Goyim to pay tax for breathing
The New Stürmer
Year 2000
Dear friends and fellow Aryans
Remember the Jews declared war on Germany on March 24,
Remember that it was Jews who developed a plan to starve
out the whole German population after WWII - The Morgenthau Plan. This plan
was sanction by the Jew Franklin Delano Roosevelt and carried out by the Jew
Dwight D Eisenhower.
Never forget the plan launched by the Jew Louis Nizer to
sterilize and exterminate all Germans after WWII. This plan was praised by the
Jew Harry Salomon Truman. Truman's Jewish name was Truemann.
We are entering the Mosaic area! The Jews have started
taxing goyim for breathing. Are you laughing? I hope not. The cost of
breathing is US$ 20 per year per goyim.
This cost is what The World Bank's Environmental Fund will
charge each goyim country for each goyim living and breathing for a year.
Why do the Jews tax us for breathing? Well look at the
talmud and you will understand. Schabbath 83a: It has been said that goy
and goijm is unclean.
The Jews look upon themselves as divine - they are god's
children. We Aryans are akum/goi/ animals. We do not belong in their world
except as their slaves or property. Slaves must pay taxes to their masters the
Jews. To the Jews this is normal, to us, the Aryans, this is unnatural.
Everything we touch becomes unclean and not fit for a Jew.
They can not drink a glass of wine if we have touched the bottle or the glass.
Of course this also applies to the air. Think and you will
understand. Of course the air we breath out is too unclean for a divine person
to breath in. Consequently we must pay for destroying the air of the divine
The price set by The World Bank for 1,000 kg CO2 is US$ 5
per year.
The bank's environmental fund opens a CO2-quota for sale not
only to states but also to companies.
All information I'm giving you regarding costs comes from
the Norwegian newspaper Dagens naeringsliv - equal to Financial Times - of
March, 29. As I told you in my letter, The new HOAX - The Greenhouse effect,
Norway has already bought the right for her inhabitants to breath in air which
belong to the divines. Norway paid 10 million US$. Now two Norwegian
companies, Statoil and Norsk Hydro, have paid the same price for letting out
"contaminated" CO2 into the air which Jews have to live and breath in.
Statoil is an oil company. Norsk Hydro is a petrochemical
and oil company.
The CO2-duty which now has been introduced is a perpetual
motion monetary machine for the Jews. They will get money from us without
having to do a darn thing.
USA, Canada and Western Europe, with their 800 million
inhabitants will have to pay a yearly sum of 1,6 billion US$ to the Jews. The
price of breathing might rise to US $50 per 1,000 kg of CO2 in the future the
World Bank has said.
The money which goyim states and companies pay to the Jews
will be loaned to states in the Third World which will have to pay interest on
the sums they borrow.
The CO2-duty is a better monetary machine for the Jews than
the holocaust. It can be used longer than the blackmail of the Germans, and it
will force more countries to contribute money to Jewish causes than the
CO2-duty can be used long after they have admitted that the
holocaust was a HOAX. And the CO2-duty will make all countries, even the Negro
and Asian ones, pay.
We must stop the Jew's blackmail of our governments. We must
demand that our politicians not pay money to the Jews for our breathing or any
other cause for that matter.
If we do not stop them all our money and resources will end
up in the hands of the Jews.
Heil og sael
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