Sunday, October 17, 2010


Saturday, August 18, 2007
War Paper Crime: Afghanistan
So redundant I don't want to do it anymore.

Just hiding, hiding, blacking-out, blacking-out!

"Afghanistan: Official and Family Killed... A suicide bomber killed a district chief and three of his children in southern Kandahar Province, officials said. The chief, Khairuddin Kaka, was the top government official in Zhari, a rural district west of Kandahar City that has experienced a string of Taliban attacks. An unidentified man approached Mr. Kaka after he left a house in Kandahar City in the morning with his 2-year-old daughter and 6- and 12-year-old sons, according to a police official. They died when the unidentified man detonated explosives, killing himself as well (New York Times August 18)."

From the International Herald Tribune (the NY Times foreign arm):

"Suicide car bomber kills 15, wounds 26 in southern Afghanistan" by the Associated Press August 18, 2007

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan: A suicide car bomber detonated near a convoy of private security forces Saturday in southern Afghanistan, killing four Afghan guards and 11 civilians, including women and children, police said.

The bomb went off west of Kandahar city and also wounded six other guards as well as 20 civilians who were in two minivans passing by the convoy, Kandahar provincial police chief Syed Agha Saqib said.

Three women and two children died in the blast, and five women and three children were among the civilians wounded. Women's and children's shoes were scattered about the area. A stuffed animal toy was left in one of the destroyed minivans.

Saqib said the guards worked for U.S. Protection and Investigations security firm.


Company representatives could not immediately be reached to confirm that their employees were attacked.

In neighboring Helmand province, insurgents holed up in buildings and trenches attacked Afghan police and coalition forces Friday near Fire Base Robinson, the coalition said in a statement. Nearly a dozen suspected militants were killed in the ensuing battle.

[How do you attack when you are "holed up?"

Just another example of the lying, twisting press corp!]

It was the third insurgent attack on the joint forces in as many days, the statement said. No Afghan or coalition forces were wounded in the three days of fighting.

Violence in Afghanistan has risen sharply during the last two months. More than 3,700 people have died so far this year, most of them militants, according to an Associated Press tally of casualty figures provided by Western and Afghan officials."

[Might as well say "most of them innocents!"]

From the Web (Indian newspaper):

A dozen Taliban killed in clash with police in Afghanistan" by the Times of India 18 Aug 2007

KABUL: Nearly a dozen insurgents were killed after an ambush on a joint patrol of Afghan police and coalition troops in Afghanistan's restive southern Helmand province, the US-led force said. There were no losses among the police or coalition soldiers, it added in a statement late Friday.

The statement said around 20 insurgents attacked the patrol with mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire near a village. Police and troops responded with small arms and artillery fire.

The statement added:

"As insurgents attempted to flee, the combined force successfully cut off their escape route. Nearly a dozen insurgents were killed during the battle."

[They attacked, they were holed-up, they fled, who the fuck knows what to believe, but I CERTAINLY DON'T BELIEVE the lying coalition military!

And what of the ops started the other day near the Pakistan border?


No wonder Amurkns are dumb as shit!]
Posted by Rocker at 4:54 PM
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