Monday, March 4, 2013

Freud's Part in Our Satanic Possession
February 4, 2013

Shlomo Freud, a member of the Illuminati Bnai Brith, played a key role in mankind's induction into the Cabala sex cult. Psychiatry may have a subversive hidden agenda; hardly a surprise given its origins. 

Freud declined an invitation to travel saying, "a wealthy woman client might get well during my absence."

"My mood depends very much on my earnings. Money is laughing gas for me."

by Henry Makow Ph.D
(from Aug. 29, 2010)

Sigmund Shlomo Freud's career illustrates how a satanic cult, the Illuminati, cast its morbid spell over humanity.

The Illuminati sprung out of the Sabbatean Jewish heresy of the 17th century.

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was a Sabbatean who sold his perverted satanist beliefs to the world in the guise of science and medicine. The Illuminati-controlled media and education system hailed him as a great prophet.

The Sabbateans were a sex cult that indulged in every sexual perversion imaginable as a way of spitting in God's eye. This is what satanists do: incest, pedophilia, orgies, homosexuality, everything that is unnatural and unhealthy.

Freud and his B'nai Brith (Illuminati) backers convinced the world that sexual desire (libido) is the primary motivation of human life, and that sexual satisfaction is the universal panacea. He taught that repressing sexual urges is harmful and results in neuroses. He taught that
males experience castration anxiety and females suffer penis envy.

As an overture to incest and pedophilia, he taught that children have sexual feelings for their opposite-sexed parents and feel hostility to their same-sex parent. At the extreme, his "Oedipus Complex" states that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his father and rape his mother.

The philosopher Karl Popper said Freudian psychoanalysis is as devoid of scientific method as palm reading. Freud's Oedipus Complex "has absolutely no scientific basis."  

Typical of a Satanist, Freud denied man's spiritual dimension, our hunger for God exemplified by our spiritual ideals like harmony, love, truth and beauty. 

The Kabbalah teaches that God has no characteristics and is unknowable.

Influenced by the Kabbalah, Freud taught that God is merely the projection of  imaginary father figure designed to make us repress our sexual urges.  

According to Wikipedia, Freud "is considered one of the most prominent thinkers of the first half of the 20th century, in terms of originality and intellectual influence."


After joining the Masonic Jewish B'nai Brith in 1897, Freud's stillborn career began a meteoric rise.

Psychology Professor David Bakan describes Freudian psychoanalysis as derivative of the Lurianic Kabbalah and the Zohar.  Lurianic Kabbalah is a 2nd century Gnostic formulation which was picked up by Jewish heretic Sabbatai Zevi. [Sigmund Freud and The Jewish Mystical Tradition, (Beacon Press, Boston 1958)]

Freud discussed Kabbalah with a rabbi Chaim Bloch in 1920.  The rabbi told Prof. Bakan that the two men argued when Freud proposed that Moses had been an Egyptian pharaoh, not a Jew. 

Freud stormed off, leaving the rabbi alone in his study.  It was then that Bloch saw books on the shelves which identified Freud as a follower of Sabbatai Zevi, (the Sabbatean founder.)
Freud thanked the members of B'nai Brith lodge for their support. Indeed, several members of the lodge provided the initiating cadre who founded the quackery of psychoanalysis.

According to E. Michael Jones, Freud's Psychoanalytical Association was structured as a secret society. (Libido Dominandi, p. 122) Presumably, it had the same secret goals as the B'nai Brith, to subvert, exploit and enslave.

Freud's letters revealed he regarded his clients as suckers. 

He compared himself to a lion in a cartoon he saw. The lion is checking his watch at feeding time and asks, "where are my Negroes?"  Freud said his patients were his "Negroes". (Jones p. 116)

Freud declined an invitation to travel saying, "a wealthy woman client might get well during my absence."

"My mood depends very much on my earnings. Money is laughing gas for me," he wrote. (116)

Called the "talking cure," psychoanalysis was a scam. As Michael Jones writes, for a fee, rich people received absolution for their guilty pleasures and permission to proceed.

Jones believes psychoanalysis was based on the Illuminati initiatory ritual and is a form of mind control.

"Both were based on having the patient or adept give in-depth, quasi-confessional "examinations of conscience" during which they told the Illuminist controller or psychotherapist details of their personal lives which could later be used against them. Both Illuminism and psychoanalysis ended up as covert forms of psychic control, whereby the controller learned of the adepts dominant passion and manipulated him accordingly." (p.127)

The bottom line is that psychiatrists, whether they know it or not, are part of this satanic secret society. The true Illuminati goal is to make people sick and take their money. This would explain why psychiatrists are putting millions of people, including children, on drugs. See also: "The Soviet Art of Brainwashing." 

The secret society model may apply to the medical profession as a whole, as well as to other professions.

Freud was a precursor of Alfred Kinsey, the pervert who killed himself trying to masturbate. Kinsey filled his famous Rockefeller-sponsored report with the behavior patterns of his fellow homosexuals. Thus, he convinced Americans that promiscuity and deviance were the norm.

Similarly Freud had an affair with his wife's sister, Minna Bernays, who got pregnant. His psychiatric theories about incest and sex were attempts to exonerate himself. Ironically, Adam Weishaupt, the Illuminati organizer, also got his sister-in-law pregnant.

Freud went through a period where he was enamored by the salutary properties of cocaine. When some friends became addicted, he supposedly gave it up. However Wikipedia reports: "Some critics have suggested that most of Freud's psychoanalytical theory was a byproduct of his cocaine use." 


Sigmund Freud illustrates that modern culture is controlled by a satanic cult, to degrade and enslave mankind
. We have been duped by Satanists in the guise of science and medicine.

Satanists promote sexual excess and deviance to enslave humanity. "Anything goes," is the satanist watchword. Freud gave society permission to go hog wild.

Free sex tramples marriage and family, institutions necessary for social stability and health. It debases every human relationship to the lowest common denominator, sex. It presents sex and "relationships" as the single gateway to personal development and happiness.   

For the past 200 years, progress and enlightenment have been measured in terms of increased sexual license, until today we  genuflect at the obscene antics of obese, naked "gay pride" paraders.

This is "progress" in satanic terms. We are the victims of a diabolical multi-generational conspiracy which grows more brazen every day.

Thanks to Richard Evans for his valuable research.

Related --

Sigmund Freud - AntiChrist Devil by Eustace Mullins

Comments for " Freud's Part in Our Satanic Possession "
Louise said (February 5, 2013):
I really appreciate your articles.

You are quite right about Freud. You put it so succinctly. It clearly adds up to your conclusions.

I always see Lord of the Rings as so similar to what is going on now and typically, as in the film, mankind only wakes up when the wolf is right at the door!

Funnily enough, as a child I was friends with one of the many granddaughters of the old Freud. She was lovely and talented but extremely troubled. Not surprising really.

Stephen Coleman said (February 5, 2013):
I would like to see Tom that made the comment on his experience in the psych industry write an essay on his experiences as a professional.
I know several Australian psych nurses that really are caring and far more effective than the psychiatrists they work for. Fortunately there are psyche students that see that Freud makes little sense and get the grade and forget his silly fool theories.

John said (February 5, 2013):
Excellent essay. Thanks for calling a jackass a jackass.

I've never got hold of the book, but there is one titled, "Ten Men Who Rule The World From The Grave", and Freud is one.

As a profession, I think psychiatrists are criminals, and doctors pretty much, too.

I would like to share the cure for the vast majority of mental illness. Check out the article, "Vitamin Cure", in the May 2005 issue of Discover magazine. The website also has it in their news section, articles.

It was Canadians with an agricultural background who found this cure, even ahead of the few medical researchers in the new field of using nutrition to cure most mental illness. According to the people at Truehope, something like 97% of their customers see results when they supplement their nutrition for brain health, AND address yeast infection with probiotics, AND address the issue of mold in the home.

Asim said (February 5, 2013):
Great article on Freud the Fraud. Wasted two years studying Freud for my masters. No one on my course-homosexuals; feminists and Jews-liked him. To say, children have sexual fantasies is a massive blood libel against the little angels.
How could the kids defend themselves? The illuminati jews could not handle the real authentic pioneer of psychology-Carl Jung. Jung was far superior in intellect and is regarded as the actual founder of modern analytical psychology. He rejected the 'sex makes the world go round' bull and said that it was man's spiritual ideals-the belief in God, that motivated life. Jung was not Jewish-this was a heresy and so he had to be sidelined asap.
Easy-label him an anti-semite. Freud, his supposedly 'good friend' accused him of sympathizing with the Nazis during WW2, and this finished Jung's career in the public eye. Illuminati Hollywood made a film 'A Dangerous Method' by David Cronenberg (is he Jewish?[yes]), depicting Jung as an adulterer, sado-masochist, manipulator and liar, whilst Freud was portrayed as an elderly statesman-a complete whitewash of his true character and complete defamation of a truly remarkable and decent man- Carl Jung.
Thanks Asim,
I saw A Dangerous Method and I did see it as derogatory of Jung. Keira Knightly was amazing as the mad woman, Sabina Speilrein!I thought it was Cronenberg's best movie.

Bob said (August 31, 2010):
In the subject article is the line, "Called the 'talking cure', psychoanalysis was a scam". And as we know, it is even more so today than in Freud's time. Now we have a cornucopia of new mental illnesses with more bursting forth all the time to be treated with new drugs and those drugs yet to be invented for the financial health of the scamsters (Establishment shrinks, witch doctors, and pharmo-whores). (With many, many, many more new scams and drugs for our entertainment and delight yet to come from the foul, fertile, warped minds of the NWO bastards and their minions.)

Francois said (August 31, 2010):
1) The major developer of psychoanalysis is in my opinion Wilhelm Reich. He documented his work. Freud may have opened the box, but Reich did the scientific and rational work (and no Moses ravings). Freud poisoned his theories when he developed the death theory and that was the origin of their dispute. Freud was not very scientific, but Reich was (Freud had the fame, Reich the prison cell).
2) Freedom is not license, which is the Illuminati message equating Liberty with license, Fraternity with fascism and Equality with communism
3) Kabbalah is not black magick more than nuclear physics is about making atomic bombs.

Edward said (August 31, 2010):
My mother was in "therapy" for most of her life (Dad spent 250 k on her sessions). Once, during electro shock, they left off the contact gel and fried her temples. Her face swole up like a jack-o-lantern and she suffered horribly. Eventually after plastic surgery she got a little better. but was never the same.

Mom and Dad were "counseled" not to sue as it might damage the therapeutic relationship. The old Freud...uh oops! The old fraud used to sit by her and hold her hand. I thot there was to be no physical contact between analyst and patient.

mind games...that's all

Tom said (August 31, 2010):
Thanks for the Freud article. As an EX-mental health clinician, it took me nearly 20 years, in an 'industry' I could only describe as 3rd reich-like, to get out. An 'industry' where the nurses were called 'bin attendants' (Australia). If you were a person with a 'mental illness' and a low self-esteem at the point of suicide wouldn't it be optimally therapeutic to be introduced to your 'bin attendant'? Your article adds more pieces to the puzzle that caused me, what i can only describe as, a professional dissonance.
I don't know if most (not all) mental health clinicians are dispassionate, nasty, callous despots and that's perhaps why they go into the industry (to exploit vulnerable patients), or maybe they are recruited, hand-picked satanists employed to bastardize and experiment on patients and disenfranchise or demoralize colleagues who are not of their cohort, ensuring that the 'industry' stays in the 'right hands', if you will.
If some of my former colleagues read your article and this letter, we'd be labeled with a flattering diagnosis such as 'personality disorder' which would discredit everything we'd then say. No doubt when the Luciferian revolution hits it's straps, unless it is halted, we will be classified as such. They invert everything.. sane is insane etc. If you are an individual and a creative free thinker you are of no use to this insane 'industry'.

Wayne said (August 30, 2010):
Excellent article, Henry, on Freud the Fraud. The predatory pseudo-scientific poison called psychiatry is based on a false analogy between physical well-being and mental well-being.

Psychiatry masquerades as medicine, but it is definitely NOT the art of healing. To our sorrow, this miserable fraud has been institutionalized as medicine by our insurance companies, universities, and government agencies. Dr. Thomas Szasz was one psychiatrist who dared to tell the truth about this terrible hoax that has been perpetrated on long-suffering humanity.

Grace said (August 30, 2010):
My dear Henry! You've done it again.
This Freud story is so important and you have done a great job at shedding light on this with brevity.
How many people have been subjected to Freudian psyops !!
Penis envy and such other machinations were indeed poppycock. Behavioral psychology is more rooted in truth and based on actions and not ephemeral baseless ideas. What will people not be made to believe.
Tom Cruise shared his disbelief in psychology and use of anti-psychotics on the Today show (scientology aside, i am a Christian to the core) and the PTB nearly destroyed his career. But Tom Cruise was brave and he was right.
You may know that social psychology is being used to control the masses. In my innocent past, I have taught some of its precepts (Dr. Cialdini, Denver) to my corporate audiences. Tony Blair brought Cialdini to UK to learn how to placate the masses. WSJ called me to ask if Bush was using the same methods--all I had as evidence was Blair.
Freud dismantles the family basing all on the id, ego and superego devoid of soul, conscience. Social psychologists like Cialdini dismantle unity--and engineer desired group behavior for profit. Freud, Machiavelli, Darwin--all the same lies about all life being a soulless foodc hain under the guise of science.
If only folks were more discerning, confident of independent thinking!

Grace said (August 30, 2010):
My dear Henry! You've done it again.
This Freud story is so important and you have done a great job at shedding light on this with brevity.
How many people have been subjected to Freudian psyops !!
Penis envy and such other machinations were indeed poppycock. Behavioral psychology is more rooted in truth and based on actions and not ephemeral baseless ideas. What will people not be made to believe.
Tom Cruise shared his disbelief in psychology and use of anti-psychotics on the Today show (scientology aside, i am a Christian to the core) and the PTB nearly destroyed his career. But Tom Cruise was brave and he was right.
You may know that social psychology is being used to control the masses. In my innocent past, I have taught some of its precepts (Dr. Cialdini, Denver) to my corporate audiences. Tony Blair brought Cialdini to UK to learn how to placate the masses. WSJ called me to ask if Bush was using the same methods--all I had as evidence was Blair.
Freud dismantles the family basing all on the id, ego and superego devoid of soul, conscience. Social psychologists like Cialdini dismantle unity--and engineer desired group behavior for profit. Freud, Machiavelli, Darwin--all the same lies about all life being a soulless foodchain under the guise of science.
If only folks were more discerning, confident of independent thinking!

C said (August 30, 2010):
As the sister of a schizophrenic, I have witnessed the harmful effects of Freudianism first hand. It destroyed my family and hurt my sister badly.

In Freudian Fraud: The Malignant Effect of Freud's Theory on American Thought and Culture, psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey describes the greater cultural effect of Freud. He commented that the Viennese Medical Society censured Freud for refusing to give pro bono medical help to the poor.

Is it not odd that what was once censured is now the norm in the medical community? What doctor will give free medical care to the poor anymore?

Luther said (August 30, 2010):
Unfortunately, many seemingly educated people believe that they have to accept concepts like psychoanalysis without question, because Freud was ahead of his time (really, not just a 'head' in his time). He used lots of cocaine to nourish his sexual urges, but never once presented any arguments about the way mental patients were treated throughout history in Europe (later in the New World).

As far as that young lady's remark goes, I am living in a city that glorifies homosexuals as if they can do no wrong, yet more children are victims of predators all the time. No one has the right to force their lifestyle or ideas onto others! Still, people that refuse to be intimidated by this PC nonsense are targeted by these clowns too. Dr. Laura Schlesinger has been attacked repeatedly for giving a true description of homosexual behaviour (goes against nature!), so she is accused of being a racist now because of use of the 'n' word by aggressive callers, missing the point once more. As long as 'the word' is used it will be abused by nutjobs of all complexions.

I challenge the young lady to read and or view "PSYCHIATRY: An Industry of Death", which explains why the public has drugs and psychotherapy forced onto them, and what a goldmine this 'industry' is for the pharmaceutical companies. The very water we drink is now contaminated with these drugs; so more people are now depressed, yet we still better give more drugs to our children because they are 'active', possibly 'creative', with it all fitting nicely under the blanket of ADHD. Does anyone ever sanction ignorance as a mental malaise (sickness), because it is...

Shai Shahar said (August 30, 2010):
You still don't get you?
You spend as much time obsessing about the sexual perversions of society as pornographers do filming them.

You think because you take a stand against sex and porn that you are helping? Nonsense..all you are doing is making it more glorified..
and..whether you know it or not..admit it or are as deeply caught up in sex as those you continually " expose" as Illuminati
Makes me wonder whose side you are on, Henry.
Most of us true rebels against the rabbis and the PTB -Illuminati schills end up being harassed, interfered with, hacked, tracked,
picked up for questioning..held in communicado and fucked with, threatened...blackmailed....
This has happened to me...I live in exile in Holland..have done for years... and we [my family] are still under surveillance..our bank
accounts have been audited illegally, phones tapped.. prospective business partners warned away from doing business with us...." they" even hired or provoked a psychopathic woman to make
rants against us and post unbelievably licentious and shocking blurbs about us..or presumably By us on Usenet which cost us weeks and weeks of letter writing and copies of lawyer/police reports
to get taken off-line.
I see no such harassment being directed against you in an institutional way...and indeed when I have mentioned your name and your book to others in my same position they all wonder how kosher you are..if you are not just a designated
double-agent for the NWO...with a more than is healthy interest in the sexual deviations of others.
Sex, sex, sex...every other article you post is about sex, Doctor....and it begs the questions..why and to what purpose?
I mean, don;t have to be Freud to note the fixation you have .
Can you read?
"Satanists promote sexual excess and deviance to enslave humanity...Free sex tramples marriage and family, institutions necessary for social stability and health. It debases every human relationship to the lowest common denominator, sex."
Another ad hominem attack? Are your arguments so inadequate?
You actually think I am serving their agenda by glorifying sex? You've been smoking too much Dutch pot.

Dave said (August 30, 2010):
Watch any movie or TV show today, regardless of what it is rated, and promiscuity runs rampant!
Nothing new, just more explicit and raw. In other words we didn't see Hawkeye of Mash or Sam Malone of Cheers getting out of bed naked...some how we were fooled to think that was OK, I know I was...I was a fool to watch and laugh as if it was OK.
Stopped watching "Bones" a few years ago as the lead characters had no moral compass at all, any date consisted of casual sex, we now see it on all programs. Many are promoting their shows with sexy irrelevant sex scenes.

"Leverage" blonde girl and black man of group are doin it..."Drop Dead Diva" Jan's dating Tony had sex put off at least two dates, wow, was that moral progress? In a law center where sleeping with others is common.

"Warehouse 13" sorry - no exception, last week we see the lead male in bed with the girl two weeks ago that he didn't like! Say what?

I remember watching all of 3 minutes of Grey's Anatomy's pilot as it opened with a hot passionate bedroom sex scene...never tuned in again to that.

If I want porno, I can find that elsewhere...Oh one last show, it was a Disney kids show and I believe it was "Kyle XY" or something like that and the first season the cloned kid is encouraged to view porno and masturbate, thank you Walt for not showing us a kid in the bathroom working up a lather.

Nancy said (August 30, 2010):
I think you mean well Henry, but you are so full of negativity and anger. Why don't you take a look at yourself instead of constantly pointing your finger at others. Don't you see how much you project your own self loathing onto others? It's time, I think, for all of us to take our own inventory. All these months I have read your columns about homosexuality for example. Why not just try it and get it out of your system because it obviously fascinates you.You just can't move on and I think you would be much happier if you did.
No charge for this.
As long as I'm the problem, you can ignore the
real one.
No charge for this.

Doug said (August 29, 2010):
Oh Henry, thank you for that article about Freud! My wife's sister is in the Psychology Profession and now I know exactly what is wrong with her! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
But just between you and me, I always knew Freud was a very strange ole Bird with way too much interest in the human orifice. Your article just filled me in on the ugly details.

Cliff said (August 29, 2010):
Good to see somebody making sense of where we are at in this world today and how we got here...
There is no hope save for some divine/other world intervention.
Can't rely see the how the final solution can be avoided we are all toast it seems.
Why is mankind so gullible and blind to the facade of these satanic slaves... They are everywhere part of the furniture of the hellish earth planet...
I was born in Toronto 64 vintage I live in mason central Scotland.
Great read... You know it! Thanks

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

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