The Case Against the CIA
The Boston Phoenix,
April 24, 1987
In finding Amy Carter, Abbie Hoffman, and 13
Western Massachusetts college students not guilty April 15 of
trespassing and disorderly conduct, a six member district court jury,
whose members included a 77 year old man and 64 year old woman, in
effect found the Central Intelligence Agency guilty as charged by the
defendants and their many expert witnesses. And at its trial, the CIA
stood charged with crimes a lot more serious than trespassing and
disorderly conduct; it was charged with arranging assassinations,
torturing and generally terrorizing the population of Nicaragua, and
lying about its actions.
To be fair to the CIA, the prosecution felt it
didn't have to defend the Agency. Hampshire County Assistant District
Court Attorney Diane Fernaid, the prosecutor, held to the most narrow
focus: "Whether or not the 12 defendants here before you are
guilty of trespassing" and "Whether or not three of the defendants
seated before you are guilty of sitting in front of buses carrying those
people who are guilty of trespass." She wasn't about to tie herself and
the state to the CIA.
Twelve of the 15 defendants were arrested
November 24, 1986, for occupying Munson Hall, a University of
Massachusetts administration building, after the university refused to
meet seven demands, which included banning CIA recruiters from campus.
The remaining three defendants were arrested the same evening for
blocking buses carrying the other protesters away.
Leonard Weinglass, the mild-mannered lawyer who
in 1968 had defended Abbie Hoffman and the rest of the Chicago Seven,
had to explain the defense's case to a jury made of up average central
Massachusetts citizens who, the prosecution ensured, knew almost nothing
about the CIA and Nicaragua. "As you have obviously seen," Weinglass
said, "this is not an ordinary case. By and large, the events of the day
are agreed upon. The issue in this case is whether or not those actions
are reasonable.... Was this lawlessness on the part of the defendants,
or were they acting to stop the lawlessness? That is the crux of the
The necessity defense that was employed requires
demonstrating that there was a "clear and imminent" threat to the
defendants. Weinglass and his associates argued that even if the
defendants were not in immediate danger from the CIA, the United States
stood in "clear and imminent" danger of being drawn into a war with
Nicaragua, and that represented a clear and imminent danger to the
Weinglass first called to the stand Ralph
McGehee. McGehee had served for 25 years, six of them in Thailand and
two in Vietnam. He retired in 1977 and began a second career:
exposing his former employer. McGehee testified that the CIA had drawn
the United States unwittingly into a war against North Vietnam. In March
1965, he said, the Agency loaded a Vietnamese ship with communist-made
weapons, shot it up, and presented the incident in a white paper as
evidence that the North Vietnamese were supporting the Vietcong. McGehee
himself admitted to having lied to Congress about the number of Laotian
platoons the CIA was training. Such covert operations, McGehee said,
"very much harm the national security of the United States."
The next day former contra, Edgar Chamorro, was
called to the stand: he told parallel stories of CIA support for
the Nicaraguan contras. The CIA had given him money, he said, to bribe
the Honduran press. The day Chamorro testified, another witness,
Christie Clark, described her three-month stay in the Nicaraguan village
of San Pedro de Lovago. The contras attacked her village twice while she
was there, she said. After both attacks, Sandinista support in the
village increased. "People became much more supportive of the people
defending them," Clark said.
The defense also offered one glimpse of how the
CIA had threatened United States citizens. Book publisher and lawyer
William Schaap described CIA domestic crimes such as the 1950s operation
MKULTRA, in which the Agency used prostitutes and homeless men to test
the effects of LSD. The CIA had violated First Amendment rights in 1960s
and early 1970s, Schaap argued, when it had tried to infiltrate student
movements through its Operation CHAOS.
Fernaid tacitly dismissed the defense's expanded
definition of "imminent threat." She asked McGehee only one question:
"Were you present on the University of Massachusetts campus on November
24, 1986?"; of Chamorro, she asked only his current occupation and
whether or not the CIA had been on campus the day of the protest.
The larger and more emotional portion of the
defense was devoted to showing that the CIA had committed crimes in
Central America and elsewhere, that Hoffman and the students sincerely
believed they could prevent such crimes by protesting, and that their
protest might indeed prove effective.
Weinglass's co-counsel Tom Lesser said the
defense team was encouraged when a juror was brought to tears by
McGehee's description of the atrocities he had committed on behalf of
the CIA. The CIA had taught Vietnamese secret police how to torture,
McGehee said, and through a program of assassination called Operation
Phoenix, the CIA had killed 20,000 Vietnamese.
"Were innocent civilians killed?" Weinglass
"Yes," McGehee answered.
The CIA was responsible, McGehee said, for the
deaths of between 500,000 and one million Indonesians in 1965 when the
Agency overthrew the government of Sukarno.
Chamorro updated the Agency's atrocities. The
CIA hired hardened Argentinian soldiers to teach the contras how to
commit atrocities against the civilian population, Chamorro said. "The
philosophy was that you have to fight in ways that people will be really
scared, or otherwise they will not respect you." Chamorro said the
Agency asked him to translate a stack of blue mimeographed sheets that
bore the title Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare. The
manual, a copy of which was admitted as evidence, advises contra leaders
to assassinate respected citizens of small towns, such as judges and
doctors, and to make it appear as if the Sandinista government were
responsible. Chamorro said the document also asked the contras to
"create martyrs of our own followers, someone who is well-liked that
gets killed in a way that looks like the government did it." The CIA
also delivered to the contras mines powerful enough to maim but not kill
civilians, Chamorro testified, in hopes of overburdening the Sandinista
health-care system. "The CIA was telling us, in this kind of war, there
is no difference between civilian and military," Chamorro said.
Abbie Hoffman, defending himself, questioned
Harvard Medical School instructor Paul R. Epstein, MD, about the war the
contras were waging against the Sandinista's health-care system. Epstein
said he'd visited Nicaragua twice, in 1983 and in 1987; in the time
between his visits, the contras had destroyed at least 15 community
health centers built by the Sandinistas and had assassinated doctors.
Reed Brody, a former assistant attorney general of New York State who
had documented atrocities in Nicaragua, also testified that the contra
war was aimed at civilians. "The contras target the socio-economic
structure of Nicaragua," Brody said.
After finishing with the CIA, the defense sought
to convince the jury that the defendants were sincerely motivated,
patriotic Americans. On the penultimate day of the trial, Amy Carter
took the stand for the first time. Carter, 19, said she was sensitive to
the parallels between American involvement in Nicaragua and Vietnam. She
was arrested November 24 while blocking buses that were supposed to
carry the students who'd occupied Munson Hall to the Hampshire County
Courthouse for arraignment. "I was certain that the police would get the
buses moving," she said, "but that wasn't the issue at all. The issue
was state police on campus, the CIA on campus, and the students in the
Finally, the defense tried to show that the
students were right to believe their actions would bring about a change.
They relied on two witnesses: Boston University professor of
history Howard Zinn and former Defense Department employee Daniel
Zinn, author of Disobedience and Democracy,
cited examples of American social movements that had started with
student protests. In 1960, Zinn reminded the jury, four black students
held a sit-in against segregation in Greensboro, North Carolina and were
arrested; the protest helped spark the civil rights movement. Protests
against the Vietnam War, Zinn said, kept the Johnson administration from
raising the number of troops in Vietnam from 200,000 to 500,000. "They
said, 'We can't do this. There's going to be too much trouble in the
country,'" Zinn said. Protests were especially important in changing
foreign policy because Congress, Zinn said, was not active in
formulating it. "Simply going to the polls and voting, simply writing to
your congressman, that didn't work," Zinn said.
Following Zinn to the witness stand, Daniel
Ellsberg described the circumstances that had made him decide to release
43 volumes of government documents listing U.S. atrocities in Vietnam --
which became known as the Pentagon Papers -- to The New York Times
in 1971. Ellsberg said during his career in the Defense Department he
had been caught up in the bureaucratic mentality that only determined
whether campaigns were cost-effective, not whether they were moral.
Then, in 1969, Ellsberg said he had attended a conference on non-violent
protest. There he saw Randall Kehler, an anti-draft protester, speak
against the draft. "I was thinking that I was glad that foreigners from
all over the United States were seeing this man," Ellsberg said. "He was
very attractive, bright, and intelligent. Then I heard, to my amazement,
that he was going to prison."
"I cried for about an hour," Ellsberg said. "I
was sitting on the floor in the men's room, because I had realized that
this [protesting U.S. involvement in Vietnam] was the right thing to
Fernaid did not cross-examine Ellsberg.
The necessity defense required proving that, in
order to stop and prevent greater illegal action (in this case by the
CIA), Hoffman and the student protesters had no recourse other than
illegal action -- that they had no alternative but to occupy Munson
Hall. To accomplish this, Weinglass called on academics, lawyers, and
former government officials whose testimony painted a portrait of the
CIA as a pirate organization operating in the name, but not in the
sight, of the American people.
McGehee told a CIA joke comparing the Agency's
treatment of Congress to mushrooms. "You're kept in the dark and you're
fed manure," he said. Morton Halperin, Deputy Assistant Secretary of
Defense under Lyndon Johnson, said the CIA had consistently violated the
Congressional Oversight Act of 1980 and the Boland Amendment of 1984,
which banned the CIA from operating in Nicaragua. The summer the CIA
began smuggling anti-tank missiles to Iran, then-CIA Director William
Casey had pledged to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY) that the CIA
would not act without Congress's approval, Halperin said.
Schaap, the lawyer/publisher, said he had tried
four major cases in which members of Congress were the plaintiffs
against the CIA. The cases criticized the Agency for violating both the
Neutrality Acts (by training mercenaries in Florida) and the Ethics in
Government Act.
All four cases had been thrown out of the court
for being too political, Schaap said. "I think it would be completely
futile to raise that within the courts," Schaap said.
"In your opinion, do you think Congress has been
able to keep the CIA under control?" Weinglass asked. "No," Schaap
replied. "I don't think it has tried very hard, but when it has, it
certainly hasn't been able to."
In their closing arguments, both the defense and
prosecution called on the jury to press for accountability -- the
prosecution for accountability from the protesters and the defense for
accountability from the CIA. Massachusetts law, the defense argued,
provides protection for legitimate, sincere, anti-government protesters.
"I don't think that we are operating outside the
system at all," Hoffman told reporters gathered outside the defendant's
dock before the closing arguments began. "In fact, our point is that the
CIA is operating outside the system." Defense attorney Tom Lesser said
in his closing remarks that the protesters had taken over Munson Hall
because "they were legitimately worried that we might end up in a war,
that their friends, their brothers, might end up in a war, not because
'we the people' decided to end up in a war, but because a few people
were doing it in secret, and when we started to find out about it, they
lied to us."
Weinglass, in his final statement, argued that
stopping CIA recruitment on American college campuses was the only means
available to the students to put a halt to the crimes the Agency was
committing. "By ending recruitment, they helped to take a step to ending
illegal activity," he stated.
As the CIA was found guilty, the defendants were
freed to take their case to the American people, this time with the
support of a middle-American jury that, when the trial started, had
known little about these matters. Despite its best efforts to keep
America ignorant of its activities, the CIA may now find itself in the
defendant's dock.
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