In a fascinating, detailed, article in The Journal of Psychohistory,Fall
1978, Psychohistorian Stanley Rothman provides a useful summary of
Jewish involvement with Communism throughout the western World in "Group
Fantasies and Jewish Radicalism". He writes:
"In the inter-war
years this role was probably most visible in the countries of Eastern
Europe, where Jews were prominent in Bela Kuhn's abortive attempt to set
up a Communist regime in Hungary and where they came to constitute over
40% of the cadres of the Polish Communist Party, and probably
comparable percentages elsewhere. In Hungary, immediately after the
Communist Party's accession to power, the Politburo of the party
contained only onenon-Jew. It was jokingly suggested that this 'Goy' had
been admitted to the inner circles only because someone was needed to
sign decrees on Saturdays.
"In Germany the situation was
rather different. Jews played a very important role in the revolutionary
Spartacist Movement of 1918-1919. However... radical Jewish
Intellectuals remained largely unaffiliated, serving as unattached
(often bitter) radical critics of the Weimar Republic. The Frankfurt
School which produced Adorn, Fromm, Marcuse, Horkheimer and others was
almost entirely Jewish.
"In the United States, perhaps some
50% of the Communist Party was of Jewish background during the 1930s;
the radical American Student Union was heavily Jewish and, just as
importantly, the Soviet espionage apparatus in this country ... was
pretty largely of Jewish background.
"In Western Europe ...
Jews continued to take an active radical role. InFrance, during the
1968 upheavals, students of Jewish background dominated Trotskyite
leadership cadres.
"Jews provided the critical mass for the
student left and the counterculture in the United States during the
early and mid-1960s. Studies indicate that in its initial phases, SDS
leadership was about 67% Jewish."
Rothman goes on to show how
Jewish radicals even "ran the show" at mid-Western campuses. One
(Gentile) SDS Organizer at Madison, Wisconsin, commented: "I am struck
by the lack of Wisconsin-born people (in the left)and the massive
preponderance of New York Jews. The situation at the University of
Minnesota is similar." In the faculties too, the radical factions
were"largely Jewish".
In another article aimed at cognoscenti (American Jewish Historical Quarterly, December 1976) Arthur Liebman shows in "The Ties ThatBind":
members and particularly the officers of the left organizations were
predominantly Jewish ... Andre Schiffrin, President of SLID in 1956-57,
and himself of Jewish background, was very cognizant of the 'foreign
element' within SLID. 'For a while, all our national officers, myself
included, were 'foreign born' and the militant rhetoric within the
organization was 'usually voiced in a heavy Yiddish accent'. Others
noted the frequent usage of Yiddish expressions among the members.
Another indication of the large Jewish component was the care taken to
ensure that regional and national conventions of these left
non-sectarian groups would not coincide with important Jewish holidays.
No such attention was paid to Christian holidays and on one occasion a
Protestant minister was sharply critical of SLID for scheduling a
meeting on GoodFriday."
Indeed, Liebman shows that Jews have regarded Communism as an extension of Judaism for many years.
"The Jewish Daily Forward (a
Yiddish socialist newspaper) to a large extent surpassed the rabbis and
Orthodoxy as the educator of the Jewish community in the United States
... The more astute and sensitive Jewish Socialists in the pre-World War
I years ... sought opportunities to demonstrate that Judaism, as they
defined and interpreted it, was quite compatible if not supportive of
Socialism. Socialism was presented to the Jewish masses as a secular
version of Judaism. Thus, during a strike, the Law of Moses was cited in
support of the strikers. The Socialist Party's Rand School was
lyricized by the Forward at its founding in 1906 as 'the socialist'
yeshiva ... where the rabbis and teachers of our movement were being
"In their curriculum, these schools emphasized
the inter-relatedness between Jewish and radical concerns. The
progressive aspects of Judaism were stressed: for example in the case of
the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah:
"'The traditional
blowing of the shofar was the clarion to rally for liberation of the
Jewish people from oppressors ... the shofar blowing for the laboring
masses will drown out the trumpeting of the temporary ruling interests
of the earth.'
"The accomplishments of these schools were
summarized in an editorial in Jewish Life, a magazine with close ties to
them, in the following manner:
" 'The schools develop in
the children a kinship with Jewish and non-Jewish laboring masses and
with the history and progressive culture and traditions of the Jewish
people. The children acquire an elementary knowledge of Yiddish. They
are taught to identify their interest with those of the Negro people and
other oppressed groups.' "
At this point we could enter into a
tedious cataloging of names (and pseudonyms) of Communist leaders
throughout the 20th century who "happened
to be Jewish". Certainly such a roll-call would be useful for archival
purposes, but it would undoubtedly be a boring and unnecessary chore for
the reader. Such lists are already available in the British samizdat
publication mischievously titled Let My People Go! and in the American: Behind Communism.
But our purpose is not to go over again ground which has already been
firmly established. Even our two Jewish writers cited above implicitly
acknowledge the aphorism that Communism is, was, and probably always
will be,Jewish. Our aim is to explore behind the pages of history; to
read between thel ines; to analyze and ask why. Why are Jews radicals?
Rothman writes that:
Rubin ascribes his own radicalism to being Jewish, and finds that
Cohn-Bendit shares the same feelings. It is clear, too, that his primary
hostility is toward Christianity, 'telling Pat Boone that Christianity
has murdered more people than any other ism in the history of the
World.' Roger Kahn, writing about the Columbia conflict, keeps
remembering how badly Jews were treated by the WASP establishment, and
Paul Cowan is convinced, from his experiences at Choate, that the WASPS
are all anti-Semitic racists as Teitelbaum has shown, Jews anxious to
deny their Jewishness (those who feel marginal) are more likely to
perceive Christians as anti-Semitic than those who continue to identify
as Jews."
Rothman argues that "Jewish radicalism (as well as
Zionism) stems from the historically marginal position of Jews in
Christian societies and to the family structure and personality patterns
derived from that marginality. Jews have developed a particular set of
perceptions and underlying motivations which can be described as a group
It may well be that Jews are marginal in western
society in terms of religion, culture, lifestyle etc. But they are
certainly less marginal than, say, the Orientals so one wonders why
Orientals are not more radical than the Jews.
Rothman's subsidiary
point is more interesting. He suggests that Jews, perceiving themselves
as being surrounded by a hostile, threatening host
society, are too few in number to openly display hostility back. So
instead they channel their hostility and aggression toward their own
families (hence the" emasculating" Jewish mother) and into occupations
which allow for much indirect (verbal) aggression. But as Rothman admits
"Good studies of
'Jewish Personality Traits' are few in number for a variety of reasons,
not the least of which is, as Sanua points out, that scholars have
tended to avoid the subject." (No mention of why, of course.) Rothman
goes on:
"It is arguable that the European Diaspora and the
ghetto experience encouraged among Jews the emergence of a particular
family pattern; a pattern characterized by mothers who were 'protective'
and controlling, especially withtheir male children. It was not enough
to teach such children to curb the direct expression of aggression
against the Christian enemy, for under suchcircumstances control might
be lost in a crisis situation. Rather, aggression must be driven
underground by appropriate child-rearing practices.
institutionalization of this pattern was to have profound effects upon
both Jewish males and Jewish females, effects which have been alluded to
in part and are spelled out in some detail by Bibring and Wolfenstein.
The Jewish family became, in Bibring's terms, a kind of matriarchy in
which the husband was perceived by the children as more fearful, less
capable, and weaker than the wife who cared for and somewhat dominated
him in crucial areas, whatever his professional and/or business
He goes on:
"Herbert Krugman, in a
study of ex-Communists, found thatmiddle-class members of the Party
(mostly Jews) placed far more stress on theneed for 'hardness' than did
working-class members of the Party who were lesslikely to be Jewish.
Krugman studied in greatest depth the case reports byanalysts of 10 men
and 8 women. Five of the men evidenced strong wishes tosubmit and 'some
slight evidence of overt, passive homosexuality' duringadolescence. The
therapists described them as sado-masochistic, turning suchaggression
onto themselves. Their self-images varied between extremes -
fromworthlessness to superiority - and with many there was an attitude
of martyrdom,a 'bittersweet' anticipation of revenge ...
Jewish males, then, seemed to have a character structureclassified by
Jules Nydes as 'paranoid masochistic'... The following representsa
summary of Nydes' formulation:
1. Identifies with the aggressor.
2. Hostility is reactive and compensatory.
3. Effect of rage is accompanied by a sense of malicious triumph and releaseis experienced as effect is discharged.
The motive for aggression is to hurt someone who seems unable to
fightback, and the effect is often intimidation of the victims.
1. Identifies with the victim in the sense that he is being persecuted.
2. Hostility is defensive against anticipated attack because of unconsciousfeeling of guilt.
3. Effect of rage is accompanied by self-righteousness and often leads tomounting fury rather than relief.
The apparent motive for aggression is to avoid being hurt
bycounter-attacking an assumed aggressor. The effect is often to
provokepunishment -- gratification of a repressed wish -- and a reality
confirmation ofpreconceived persecution.
Rothman cites several
profound examples of this exclusively Jewishphenomenon. He quotes from
an interview with a Jewish ex-Weatherman who recallsthe motivations of
himself and his peers in the 1960s:
"A lot of the Weatherman
leadership was Jewish and had never beentough street kids, and I really
believe that a tremendous amount of what theywere doing was overcoming
their own fears about their masculinity ... Most ofthem ... had been
intellectually aggressive, but all of a sudden they weretrying to be
tough street kids ... I think there was a lot of self-hate goingon."
Rothman even draws on fictional, though highly accurate, caricature, such asPhilip Roth's highly personal Portnoy in Portnoy's Complaint.
of course, is only a quasi-radical but, whatever he wouldlike to think
his real motives are, his tirade to the analyst makes it quiteclear that
his love for suffering humanity is far less important than his envyand
hatred of WASPS and his desire to literally 'screw' the 'goyim', despite
thefact that he despises his parents for their 'anti-goyish' attitudes.
As he putsit:
"'I was on the staff of the house
sub-committee investigating thetelevision quiz scandals. Perfect for the
closet socialist like myself;commercial deceit on a national scale,
exploitation of the innocent public,elaborate corporate chicanery -- in
short good old capitalist greed. And then ofcourse that extra bonus,
Charles Van Doren. Such character, such brains, suchbreeding, that
candor and school boyish charm -- that WASP wouldn't you say?And, turns
out he's a fake. Well, what do you know about that, Gentile
America?Super-goy, a 'gonif'! Steals money ... Goodness, gracious me,
almost as bad asJews -- you sanctimonious WASPS!
"'Yes, I
was one happy Yiddle down there in Washington, a little Sterngang on my
own, busily exploding Charlie's honor and integrity, whilesimultaneously
becoming lover to the aristocratic Yankee beauty whose forebearsarrived
on these shores in the seventeenth century.'
situation is not quite so simple, for, as the quotation
indicates,Portnoy also wants to become one of these strong, blond,
'goyim' who own Americaand whose brothers are 'the engaging,
good-natured, confident, clean, swift andpowerful halfbacks for the
college football teams'. His unconscious hope is thathe can somehow
become a Goy by sleeping with the 'shikses'."
There is much
truth in Rothman's analysis. Jewish bourgeois Communism is notjust a
bunch of Jewish Capitalists suddenly discovering a more
profitableventure -- State Capitalism. It is also a symptom of the
eternal Jewishneurosis; the envy of all things goyish that in turn
becomes hatred of allthings goyish. Portnoy caricatures for us the
eternal Jew: he would like nothingbetter than to have blue blood flowing
through his veins, and by sleeping withthe shikse he hopes that some of
her blond, aristocratic ways will rub off onhim. But when nothing much
seems to change, and Portnoy stays pretty much thesame little Yiddle he
started off, then his envy turns to hate, and hissleeping-with becomes
"screwing". We are immediately reminded ofEldridge Cleaver's Soul on Ice
where he tells us that he raped Whitewomen in order to get his own back
on Whitey. We also observe the extraordinarydisproportion in
inter-racial rapes (both male-female and male-male) which arealmost 100%
Black against White.
Can it be that "Marxism" is no more than an expression of Jewishself-hate redirected against the rest of us?
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