Did the Germans intend to conquer
South America in 1941?
Written by Karl Richter
Translated by Dagmar Brenne
In both World Wars the Allies spread a
series of propaganda with distorted caricatures about the Germans: the “Huns”
were bloodthirsty, treacherous and always poised to conquer the world for
domination. Under US- President Roosevelt the anti-German hate-Propaganda
reached utterly absurd dimensions, pulling all levers in order to drag the USA
into the war on the side of England.
In October 1941 the USA was still
officially neutral. But by the summer of1941 US ships already had
instructions to attack German ships and submarines at sea without prior
warning. Great Britain already received massive aid support from the United
States. On the 27th of October 1941 Roosevelt gave a speech about the German
threat, which was very far fetched that it can easily be compared 60 years
later with the false tale of the Iraqi Weapons of Mass destruction, which was
spread abroad by his late-born colleague in office, George W. Bush Jr.
Roosevelt said, which is quoted
verbatim, (1): “I have in my possession a secret map, produced in Germany by
Hitler's government. It is a map of South America, as well as parts of Central
America and it shows how Hitler wanted to re-organise the region.” There were
fourteen independent Nations in this territory. The geographical experts in
Berlin had ruthlessly eliminated existing borders and divided South America
into five vassal states to the end that the entire South American Continent
will come under their dominion. Their plan for a territory of puppet
governments will also include Panama- and our great artery of life, the Panama

Naturally, there never was the ominous
map, nor a German plan to conquer South America. But this didn't prevent
Roosevelt to spin the yarn even further. The Nazis, he maintained, not only
planned the military conquest of the world, but also an ideological one. There
was yet another “secret plan” in his possession, by which all other religions
would be strictly prohibited -Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist
and Jewish. The cross and all other religious symbols would need to disappear.
Berlin planned the establishment of a world-wide “Nazi Church”, which would
force upon everybody Hitler's book “Mein Kampf” as its Holy Book.
Experts of the history of the Nazi-era
in the meantime know the name of the forger of this map, who manufactured it
in 1941 with the alleged Nazi plans of conquests.

German answer to Roosevelt’s map was published in “Brennessel”. Horror
journalists all over the world came up with more and more unbelievable stories
about Germany’s “Expansion obsession,” all of those stories were published to
support Roosewelt’s fantasy.
1 Vgl Uwe Lubken, “Bedrohliche Nähe. Die
USA und die nationalsozialistische Herausforderung in Lateinamerika”, Franz
Steiner, Stuttgart 2204, Buchbesprechung in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Nr
260, 8 Januar 2006, S 7
Please also see : Roosevelt's map of the dividing up of America
Please see this:
Roosevelt's 'Secret Map' Speech
Mark Weber – Institute for Historical Review

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