Hitler's Secret Relationship to Rothschild Bank
Understanding Hitler's Secret Relationship to
the House of Rothschild
An Introducing Hansjurgen Koehler's "Fatal File"
By Clifford Shack
In 1999, a book was published entitled "The House of Rothschild: The World's Banker 1849-1999 ".
It was written by Niall Ferguson, who, according to the inside jacket cover, is "the first historian with
unrestricted access to all the surviving Rothschild archives." According to the inside jacket blurb, the
book concluded Ferguson's "myth-breaking portrait of one of the most fascinating and powerful
families of modern times".
It further stated:
"From the Crimea to World War II, wars repeatedly threatened the stability of the Rothschilds'
worldwide empire. Despite these global upheavals, theirs remained the biggest bank in the world up
until the First World War, its interests extending far beyond the realm of finance. They controlled a
pan-European railway network; they also ran a worldwide mining empire based on Spanish mercury,
African gold and diamonds, Burmese rubies and Russian oil. And as the richest family of modern
times, they acquired the greatest art collections and built the most sumptuous palaces of the age."
"Their economic might gave them a unique poHtical leverage. Disraeli and Churchill were their
friends, Bismarck and Hitler their foes. Yet the Rothschilds' failure to establish themselves
successfully in the United States proved fateful. As financial power shifted from London to New
York after 1914 and as continental Europe fell under the thrall of Marxism and fascism, the
Rothschilds' power waned."
Let's take a closer look.
First of all, Ferguson admits that he was allowed access to Rothschild archives up until 1914. . .so. . .
so the title is at first exposed to be a little misleading. It should read 1849-1913.
Why was Ferguson denied access into the Rothschild archives of 1914 and beyond? Were the
Rothschilds hiding anything? According to the jacket financial power shifted from London to New
York. . .from this we are lead to believe that the Rothschilds (uncharacteristically) had no hand in the
carnage of the First and Second World Wars.
It is a matter of history that up until the First World War, the Rothschilds financed both sides of
numerous conflicts, reaping rewards from the winners and the losers. Could it be that the Rothschilds
did indeed have a hand in the First and Second World War? Could it be that the reason the
Rothschilds tried to distance themselves from those wars was because their good name would not
have survived had it been associated with the massive slaughter of milhons of people, including the
millions of European Jews consumed in the Holocaust?
Somehow New York bankers would take the heat for financing the First and Second World War. The
financing burden of World War I would fall squarely on the shoulders of John Pierpont Morgan. The
Rothschilds would comfortably be able point their collective finger across the Atlantic and keep what
remained of their image of respectability. Did the Rothschilds merely deploy a new phase in their
banking tactics? Did they simply go from overt war financing to covert war financing? If so, that
would mean that they were still financing both sides of the conflicts. Did they finance both the allies
and the axis powers during the First and Second World War? If so then the jacket misled us again. If
both the allies and the axis powers were customers of the Rothschilds-through their secretly affiUated
agents, then they had no foe in Hitler. Hitler would have been a customer. A customer is a friend not
a foe. This theory, as outlandish as it may appear is at the very least. . . .plausible.
Taking it another step further. Could it be possible that Hitler was more than a customer? Was Hitler
a secret agent of the Rothschilds? "Preposterous!", you may be thinking. After all, didn't Hitler
accuse international Jewish bankers of engineering the Versailles Treaty which destroyed Germany
financially? Wasn't Hitler's wrath aimed squarely in the direction of the international Jewish bankers,
namely the House of Rothschild?
Hitler did say, "The bigger the lie. . .the more people will beheve it".
Think about it.. .Did Hitler kill any Jewish international bankers? The answer is no.
Not one. [Note:In fact some members of the Warburg banking family were given a Nazi escort out of
Holland in a sealed train. ..When the Gestapo went to the Rothschild mansion to arrest the head of the
Vienna branch they were told by the butler to come back the following day. They did. Then they had
to wait for the Baron to finish his lunch... There WAS the case of the estranged wife of a French
Rothschild. "Why should the Germans harm me?" she had asked her husband in 1940. "I am from an
old French family." Despite disowning the Rothschild family name (unheard of!) and reverting to her
original title of nobility, she was arrested by the Gestapo in July 1944 and sent by the last transport to
Ravensbruck where she was brutally murdered...]
Let's back up a bit here. Let's take a closer look at that financial shift from London to New York.
Simply put. . .the shift from the House of Rothschild to the House of Morgan.
According to Gary Allen's best-selling book "None Dare Call It CONSPIRACY":
"Morgan is referred to by many, including Congressman Louis McFadden, (a banker who for ten
years headed the House Banking and Currency Committee), as the top American agent of the English
Rothschilds. "[Page 44]
So much for the financial shift.
So the question remains. . .Was Hitler a Rothschild customer or an agent as well?
In 1972, a book was released entitled, "The Mind of Hitler: The Secret War Report" by Walter C.
Langer. According to the book, the author, a psychoanalyst, was approached by Col. William "Wild
Bill" Donovan, of OSS fame, to conduct a psychological investigation into the mind of Hitler.
Many books on the subject of Adolph Hitler refer to Langer's work. Within the book is a curious
investigation into Hitler's origins. In fact, there is mention that Hitler had been linked to the
Rothschilds in a book written by an ex-Gestapo officer. Langer notes that the "very intriguing
hypothesis" but downplays the Rothschild connection saying, it "is sounder not to base our
reconstruction on such slim evidence but to seek firmer foundations. Nevertheless, we can leave it as
a possibility that requires further verification."
Was the Hitler-Rothschild link further verified? No. Actually Langer's report, which was not widely
circulated, even within the intelligence community, was classified top secret and holed up for 29
years. When it was published, the Rothschild link was downplayed in the Introduction as well as in
the Afterword.
The Afterword stated:
"There is no reason to believe the unlikely story told by Langer's informant that Hitler's grandmother
Maria Anna Schicklgruber, a peasant woman in her forties from the Waldviertel of rural Austria, had
had an intimate liaison with a Baron Rothschild in Vienna. . . "
"The point of overriding psychological and historical importance is not whether it is true that Hitler
had a Jewish grandfather; but whether he believed that it might be true. . . "
(Donovan may have wanted us to consider that if there was a slim possibility that Hitler's grandfather
was a Rothschild. . .then Hitler's hatred of Jews stemmed from his revulsion of having Jewish blood
coursing through his veins. The last thing Donovan may have wanted us to consider was that Hitler,
though illegitimate, was an acknowledged member of the Rothschild family who was assigned a duty
that required keeping his loyalties to the banking family very hidden.)
What was not mentioned in the book was that Langer's brother William L. Langer, was head of
Donovan's Board of Analysts often referred to as Donovan's "College of Cardinals". Did Donovan
really need to understand Hitler or was this report designed to throw off post-war researchers. After
all, Donovan was J.P.Morgan's lawyer. J.P.Morgan was the American agent for the English
Rothschilds. . .It's simple math folks. (Incidentally it is known that Donovan had at least one secret
meeting with Hitler in the 1920's.)
After 29 years the ex-Gestapo officer's book would be long out of circulation. (Its importance was not
appreciated as it came out in 1941, years before the world learned of the Nazi atrocities) The Langer
book was designed, quite possibly, to prevent post-war researchers from going through the pains of
digging it up....
This researcher did manage to find "Inside The Gestapo", the above-mentioned book written by
Hansjurgen Koehler.Koehler was Hitler's bodyguard at Bergestgaden.
I'll leave it to the reader to determine the credibilty of the evidence presented in Koehler's, "Inside The
The Fatal File
the House of Rothschild
An Introducing Hansjurgen Koehler's "Fatal File"
By Clifford Shack
In 1999, a book was published entitled "The House of Rothschild: The World's Banker 1849-1999 ".
It was written by Niall Ferguson, who, according to the inside jacket cover, is "the first historian with
unrestricted access to all the surviving Rothschild archives." According to the inside jacket blurb, the
book concluded Ferguson's "myth-breaking portrait of one of the most fascinating and powerful
families of modern times".
It further stated:
"From the Crimea to World War II, wars repeatedly threatened the stability of the Rothschilds'
worldwide empire. Despite these global upheavals, theirs remained the biggest bank in the world up
until the First World War, its interests extending far beyond the realm of finance. They controlled a
pan-European railway network; they also ran a worldwide mining empire based on Spanish mercury,
African gold and diamonds, Burmese rubies and Russian oil. And as the richest family of modern
times, they acquired the greatest art collections and built the most sumptuous palaces of the age."
"Their economic might gave them a unique poHtical leverage. Disraeli and Churchill were their
friends, Bismarck and Hitler their foes. Yet the Rothschilds' failure to establish themselves
successfully in the United States proved fateful. As financial power shifted from London to New
York after 1914 and as continental Europe fell under the thrall of Marxism and fascism, the
Rothschilds' power waned."
Let's take a closer look.
First of all, Ferguson admits that he was allowed access to Rothschild archives up until 1914. . .so. . .
so the title is at first exposed to be a little misleading. It should read 1849-1913.
Why was Ferguson denied access into the Rothschild archives of 1914 and beyond? Were the
Rothschilds hiding anything? According to the jacket financial power shifted from London to New
York. . .from this we are lead to believe that the Rothschilds (uncharacteristically) had no hand in the
carnage of the First and Second World Wars.
It is a matter of history that up until the First World War, the Rothschilds financed both sides of
numerous conflicts, reaping rewards from the winners and the losers. Could it be that the Rothschilds
did indeed have a hand in the First and Second World War? Could it be that the reason the
Rothschilds tried to distance themselves from those wars was because their good name would not
have survived had it been associated with the massive slaughter of milhons of people, including the
millions of European Jews consumed in the Holocaust?
Somehow New York bankers would take the heat for financing the First and Second World War. The
financing burden of World War I would fall squarely on the shoulders of John Pierpont Morgan. The
Rothschilds would comfortably be able point their collective finger across the Atlantic and keep what
remained of their image of respectability. Did the Rothschilds merely deploy a new phase in their
banking tactics? Did they simply go from overt war financing to covert war financing? If so, that
would mean that they were still financing both sides of the conflicts. Did they finance both the allies
and the axis powers during the First and Second World War? If so then the jacket misled us again. If
both the allies and the axis powers were customers of the Rothschilds-through their secretly affiUated
agents, then they had no foe in Hitler. Hitler would have been a customer. A customer is a friend not
a foe. This theory, as outlandish as it may appear is at the very least. . . .plausible.
Taking it another step further. Could it be possible that Hitler was more than a customer? Was Hitler
a secret agent of the Rothschilds? "Preposterous!", you may be thinking. After all, didn't Hitler
accuse international Jewish bankers of engineering the Versailles Treaty which destroyed Germany
financially? Wasn't Hitler's wrath aimed squarely in the direction of the international Jewish bankers,
namely the House of Rothschild?
Hitler did say, "The bigger the lie. . .the more people will beheve it".
Think about it.. .Did Hitler kill any Jewish international bankers? The answer is no.
Not one. [Note:In fact some members of the Warburg banking family were given a Nazi escort out of
Holland in a sealed train. ..When the Gestapo went to the Rothschild mansion to arrest the head of the
Vienna branch they were told by the butler to come back the following day. They did. Then they had
to wait for the Baron to finish his lunch... There WAS the case of the estranged wife of a French
Rothschild. "Why should the Germans harm me?" she had asked her husband in 1940. "I am from an
old French family." Despite disowning the Rothschild family name (unheard of!) and reverting to her
original title of nobility, she was arrested by the Gestapo in July 1944 and sent by the last transport to
Ravensbruck where she was brutally murdered...]
Let's back up a bit here. Let's take a closer look at that financial shift from London to New York.
Simply put. . .the shift from the House of Rothschild to the House of Morgan.
According to Gary Allen's best-selling book "None Dare Call It CONSPIRACY":
"Morgan is referred to by many, including Congressman Louis McFadden, (a banker who for ten
years headed the House Banking and Currency Committee), as the top American agent of the English
Rothschilds. "[Page 44]
So much for the financial shift.
So the question remains. . .Was Hitler a Rothschild customer or an agent as well?
In 1972, a book was released entitled, "The Mind of Hitler: The Secret War Report" by Walter C.
Langer. According to the book, the author, a psychoanalyst, was approached by Col. William "Wild
Bill" Donovan, of OSS fame, to conduct a psychological investigation into the mind of Hitler.
Many books on the subject of Adolph Hitler refer to Langer's work. Within the book is a curious
investigation into Hitler's origins. In fact, there is mention that Hitler had been linked to the
Rothschilds in a book written by an ex-Gestapo officer. Langer notes that the "very intriguing
hypothesis" but downplays the Rothschild connection saying, it "is sounder not to base our
reconstruction on such slim evidence but to seek firmer foundations. Nevertheless, we can leave it as
a possibility that requires further verification."
Was the Hitler-Rothschild link further verified? No. Actually Langer's report, which was not widely
circulated, even within the intelligence community, was classified top secret and holed up for 29
years. When it was published, the Rothschild link was downplayed in the Introduction as well as in
the Afterword.
The Afterword stated:
"There is no reason to believe the unlikely story told by Langer's informant that Hitler's grandmother
Maria Anna Schicklgruber, a peasant woman in her forties from the Waldviertel of rural Austria, had
had an intimate liaison with a Baron Rothschild in Vienna. . . "
"The point of overriding psychological and historical importance is not whether it is true that Hitler
had a Jewish grandfather; but whether he believed that it might be true. . . "
(Donovan may have wanted us to consider that if there was a slim possibility that Hitler's grandfather
was a Rothschild. . .then Hitler's hatred of Jews stemmed from his revulsion of having Jewish blood
coursing through his veins. The last thing Donovan may have wanted us to consider was that Hitler,
though illegitimate, was an acknowledged member of the Rothschild family who was assigned a duty
that required keeping his loyalties to the banking family very hidden.)
What was not mentioned in the book was that Langer's brother William L. Langer, was head of
Donovan's Board of Analysts often referred to as Donovan's "College of Cardinals". Did Donovan
really need to understand Hitler or was this report designed to throw off post-war researchers. After
all, Donovan was J.P.Morgan's lawyer. J.P.Morgan was the American agent for the English
Rothschilds. . .It's simple math folks. (Incidentally it is known that Donovan had at least one secret
meeting with Hitler in the 1920's.)
After 29 years the ex-Gestapo officer's book would be long out of circulation. (Its importance was not
appreciated as it came out in 1941, years before the world learned of the Nazi atrocities) The Langer
book was designed, quite possibly, to prevent post-war researchers from going through the pains of
digging it up....
This researcher did manage to find "Inside The Gestapo", the above-mentioned book written by
Hansjurgen Koehler.Koehler was Hitler's bodyguard at Bergestgaden.
I'll leave it to the reader to determine the credibilty of the evidence presented in Koehler's, "Inside The
The Fatal File
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