception and to spot the symptoms of syphilis, under a scheme approved by the conference yesterday.
A broad programme of sex education, including lessons about people who have
sex changes, would be taught to all children aged seven to 11 in an attempt
to bring down the rate of teenage pregnancies and prevent sexually
transmitted diseases. The curriculum would include information on gay and
bisexual relationships and "non-judgmental" information on contraception,
including the morning-after pill and condoms. . . also approved a policy to
ban parents from smacking their children. . .
Full story: news.independent.co.uk
Full story: news.independent.co.uk
I would think there are more important subjects which children of age 7
should learn rather than sex. I can think of subjects like language,
mathematics, history etc, but for the Jewish communities, sex is looked upon
as the most important subject--since that brings new costumers to their
When reading this you MUST remember that all modern pedagogy is based upon
the teaching of Sigmund Freud--the Jew who studied schizophrenia and mental
illnesses among Jews in Vienna. Freud was so full of Talmudic
teaching that he refused to have contact with students who would not place
sexuality as the reason for all metal illnesses.
From reading the above quotes, it should not come as a surprise to you that
Jews are heavily into child-pornography. They are heavily
into partaking in the products of child-pornography, as customers, and
they are the leaders on the production side of this dirty and disgusting
industry. Industry? you say. Yes, the Jews call it an industry--everything
the Jews put their money into--is to them, an industry. Jews
are known for, amongst other attributes, buying children from poor people
and exploiting them for their disgusting pleasures.
Some years ago a ring of child molesters was uncovered in Rome, Italy.
That ring was led by Jews and most of the costumers were Jews. The
ring's film "production-offices" were in Moscow. The Russian police caught
some of the leaders, but many of them had Israeli passports and some had
left the country before the police caught the gang.
Pornography a Jewish Industry
Let me give you an other quote from
Erich Glagau, Der babylonische Talmud,
Verlag Neue Vision GmbH, Wuerenlos, Switzerland, 1996, page 65:
Aboda zara 44a: Rabbi "Joseph teaches Maachan, the grandmother of
King Asa (1 Ki 15, 13) had a dildo made and had daily sex with it."
It you looked to the pornographic industry you will find Jews not only as users--no they are the real producers of even this
disgusting thing. Most brothels not only in USA, but in Europe as well,
have Jewish owners. Not long ago a leading Jew, Michel Friedman, who
was Vice President of the Zentralrat der Juden in Germany, was
brought under investigating because he was a heavy user of one of Berlin's
"finest" brothels and because he was friend of the owners
of the brothel. Friedman was friends--and I would say closely in contact
with the gang who brought girls from Eastern Europe to Berlin for
prostitution. Of course, Friedman will not go to prison, even though
police found cocaine at his home, and even though
the prostitutes named him as their contact man--Jews are not imprisoned in
Germany for following their lust. Friedman lost his
position as vice president for the Jews in Germany, not because he was a
leading person in the brothel-industry, many Jews have been that before him,
nor did he lose it because he was heavily into distribution of drugs, many
Jews have been the same--no Friedman lost his position
because he brought bad publicity upon the Jews living in Germany. This
Michel Friedman is the man who claimed be was gassed at Auschwitz some 14
years before he was actually born in Paris. He is quite a bad character
even for a Jew.
Speaking of Auschwitz--I trust you remember that this small town, referred
too in Polish, as Oswiecim, was before WW2, known as the town were Jews
from the East met with Jews from the West
and where Eastern Jews sold girls to the brothels of the Western
I hope by reading this, you will understand why almost all
TV programs for children and youth are centered around sex. Our children
do not need Jewish influenced teaching. That is the thought that our
politicians should be made to understand. I do not think any of them have
the courage to say so in any debate in Parliament--but we
must make them remember who elected them and who will rule our countries in
the time to come. Who will the rulers will be? We the
Aryans! And We will not allow any Jewish or Talmudic
teaching or laws!
In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and swindle, resistance
must be a national duty.
Heil og sael
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