Monday, April 1, 2013

ADL Socialist Censorship
Because, Boys and Girls, The ADL Big Brother Knows Best What Kids Should Know

From: Kevin Alfred Strom 11/13/98 10:34
Subject: ADL Censorship.

Attached, unchanged and unedited, is a Reuters article on the ADL's latest effort to stifle free speech.
My comment:
I predict that the next step will be to push the use of this censorship software in public library computer terminals, and -- even more ominously -- to have it "preinstalled" on new PCs and browsers.
As ever,
Kevin Alfred Strom.

---begin Reuters article---
ADL Filter: A ``crossing guard'' for Net hate
NEW YORK (Wired) - The Anti-Defamation League has announced the debut of HateFilter, a software program designed to block access to Web sites and newsgroups that denigrate individuals on the basis of what the ADL calls ``immutable characteristics,'' such as race, religion, and sexual orientation.
The software was developed with The Learning Company, the makers of CyberPatrol, an Internet filtering program that is widely used in homes, schools, businesses, and libraries to block access to sites deemed inappropriate by parents and employers.
``We are engaged in a full-blown battle against high-tech hate,'' said ADL national chairman Howard Berkowitz in a statement. ``Bigots are seducing our children with online messages presented in full-color animation with music and video.... Parents should be able to protect their children from hate by keeping bigotry and prejudice out of their homes.''
The ADL was founded in 1913 to fight anti-semitism. HateFilter (, which is available as a free download on the ADL's Web site, is a customized version of CyberPatrol ( Like CyberPatrol, HateFilter only blocks sites that have been added to its database manually by monitors who scrutinize sites for objectionable content.
Neither CyberPatrol nor HateFilter sifts out sites automatically by keyword. The appearance of the term ``breast,'' for instance, on a breast cancer information page, will not result in automatic blocking of the site.
HateFilter users can choose to block sites listed in the standard CyberPatrol database-the so-called CyberNOT list-and those in a special database compiled by the ADL.
Elizabeth Coleman, the ADL's national director of civil rights, says ``a team of people who are on their computers all day'' is employed by the organization to patrol the Web for sites like the white supremacist RAHOWA Headquarters. (''Q: What starts out as a fruit, then turns into a vegatable sic, then turns into meat? A: Matthew Shepard.'') The ADL's database will be updated weekly.
HateFilter adds a feature to CyberPatrol's standard set: When a site is blocked, Net surfers are offered a menu of alternative ``educational'' sites. Someone who tried to access, for instance, would be directed to sites offering information about homophobia.
Certain racist and anti-semitic sites are specifically designed to attract children and young adults, Coleman says, such as the World Church of the Creator's ``Kids' Page'' (now offline) and sites devoted to the music of white supremacist bands. She calls HateFilter ``a crossing guard for the information superhighway, to protect vulnerable kids who might be home alone and come across hate language.''
Coleman cautions that while the Internet provides unparalleled opportunities to ``collapse distance, collapse time, and put us in touch with one another 24 hours a day,'' the ability of netsurfers and webmasters to hide behind anonymity and pseudonyms makes the Net ``a very dark place-a Petri dish for hate.''
CyberPatrol has come under fire from organizations as diverse as Reverend Donald Wildmon's American Family Association, the Censorware Project, and Peacefire-a First Amendment youth group-for its blocking policies.
In a report published on its Web site in December 1977, the Censorware Project claimed CyberPatrol's CyberNOT list included such sites as the MIT Project on Mathematics and Computation (blocked for ``FullNude'' and ``SexActs''), the Deja News Usenet archive, and newsgroups like misc.headlines and talk.abortion. Some of the blocked sites were removed from the CyberNOT list after the report was published.
In June, the American Family Association found itself added to the CyberNOT list for ``intolerance,'' indicating that the blocked site contained language ``advocating prejudice or discrimination against any race, color, national origin, religion, disability or handicap, gender, or sexual orientation.'' Disputing the block, the AFA argued that such statements as ``homosexuality and AIDS are inseparably connected'' reflect a valid point of view, not intolerance. The site remains on the CyberNOT list.
David Burt, who runs a site called Filtering Facts, which advocates the use of filtering software in public libraries to screen out hardcore pornography, thinks HateFilter is ``a good idea for parents, but a terrible idea for a library.''
Burt says the dispute between CyberPatrol and the AFA illustrates that ``filtering for viewpoint''-rather than for, say, clearly sexual imagery-is ``a slippery slope.''
``Just the fact of condemning homosexuality from a biblical perspective doesn't make a site a hate site,'' he says.
Because hate and intolerance are already filtering options for the standard version of CyberPatrol, Peacefire coordinator Bennett Haselton calls ADL's customized HateFilter ``a symbolic gesture.''
Haselton points out that while the ADL's press release claims that HateFilter is ``the first filter produced by a non-commercial organization,'' another organization beat them to it: the Church of Scientology, which developed blocking software to prevent its members from reading sites and newsgroups critical of church policy.
Coleman stressed the fairness of the ADL's monitoring policies. Two pro-Zionist sites, for instance-the Jewish Defense League and blocked for their use of vicious anti-Arab language.
``We do not filter out opinions,'' she says. ``Someone who thinks homosexuality is wrong is expressing an opinion. Someone who says homosexuals do not deserve to live is expressing hate. The language has to reach a certain level.
``It's a very fine line.''

LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE., St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 12-21-1993, pp 06B. ADL Spy Probe I applaud the Post-Dispatch for its Dec. 7 editorial chastising the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for its spying activities. Maybe the ADL got off right before indictments were handed up not only because its obvious government influence but perhaps as a byproduct of the current international deals being made around the new Middle East peace accords or the issue of pardoning convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard and his ADL-connected networks. I did wish the Post-Dispatch had gone further in its editorial. First of all, it failed to report or comment on the two very large multi-party class action suits taken out by the victims of the spying against the ADL in California. Moreover, other cities, such as Chicago, have taken up their own official inquiries into ADL activities prompted by the San Francisco revelations. Since it has been revealed that the ADL had (and may still have) an active undercover spy, "Ironsides," for many years here, whose identity the San Francisco investigators say they know (April 10 article), and who one may reasonably assume had access to police and other official files, shouldn't the call be made for a similar investigation in St. Louis? No doubt a call from Chief Clarence Harmon or the circuit attorney to San Francisco would reveal who "Ironsides" is, and then an investigation could be made to determine the legality of his activity. Newspaper reporters were prominent among those targets of the ADL espionage - especially newspapers and reporters who disagreed with ADL positions on the Mideast, hate crimes legislation or the John Demjanjuk case, as have Post-Dispatch editors. I happen to know that previous pleas to local officials to probe ADL's St. Louis activities have been ignored. Maybe if the Post-Dispatch joined the call, things would be different.
Anthony DeFranco St. Louis

Spy Net for Jewish Group Probed LOS ANGELES TIMES, Newsday, 02-26-1993, pp 17.
- A private intelligence network with ties to the Anti-Defamation League is under investigation for illegally collecting information on more than 12,000 people nationwide, authorities say. Spokesmen for the league, an American Jewish group dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism and bigotry, denied any wrongdoing. San Francisco authorities say they have confiscated files containing personal information on a wide range of political activists, ethnic advocates, writers and other U.S. residents. Much of the information allegedly is from confidential government databanks and police agencies. While some files were funneled to South Africa, most of the information appears to have been collected on behalf of the Anti-Defamation League. Officials of the organization, as well as its paid undercover operatives, could face charges for gathering intelligence illegally, authorities said. "What we're looking at is the violation of the statute that prohibits the sale, use and dispersal of confidential information," San Francisco District Attorney Arlo Smith said. Officials of the Anti-Defamation League in San Francisco and Los Angeles have cooperated with the investigation, allowing police to search their offices without a warrant. They acknowledged that their organization worked with police in collecting information on people believed to be anti-Semitic or involved in hate crimes but insisted that they did not violate the law. "It has been a regular practice of the ADL to trade hate crime-related information with police departments," said Richard Hirschhaut, executive director of the organization's Northern California office. "It has always been our understanding and our credo in conducting our fact-finding work that we conduct our work from a high ethical plateau and in conjunction with the law." In the past, both the Los Angeles and San Francisco police departments have been criticized for collecting intelligence files on activists, political figures or elected officials. Many details of the investigation were murky because a San Francisco judge has placed most of the evidence under seal until charges are filed, perhaps next month, authorities said. But the San Francisco Police Commission has ordered the release of individual files to those who were allegedly spied on - including Arab-Americans, supporters of the African National Congress, Black Muslims, Irish-Americans, neo-Nazis, the National Lawyers Guild, left-wing activists and others. "The ADL is running this all over the country," said one source close to the investigation. "The ADL set up this great system for collecting information and South Africa tapped into it." One former San Francisco police intelligence officer, who allegedly funneled police files to the operation, is under investigation on allegations that he sold confidential information about hundreds of people to the South African government. After he was questioned in November by the FBI, which began the investigation, he fled to the Philippines. Much of the case revolves around the mysterious figure of Roy Bullock, who has spent the past 40 years as a free-lance investigator and undercover operative. According to investigators, Bullock, 58, worked on behalf of the Anti-Defamation League as well as other groups. Authorities said he worked closely with police officers from various departments and collected such confidential information as criminal records, intelligence files, driver's license photographs and home addresses. Bullock could not be reached for comment.

ADL's Illegal Spying Activities ADL's Intelligence Network
Jane Meredith Adams, Timothy M. Phelps, Timothy M, ADL's Intelligence Network Prosecutor: NY office gathered data on unions and politicians., Newsday, 04-13-1993, pp 07.
By Jane Meredith Adams and Timothy M. Phelps. Jane Meredith Adams is a special correspondent in San Francisco; Timothy M. Phelps is a reporter in Newsday's Washington Bureau
The Anti-Defamation League's nationwide intelligence network that gathered information on labor unions, political leaders, journalists and many others was operated out of the ADL's New York office, a San Francisco prosecutor said yesterday. John Dwyer, an assistant district attorney investigating allegations that the ADL may have illegally obtained confidential police information, told Newsday that Irwin Suall, the league's director of fact-finding, ran the effort from the ADL's headquarters in New York. Prosecutors also said that undercover operatives were at work in New York and other major American cities. Suall has been widely quoted in the news media as an expert on racist right-wing organizations. Neither he nor any other ADL official has been charged with any crime. Suall and other ADL officials could not be reached yesterday because its offices were closed for the Passover holiday. There was no reply to a message left with one ADL employee. In past statements, the ADL has acknowledged collecting information on racist organizations but has said it violated no laws in doing so. In an interview with Newsday, Roy Bullock, the organization's undercover operative in San Francisco, said he was a "researcher," not the spy that West Coast newspapers have called him. The ADL, with a staff of 400 and a budget of $32 million, has worked for 80 years in this country to stop defamation of Jewish people and to educate Americans about Israel. But according to police affidavits made public last Thursday as justification for bank and office search warrants, Bullock, while surreptitiously on the ADL's payroll, kept files not only on such organizations as "Youth for Hitler" and Arab-Americans, but also on groups he called "pinko," including a Hotel and Restaurant Employees union local, the San Francisco Labor Council, local weekly newspapers, gay rights and animal rights organizations, environmental groups like Greenpeace, religious groups like Jews for Jesus, and numerous black and anti-apartheid groups, including the Black United Fund, the Rainbow Coalition and the Department of Black Studies at San Francisco State University. Arlo Smith, the San Francisco district attorney, said in an interview that "I'm probably in the files too," because, he said, he had given speeches to the NAACP and Arab-American groups that the ADL kept track of. Smith said that potential crimes being investigated include eavesdropping and disclosure and receipt of confidential police files. Bullock allegedly obtained information from San Francisco policeman and former CIA employee Tom Gerard, who told a San Francisco newspaper in an interview from the Philippines that he had gone there to escape prosecution. Bullock, 58, a San Francisco dealer in Asian art, had a desk at the ADL but operated a vast computer data base of 10,000 names out of his modest Victorian apartment. In his first interview since court documents released last week revealed his involvement with the ADL, Bullock yesterday angrily denied that he was a spy or that the ADL was involved in illegal surveillance. "The accusation of spying is false and malicious," he said. "I am by no stretch of the imagination a spy. I'm a researcher. I have worked with the ADL for many years and consider them an honorable organization. I've never known them to be involved in illegal activities." He was a familiar figure to activists in San Francisco, particularly among groups involved in Palestinian and anti-apartheid issues. He attended meetings of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Council, volunteered to work in the office of the anti-apartheid March for Peace, Jobs and Justice and, because of his stocky build, worked security at an Arab-American march, said Jeffrey Blankfort, editor of the Middle East Labor Bulletin. Bullock later created files on those groups. He said "99.9 percent" of the information came from what he called "public sources," including the alternative weekly newspaper in San Francisco, the Bay Guardian, on which he also kept a file. He said most of the people he investigated turned out to be "a collection of gas bags and hot air artists." He said information on such ostensibly apolitical groups as the Earth Island Institute - which was listed in the `PINKO' section, according to the court documents released Thursday - were part of his own private files, not information he was passing on to ADL. The revelation that ADL could be tracking low-profile environmental groups such as Earth Island Institute has infuriated members of those groups. Bullock said he believed the San Francisco district attorney's investigation into the ADL's information-gathering operation is part of an effort to impugn the organization's credibility. "What hidden political agenda is behind this investigation which has served no one?" he asked.

Just Like the USSR When the Jews Ran It, The American ADL "Bolsheviks" Made Marlon Brando LIE in Public. For the real story of the Jewish Control of Hollywood Brando Talked About, See Jews Who Control Hollywood The Only Difference is that ADL Thugs Didn't Get To Kill Him Later as they did Regularly in Stalin's Day to Christians. For the Deaths of 100 Million Christians at the Hands of the Jews in Russia, See Jewish Genocides Today & Yesterday
Brando apologizes for remarks, plans Museum of Tolerance visit
Copyright © 1996 Copyright © 1996 The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES (Apr 10, 1996 11:00 a.m. EDT) -- Marlon Brando apologized for anti-Semitic comments about Jews in Hollywood and plans to make a public statement at the Museum of Tolerance, a rabbi said.
Brando called the center and "expressed his remorse," Rabbi Marvin Hier said Tuesday. Brando will "make a public statement regarding this matter" Friday at the Simon Wiesenthal Center's museum, Hier said.
The 72-year-old Brando was harshly criticized by Jewish groups after remarks last week in an interview on CNN's "Larry King Live."
"Hollywood is run by Jews. It is owned by Jews and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of people who are suffering," Brando said.
"He told me he was an early supporter of Israel," said Hier. "I told him, 'Marlon, I never thought you were an anti-Semite, but the words you used on Larry King was music to the ears of racists and bigots all over the world."'
The reclusive star of "The Godfather" and "A Streetcar Named Desire" mentioned on the show the various stereotypes that he said were depicted in films.
"We've seen the nigger, and the greaseball. We've seen the chink. We've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap. We have seen the wily Filipino. We've seen everything. But we never saw the kike because they knew perfectly well that that's where you draw the wagons around," Brando said.
"I think it's a good thing but I'm not sure it goes far enough," Abraham H. Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, said of Brando's planned visit.
"He's not a kid going to a museum. He's an adult who's had these views for 25 years," Foxman said from his New York office.
"If he really has remorse, he ought to go see his friend Larry King and tell everyone on the air," he added.
Brando's Friday news conference at the Museum of Tolerance will accomplish the goal of reaching a world audience, Hier said.

ADL - A History of Disinformation and Intimidation AlAkhbar News Service
Radio Islam
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which describes itself as a civil rights organization, has been in the forefront of an ongoing attempt to label legitimate American-Arab and American-Muslim charitable, political, and informational organizations as fronts for terrorism. This attempt is part of a long-standing ADL policy of discrediting any individual or organization opposed to Israel or supportive of Palestinian rights. The ADL's strong political loyalty to Israel as well as its acknowledged ties to Israel's external intelligence agency in addition to its past practices of spreading disinformation and intimidating those who have spoken out against Israeli policies should however serve as a warning about the ADL and the nature of its claims.
When the ADL was founded in 1913 it defined its mission as opposing the defamation of the Jewish people. Over the years, the organization won respect for its active support of civil rights and its opposition to segregation and white supremacist groups. However after the founding of the State of Israel and the 1967 Middle East War, the ADL significantly altered the way it defined its mission. In a 1974 ADL publication entitled "The New Anti-Semitism," then-ADL National Director Benjamin Epstein argued that any "criticism of Israel reflects insensitivity to American Jews and constitutes a form of anti-Semitism." This change in the way it defined its mission meant that the ADL would no longer be engaged in merely civil rights work but would rather take on a very strong political stance in defense of Israel. The main goal of the ADL became to counteract any criticism of Israel and to promote Israel's interests regardless of other considerations. Throughout the 1970's and 1980's, for example, the ADL was in the forefront of an effort to keep documents underscoring Israel's sinking of an American naval ship confidential. Such efforts cannot be understood in the context of the ADL's former civil rights agenda. Similarly, in November, 1994, ADL's Executive Director Abraham Foxman personally appealed to President Bill Clinton to commute the prison sentence of Jonathan Pollard, an intelligence analyst for the U.S. Navy who sold what the New York Times described as "suitcases full of military intelligence" to Israel. Foxman's appeal to President Clinton can only be understood in light of the ADL's new mission of promoting Israeli interests.
The fact that the ADL has become a pro-Israel interest group is, of course, not in itself problematic. The entire United States political system is based on the freedom of interest groups to compete with others in promoting their often conflicting agendas. However the ADL has overstepped the bounds of legitimacy on a number of levels. The organization has engaged in illegal domestic spying activities, has worked with foreign intelligence agencies to undermine the rights and endanger the lives of American citizens, has undertaken disinformation campaigns slandering and intimidating numerous academicians, politicians, journalists, church officials, and Arab-Americans.
ADL's transgressions were most notably exposed in January 1993 when San Francisco newspapers broke the story of ADL's extensive domestic spying network. The San Francisco Police Department discovered that under the cover of fighting anti-Semitism, the ADL had gathered and sold to intelligence agents of the Israeli and South African governments information on thousands of American individuals and groups. In addition to nearly all Arab American organizations, those whom the ADL targeted included House Armed Services Committee Chairman Ron Dellums, former Congressman Pete McCloskey, Los Angeles Times correspondent Scott Kraft, the board of directors of public television station KQED, the Rainbow Coalition, a number of labor unions, Greenpeace, as well as numerous other journalists, professors, members of Congress, and activists who the ADL suspected had "anti-Israel" leanings. The information which the San Francisco police department confiscated from the ADL offices included illegally obtained confidential police material. The manner by which the ADL obtained such information as well as the fact that they sold it to foreign governments are both felonies.
The ADL's ties to the Mossad, Israel's external intelligence agency, had been known even before the scandal broke out in 1993. During the court proceedings concerning a 1970 lawsuit against the ADL, an internal letter was disclosed in which ADL's Epstein bragged about the close intelligence relations between the ADL and Israel. Furthermore, in his 1988 autobiography, ADL general counsel Arnold Forster described the close connections between the ADL and the Mossad. The Mossad connection is especially disturbing because of the Israeli intelligence agency's long record of engaging in political assassinations of opponents of Israel throughout the world.
Like the Mossad, the ADL has not been content with just gathering information on those who have spoken out against Israel or in favor of Palestinian rights. The ADL has also actively engaged in discrediting them through disinformation campaigns which are aimed at both distorting the records and intimidating those opposed to Israel. While in the 1970's and 1980's, the ADL often falsely labeled such individuals as being connected to the PLO or in the pay of Arab Gulf states, since the 1990's, the ADL has begun labeling them as being connected to Islamic terrorist organizations. The ADL's allegations, while couched in a matter-of-fact style, nearly always falls far short of providing any real evidence. However such allegations have had far-reaching effects. After the ADL accused seven Palestinians and a Kenyan woman in California with ties to a PLO terrorist group, for example, the eight individuals were arrested and deportation proceedings were begun. When it was later discovered that no real evidence existed against the eight individuals except for the fact that they had distributed anti-Israeli magazines, the media sharply criticized the government.
One of its first salvos in the disinformation war was its 1975 report entitled "Target U.S.A.: The Arab Propaganda Offensive," in which the ADL distorted the images of nearly all mainstream Arab-American groups. The ADL followed up that report with its most controversial book of all: Pro-Arab Propaganda: Vehicles and Voices, an enemies list of 31 organizations and 34 individuals which was published in 1983 and was largely aimed at countering opposition to Israel from University professors and student organizations. The publication intentionally takes statements of those on the list out of context, accuses them of Anti-Semitism, and falsely accuses a number of academic scholars of being part of a PLO support network or of having been paid by Gulf Arab countries. The report calls upon Jewish leaders in Universities throughout the country to boycott and intimidate those appearing on the list. Those who appeared on the list later found themselves ostracized by the academic community with some losing their jobs or denied promotions. S.C. Whittaker, the former chairman of the Political Science Department at Rutgers University admitted, for example, that political reasons, rather than academic ones, prevented Dr. Eqbal Ahmad from obtaining a regular teaching appointment after his name appeared on the ADL list. Dr. Noam Chomsky, who also appeared on the list, says that since the book was published, protesters have appeared at every one of his speaking engagements and have distributed distorted ADL reports containing fabricated quotes that he was alleged to have made in an attempt to intimidate him and his listeners. On Nov. 30, 1984, the Middle East Studies Association passed a resolution protesting the "creation, storage, or dissemination of blacklists, enemy lists" or surveys that call for boycotting individuals or intimidating scholars. Similar intimidation campaigns have been waged by the ADL against reporters and journalists who have criticized Israel.
Throughout the 1980's, the ADL also accused liberal church officials, church groups, and religious organizations which called for peace and justice for all in the Middle East as being connected to the PLO. The Reverend Don Wagner and the Presbyterian Church had especially been accused by the ADL of having connections to the PLO, though no evidence was ever presented backing up such contentions. On the other hand, after a 1994 report on the religious right, the ADL was accused by religious conservatives of going after people for their political views and of taking numerous quotes of religious leaders out of context. Also on May 25, 1994, the ADL's Jerusalem office released a sensationalist story which appeared the next day in the New York Times and other newspapers which alleged that the Vatican had admitted to being responsible for the Holocaust. The Vatican later totally denied the story. The ADL's blatant misrepresentation of facts was sharply criticized.
The ADL's credibility has been severely shaken by its long record of disinformation. While the ADL has every right to continue advocating pro-Israel policies, its real agenda should be exposed and it must be made to end the illegal spying, harassment, and intimidation of political opponents. More importantly, U.S. law enforcement agencies, the media, and political circles need to see the ADL for what it is: a pro-Israel group more than ready to distort the truth to further the Israeli agenda. While in retrospect, it now seems very clear that the ADL's wild allegations against alleged PLO support networks in the 1980's were baseless, it must be remembered that at the time they were seen as credible and led many people to lose their jobs and others to be imprisoned. The ADL's current crusade against alleged Islamic terrorist networks is almost identical to its earlier one against so-called ties to the PLO. Both campaigns are based on general stereotypes and fears and are devoid of evidence and fact. To repeat such allegations without further investigating them, as some in the media have done, is unprofessional and unethical. To act upon them, as some law-makers and law-enforcement agencies have done, is dangerous and threatens the freedoms and civil liberties Americans have grown to expect.
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Is the Anti-Defamaton League of B'nai B'rith Spying on You?
by Bill Hughes
(Published in the Baltimore Sentinel, September, 1993 issue.)
Are you being watched? Is information about your First Amendment activities being sent covetly to alien intelligence agencies? Have secret files been compiled on you? A major scandal, centered around ex-San Francisco Police Inspector Tom Gerard, a shadowy character named Roy Bullock, and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) suggests that American liberals, and others, may be under surveillance. Evidence seized by the police indicates that numerous progressives activists, newspapers, elected officials, and labor unions-are the targets of a domestic snooping operation. Its legality, and scope, are now being tested and examined in a civil rights case filed in a state court in San Francisco. Gerard has been charged in San Francisco with theft of government property and conspiracy. He is suspected of having collected privileged material on many residents and organizations in the Bay Area. He turned the information over to Bullock. Gerard was introduced to Bullock in the San Francisco office of the ADL. An antique dealer, Bullock, has been the ADL's top "investigator" for more than three decades. The ADL paid him over $170,000 between 1985 and 1992 for his cloak-and-dagger work. Bullock liked to pick through the garbage of his victims, and once infiltrated an Arab-American delegation that visited Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in her Washington, D.C. Office. (Pelosi is the daughter of Baltimore's late Mayor Thomas J. D'Alesandro, Sr.) According to a Los Angeles Times article (04/09/93), Bullock worked as a paid informant for the FBI, as well as the ADL. On April 8, 1993, police carried out a five hour raid of the ADL offices in San Francisco and Los Angeles. They discovered the ADL had copies of computer files on 12,000 Americans and more than 950 groups. According to police reports and court documents, Bullock acknowledged he obtained the information from Gerard, who traded police files, criminal histories and license plate numbers in exchange for Bullock's data on so-called extremist groups. It is feared by some that this confidential information may have been filtered to spook networks in Israel, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. Gerard had tied earlier in his career to the CIA. The ADL boasts of keeping its eye on extreme right-wing groups, like the Skinheads, the Klu Klux Klan, and Aryan Nations. Their role in this mess indicates they may have reached too far in search for "Anti-Semites." Police found files on the African National Congress: the ACLU: Irish Americans; the United Auto Workers; AIDS activist groups like ACT-UP; Mother Jones magazine; Pacifica News Network; Lesbian Agenda for Action; Greenpeace; Christic Institute; Rep. Roy Dellums (D-CA); the National Lawyers Guild; NAACP; CISPES; Carpenters Local 22; Jews for Jesus; and many Arab and Palestinian individuals and organizations. The ADL had denied any wrongdoing in the growing scandal. Gerard has pleaded "not guilty" and released on $20,000 bail. Bullock has not been charged. The probe is continuing. Abraham Foxman, the head of the ADL, lashed out at the San Francisco district attorney for "trying us in the media, " according to an interview he gave to the Northern California Bulletin, a local Jewish weekly. Foxman said the ADL would continue to monitor people or groups that "pose a threat to Jews" and defended the organization's probe of the African National Congress on grounds the ANC "were violent, they were anti-Semitic, they were pro-PLO, and they were anti-Israel." (See The Washington Report on the Middle East magazine,08/93). The ADL was founded in 1913 for the declared purpose of defending Jews against "defamation." For the most part, their record over the years has been a laudable one. During the Reagan years, however, the ADL made a noticeable turn to the Right. Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal, a respected author and anti-Zionist, said, "What exactly constitutes anti-Semitism was to receive continually different interpretations. With the creation of Israel in 1948, the meaning of the word was broadened and eventually, totally distorted." (The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 07/93). Irwin Suall presently runs the ADL's "fact finding" division out of their national office at the United Nations Plaza in Manhattan. It operates in all 50 states and has 31 regional offices, and it works closely with state and federal police forces. It has over 400 employees and an annual budget of around $32 million. In a memo dated July, 1992, Suall praised Roy Bullock as "our number one investigator." He was also quoted as saying that the real enemies of the Jews are on the "American Left." (Robert I. Friedman's 'The Enemy Within', Village Voice, 05/11/93). On April 8, 1993, a detailed report on this brouhaha was presented on ABC's "Nightly News" before a national audience estimated at over 18 million. This expose first ran in the print media in the San Francisco Examiner and was later taken up by the Los Angeles Times. Alexander Cockburn has been doing a running and biting commentary on it in the pages of The Nation. In his riveting account of the affair, Friedman made this damning statement: "Once a proud human rights organization, the ADL had become the Jewish Thought Police." The ADL sharply disagrees with that assessment. They see themselves as an altruistic human rights organization dedicated to watching out for the kooks and fringe groups in our society. Ex-US Rep. Pete McCloskey (R-CA) has filed a class action lawsuit in a California court against the ADL, charging invasion of privacy. His name also appears in the data base, along with that of his wife. McCloskey has been a persistent critic of Israel's brutal suppression of the 1.8 million Palestinians languishing in the occupied West Bank and Gaza. The son of the former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Arens, Yigal Arens, is also a plaintiff in the suit. Arens supports a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "The ADL believes,"said Arens, "that anyone who is an Arab-American or who speaks politically against Israel is at least a closet anti-Semite." (See also, The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, (06/93). The civil suit claims that the ADL collected information on opponents of Israeli and South African government policies and passed it on to those countries. The ADL has denied all the charges in the suit and has promised a vigorous defense. It says it does not condone illegal methods of obtaining information. Bullock had his computer-based data divided into four categories: "Right Wing", "Pinkos", "Arab and Skinhead" organizations. About 4,000 of the files are on Arab-Americans; the rest are on groups and individuals as diverse as the Assembly of Jesus; Boycott Coke; Black United Fund; the Weatherman Underground; and the United Farm Workers. Bullock admits to selling some of his ADL files on anti-Apartheid activists to South African intelligence agents. He also had ties to a group of informants across the country with code names, like "Scumbag", "Ironside", and "Flipper". Attorney Marc Van de Hout of the National Lawyers Guild, which is listed in the ADL's files, said, "I am a Jew myself, and when I see the breath of the organizations in these files that the ADL has conducted surveillance on, it is very clear that they have sort of lost touch with reality in terms of organizations that are engaged in real anti-Semitic activity." (See Washington Report, 08/93). As Doug Struck's recent insightful reporting in the Baltimore Sun amply demonstrates, the Israeli crackdown in the occupied territories has resulted in gross abuses of human rights, including the "torture of Palestinian prisoners." Americans should have the right to complain about Israeli wrongdoing, about their huge annual raids on our national treasury ($11.3 billion in 1993), or their controversial trial of John Demjanjuk, without ending up in a file of the ADL or under surveillance. I think it is wrong for the ADL, or any other private group, to appoint itself as the pseudo-guardian of our civil liberties. The ADL, however, like any other defendant, is entitled to its day in court and to present its side of this mounting controversy to an objective fact finder.

The ADL: The drive to outlaw free speech and thought
top of page Question: What does the current media campaign to outlaw the private ownership of semiautomatic weapons by U.S. citizens have to do with the rapidly growing corpus of legislation dealing with "hate crimes"?
Answer: Success of the first is necessary to insure compliance with the second, and both are the creatures of a quasi-governmental secret-police agency of whose existence most Americans are unaware.
There is underway in America a vast, well-oiled, heavily financed campaign to limit sharply the rights of Americans under the First Amendment to their Constitution and to eliminate altogether their rights under the Second Amendment. It already has scored notable successes in rolling back the most basic American freedoms. It is gearing up now for a drive to achieve total victory in this decade.
The principal instrument in this campaign is a secret-police agency more sinister, more cunning, and infinitely more malevolent than the Soviet Committee for State Security -- the KGB -- ever was. Its initials are ADL.Those initials stand for Anti-Defamation League, an innocuous-sounding name wholly out of keeping with the character of the organization.
To understand its significance we must look into its origins. The ADL is the action arm of B'nai B'rith, the international Jewish secret society, whose Hebrew name means in English "Sons of the Covenant." The "covenant" referred to is the one supposedly entered into between the ancient Hebrews and their tribal deity Yahweh more than 3,000 years ago.
Its terms are spelled out in Deuteronomy, the fifth book of Moses. The Jews pledged their allegiance to Yahweh in return for his promise to take them as his "chosen people" and to give them dominion over all the lands and the other peoples of the earth: "Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours." (Deut. 11: 24) B'nai B'rith sees as its task the taking of all necessary measures for this promise to be fulfilled.
The ADL itself was organized in the United States as a subdivision of B'nai B'rith in 1913, and its ostensible purpose was to counter the "defamation" of Jews, whose public image was even worse then than now. The ADL went about its work in characteristically heavy-handed fashion, bullying and intimidating those who said or published anything the organization considered incompatible with Jewish interests, and lobbying legislators and other public officials to obtain legislation or rulings which would advance Jewish aims. If a prominent businessman, educator, or politician made a public statement the Jews did not like, the ADL would attempt to persuade him to retract it, hinting at economic or political reprisals if he refused. If intimidation failed, the ADL often would turn to defamation, feeding derogatory statements about the target to newspapers under Jewish control or friendly to Jewish interests until he was thoroughly discredited in the eyes of the public.
Typical of ADL efforts in the period prior to the Second World War was its attempt to ban a book, Conquest of a Continent, by Madison Grant, the noted naturalist and president of the New York Zoological Society. The book was published in 1933 by Charles Scribner's Sons and bore an enthusiastic introduction by Professor Henry Fairfield Osborn, the most prominent American paleontologist of his day. In the book Grant outlined the racial history of North America and argued for the reform of immigration laws in order to keep America primarily Northern European in its racial composition.
Jews are hardly mentioned in the book, and in no way can it be considered a "defamation" of them. Jewish policy then as now, however, was to change the European racial character of the United States by cutting off the flow of immigrants (other than Jews) from Europe and increasing the flow from the non-White world.
Consequently the ADL mounted a campaign with publishers, asking them not to review the book or mention it in any way in their own publications, and with booksellers, asking them not to handle the book. A form letter dated December 13, 1933, mailed from the national headquarters of the ADL (then in Chicago), and signed by the then-director of the organization, Richard E. Gutstadt, notified publishers that Grant's book "is extremely antagonistic to Jewish interests" and added: "We are interested in stifling the sale of this book."
Grant's book is only one of many which received the same attention from the ADL. As time passed the organization's censorship activity became more sophisticated and more effective. Defamation of offending authors, speakers, or public officials became a more often used weapon. In line with this defamation activity the ADL's undercover investigative capabilities were greatly expanded. A network of unpaid Jewish agents all across the country reported to ADL headquarters, where dossiers were built up on tens of thousands of American citizens. Information from these dossiers, which might contain everything from basic biographical and employment data to rumors about marital difficulties or drinking problems, was used to fabricate defamatory news releases on anyone the ADL wanted to discredit.
By the early 1940s the ADL had strengthened its position as an information source for the news media -- the result in part of the increased number of Jews in controlling positions in the media. It also had established informal relationships with a number of local, state, and Federal police departments. It often was the case that when the Federal Bureau of Investigation was interested in the affairs of a person involved in patriotic or "right wing" activity, the ADL already would have a dossier on him as someone actually or potentially hostile to Jewish interests and would happily share the dossier with the FBI. Sometimes the ADL would initiate the contact: if its informants had provided information to headquarters suggesting that an alleged "anti-Semite" might not have paid enough income tax or might have an unregistered firearm hidden in his attic, a tip would be given to the appropriate police agency.
In the past half-century the ADL's links with the media and with law-enforcement agencies have grown enormously. Today virtually all the controlled news media routinely print anything given to them by the ADL, as if it had come over the Associated Press wire, and they routinely go to the ADL for commentary whenever any news story is being prepared on a person known to oppose Jewish policies.
Likewise, the ADL has become the standard source to which government investigative agencies turn whenever their target is such a person. In the latter case the flow of information goes in both directions: not only does the ADL have the opportunity to peek into the government's confidential investigative files, but its agents are even invited to accompany the FBI when raids or arrests are being made on a target of interest to it.
The biggest development for the ADL in the postwar period came as a result of the Jews' land-grab in the Middle East and the formation of the state of Israel. The coordinating center for B'nai B'rith's activities moved from New York to Jerusalem. Investigating, defaming, and intimidating Americans who did not agree with the Israel-first foreign policy of the U.S. government became one of the ADL's chief concerns. Patriots who protested Washington's failure to take reprisals in 1967 when the Israelis deliberately rocketed, strafed, and torpedoed the USS Liberty, killing 34 Americans and wounding 171 others, were denounced as "anti-Semites" by the ADL. In 1974, when NATIONAL VANGUARD editor William Pierce sued U.S. Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger in an effort to halt the flow of U.S. weapons and military supplies to Israel, the ADL jumped into the suit on the side of the government as an amicus curiae.
As early as 1971, in sworn testimony in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, a top B'nai B'rith official, Saul Joftes, formerly director general of the B'nai B'rith's Office of International Affairs, admitted that B'nai B'rith "engages in international politics and more often than not does the bidding of the government of Israel. Its leaders make frequent trips to Israel for indoctrination and instructions." The issue at stake in the court case was whether or not B'nai B'rith's U.S. affiliate -- and the ADL -- should be prosecuted for failing to register as agents of a foreign power under the U.S. Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938.
The fix was in, however; by the 1970s the ADL and B'nai B'rith had become "untouchables." Not only did they escape prosecution, they continued to operate as tax-exempt "religious and charitable" organizations.
Silencing and discrediting Americans who disapproved of U.S. taxpayers' money being used to support Israel's wars of expansion in the Middle East was not the only ADL activity in the postwar period. The organization worked hard and effectively to advance other Jewish goals: the opponents of increased non-White immigration were attacked, aid was given to the pulling down of the barriers against racial mixing, new restrictions on the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms were supported. The ADL played a significant role in every facet of B'nai B'rith's program to demoralize, dilute, disorganize, and disarm White Americans -- all in the name of the fight against "bigotry."
When, during the madness of the 1960s, the Jews finally succeeded in pushing through a new immigration law designed to bring more non-Whites into the United States, the ADL crowed about its success. The November 1965 issue of the ADL Bulletin, the group's internal publication, carried an article by the director of the ADL's law department, Sol Rabkin, who was present at the signing of the new law by President Lyndon Johnson. (Also present at the signing was Benjamin R. Epstein, then the national director of the ADL.) Under the heading "The restrictive national origins quota system is finally abolished -- after a forty year fight," Rabkin boasted: "The Anti-Defamation League is proud of the educational role it played in helping to bring this about."
The same issue of the ADL Bulletin had a notice of the appointment of the director of the ADL's Washington office, Herman Edelsberg, to the government post of executive director of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, where he could work more effectively to force the racial mixing of employees in shops and offices all across America. In this regard it is interesting to note that the ADL actually has two "equal opportunity" programs. One -- that headed by Mr. Edelsberg in 1965 and by others since then -- is to give Blacks and other minorities precedence over Whites in hiring and promotion for blue-collar and clerical employment. The other is to oppose Black demands for precedence in admissions to law schools and medical schools, and for hiring and promotion in certain professional occupations where Jews are heavily over-represented.
By the mid-1970s B'nai B'rith had had very substantial success in virtually every phase of its campaign to undermine White society in America. It still was moving aggressively on a dozen fronts: introducing resolutions to require "Holocaust" indoctrination for Gentile children in the public schools; demanding the rewriting of school textbooks and the reworking of school curricula to make them appropriately "multi-cultural" and eliminate what the ADL complained was the "principally white, Protestant, Anglo-Saxon view of America" presented by older texts and curricula; pushing Christian churches, both Protestant and Catholic, to make even further changes in their doctrines, so that their teachings about Jews would consist of nothing but the most fulsome praise; lobbying the government to punish American companies refusing to trade with Israel; asking for more restrictive anti-gun laws; etc.
These ongoing programs were only a part of the ADL's activity, however. The late 1970s saw a slowing of the frantic social change which had kept America in turmoil for nearly two decades. Much of that turmoil had been planned and instigated by B'nai B'rith. Even before the beginning of the 1980s and the relative stasis of the Reagan era, B'nai B'rith was planning new programs to head off any White backlash which might undo the changes it had wrought in American society. A new emphasis on secret-police activity characterized these programs.
At an ADL banquet in Palm Beach, Florida, early in 1975, as reported in the March 1975 issue of the ADL Bulletin, ADL Chairman Seymour Graubard boasted that the "ADL, to the limits of its financial ability, is expanding its intelligence operation . . ."
The building of dossiers on the opponents and potential opponents of the Jews' plan for America was no longer enough, however. During times of economic prosperity the old tactics of defamation and intimidation might be sufficient to keep the goyim in line, but a severe and prolonged economic decline could stiffen the spines of White Americans to the point where they no longer would be frightened into silence by the ADL's power of the smear. It became prudent, in the view of the leaders of B'nai B'rith, to enlist the police powers of government in order to silence and disarm their critics before any substantial backlash developed. To this end the ADL launched a new legislative lobbying campaign of ominous import.
The ADL's lawyers drew up a series of "model statutes" to be introduced by the organization's agents into the Congress and state legislatures. Some of these ADL-designed statutes are aimed at a more rapid phasing-out of citizens' rights to keep and bear arms. The ADL always has been a leading advocate of gun control -- much more so than the public has realized, because often while other gun-control organizations are out front holding press conferences and making headlines, it is the ADL pulling the strings for them behind the scenes. Beginning in the 1980s, however, there was a new urgency to the organization's efforts. The rationale used by the ADL now is that new, sweeping anti-gun laws are needed to protect law-abiding citizens from "right-wing terrorism." The ADL Bulletin has warned that "arms and stores of ammunition are being collected in uncounted numbers, and extremists have made clear that they are ready to use them." To back up this claim that armed White "extremists" are a growing menace the ADL has fed a steady stream of alarmist reports to the controlled news media. An excellent illustration of the way in which the ADL has carried on its anti-gun campaign is provided by its "model anti-paramilitary training statute," designed to prevent White patriots from acquiring or providing instruct

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