Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Negating 9/11
And the MSM didn't even need to tell the truth; they need only overreach to reinforce the "Muslims did 9/11" lie.

They did it to themselves, folks. The false flag will not work again -- that's not to say they will not try it -- because division now exists where unity once did. Thus it must be so for nothing in this world can maintain unity if it is built upon a lie.

So congratulations, MSM. In your zealous eagerness to advance the agenda you have destroyed the thing you most depend upon to wage your insane wars.

"Do you remember where you were on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001?

Yup. I remember the whole day, especially that THIRD TOWER that was never hit by a plane dropping down about 5:20 p.m. and saying to myself, "What a bloody mess down there today," without understanding the significance at the time.

Now, 9 years later, I do. I understand a lot more about physics and fire.


"Memorial events for 9/11 foster introspection" by Matt Byrne, Globe Correspondent | September 12, 2010

Putting aside the controversies over Koran burning and a proposal to build an Islamic center near ground zero in Manhattan, people gathered throughout Boston and the rest of the Commonwealth yesterday to reflect on the ninth anniversary of a day that changed America forever....

What I reflect on is the lies we were told and how closely the events followed the Project for the New American Century's policy prescription nearly a year earlier.


And now, the end:

"Heartbreak, rancor as 9/11 marked; 9 years later, memorials and demonstrations" by Anne Barnard and Manny Fernandez, New York Times | September 12, 2010

NEW YORK — The ninth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, was marked yesterday by the memorials and prayer services of the past, but also by events hard to envision just a year ago — heated demonstrations blocks from ground zero, political and religious tensions, and an unmistakable sense that a once-unifying day was now replete with division....

Yup, and ONCE YOU DIVIDE you are never quite able to put it back together again. Just ask all the king's horses and all the king's men.

Throughout the day, the meaning of Sept. 11 and the appropriateness of staging political rallies and protests on its anniversary were debated in public and private settings, steps from ground zero and thousands of miles from it....

And right here on the ole Internet!

The first rally, organized by left-wing, antiwar, and pro-Palestinian groups that support the planned center....

Obviously the agenda-pushing, war-promoting, Zionist NYT didn't approve of those troublemakers who started it.

And if you are pro-Palestinian you must be anti-Israel, right?

Well, it has reached that point with the war-criminal stain but that's another matter.

It all amounted to a Sept. 11 starkly different in tone and emotion from those of the past.

YOU BLEW IT, guys!

The attempt to GIN UP WAR HATRED has BACKFIRED!!!


Even if they DON'T CARE they NO LONGER LISTEN to GOVERNMENT like they did before!

NINE YEARS of LIES have TAKEN THEIR TOLL and that genie never goes back in the bottle.

The LIES mean the TRUST is GONE, government!!


For the first time, the anniversary of the worst attack on American soil and the deadliest disaster in New York City history served almost as a backdrop to politics.

The rancor of a ground zero politicized by clashing views on Islam and America contrasted with the heartbreak of the place.

Look at how SAD the MSM is over its LOSS of a PROPAGANDA TOOL and the MINDLESS UNITY it engendered for so long!

Well, you have NO ONE TO BLAME but YOURSELVES, you lying, war-promoting, Muslim-hating dirt bags!!!

For many, the intrusion of politics was cause for a new kind of mourning — for the sense of unity setting aside of differences that many Americans had felt in the days after Sept. 11 and on previous anniversaries. “We need to get back to that commonality and spirit that we had after 9/11,’’ said Julie Menin, the chairwoman of the community board for lower Manhattan....

Yeah, but we NEVER WILL!!

Watch: President Bush Speaks at Ground Zero - 9/14/01


There will be no woo-woo, U.S.A. chants. The QUESTION WILL be after ALL THE TRILLIONS and TYRANNY SPENT on WARS to KEEP US SAFE how could it EVER HAPPEN AGAIN!?

And IF IT DOES then the WHOLE $URVEILLANCE $YSTEM will have to be $CRAPPED because it will have FAILED!!

Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who had announced, then suspended plans to burn copies of the Koran, speaking on NBC’s “Today’’ show, said that neither he nor his congregants would burn the Koran yesterday, or ever....
“We feel that God is telling us to stop,’’ he said.

And who knew that God is Robert Gates?

A few others adopted Jones’s idea. Near the White House, 10 people from Operation Rescue, the Christian antiabortion group, tore from the Koran pages containing verses calling for killing or shunning non-Muslims.

Controlled-opposition provocateurs!!

I'm a Christian (Catholic, ugh) and I WOULD NEVER DISRESPECT a Koran!

WHO BENEFITS when Christians and Muslims are at each others' throats for no reason, huh?

WHOSE WARS do we end up fighting?

Near ground zero, one man in a baseball cap burned what appeared to be a page of the Koran. Behind him, someone held a sign: “Real Americans don’t burn Korans.’’


Related: Sept. 11 Notebook Rebuilding at site is making progress (Boston Globe)

And some people took no notice at all. Just living their lives wishing we would leave them alone.

"Joy melds with anxiety as Muslims end Ramadan; Crowds swarm streets, mosques" by Kim Gamel, Associated Press | September 12, 2010

At the Taj Mahal in Agra, India, Muslims offered prayers for Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan.
At the Taj Mahal in Agra, India, Muslims offered prayers for Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan. (Brijesh Singh/ Reuters)

CAIRO — Far from the din and controversy roiling interfaith relations in the West, Muslims worldwide thronged mosques, cafes, and parks in a solemn and joyful end to the fasting month of Ramadan.

Authorities increased security in some countries because of fears that violence could intrude on celebrations, but for most Muslims it was a day of peace, family, and, most important, food.

Friends and relatives feasted on spicy lamb, kebabs, and saffron rice, while smokers puffed on cigarettes in daylight as the three-day Eid al-Fitr festival began Friday across the Muslim world. During Ramadan, the faithful are supposed to abstain from food, drink, smoking, and sex in a dawn-to-dusk period meant to test the faith and discipline of Muslims.

They have more than I do.

“It’s nice to be eating, drinking, and smoking during the daytime,’’ said Jordanian banker Mutaz Kurdi, 37, as he walked his two children in an Amman park. “Fasting was difficult this year because of the summer heat.’’

Related: Jordan's King Losing His Grip

Looks like some heat is on him, too.

The mood was glum in Pakistan as millions of flood victims did their best to celebrate in donated tents and makeshift shelters yesterday as the country’s leaders — criticized for an inadequate response to the disaster — pledged more aid.

Yeah, and the floods have mostly been forgotten here. They didn't even get an aid appeal.

Charities sent bags of gifts such as shiny plastic wrist bangles and candies to children displaced by the floods, which have affected 18 million people.

Appreciate the effort, but that just ain't getting it done for aid.

How is the CHOLERA SITUATION that was becoming DIRE going, huh?

Also see: AmeriKan MSM Chooses War Over Water in Pakistan

What a surprise.

The water has receded in many places, but remains head-high in others. “We don’t have the happiness of Eid. What is the happiness?’’ said Amana Bibi, 25. “We don’t have homes.’’

Business was brisk for ice cream vendors in Baghdad, where children decked out in holiday finery rode Ferris wheels at amusement parks and raced horse-drawn carts on traffic-free streets.

I'm glad the Iraqis could have one day of fun amidst such misery.

Soldiers guarded playgrounds and public parks, and additional military and police checkpoints were erected across the Iraqi capital — a reminder the country still faces near-daily bombings and shootings despite a dramatic drop in attacks.

Someone want to turn over that MSM record?

Ali Issa, a 41-year-old father of four from the Shi’ite slum of Sadr City, said Iraqis have little to look forward to this holiday season, with prices rising and political bickering continuing.

“The security situation is deteriorating and so is the economy,’’ Issa said. “This year, I only bought new dresses for my two girls while I asked the two boys to use their old clothes because I cannot afford new clothes for everybody.’’

I was told it's just fine.

In Yemen, authorities warned people to pray in mosques and deployed heavy security after posters signed by Al Qaeda threatened attacks.

Oh, yeah?

So which "Al-CIA-Duh" would that be, huh?

The made-up "Al-CIA-Duh?"
Or the "Al-CIA-Duh" CREATION for the COURTROOM!?


Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh and the OSI

Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits

Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business

New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation

And they wonder why no one believes or reads them anymore?

Thousands of children, most dressed in new holiday clothing, thronged the streets of Gaza City, which were decorated with banners wishing a “Happy Eid.’’ In the West Bank, men with children in tow paid respects to female relatives — mothers, sisters, and aunts — bearing gifts of sweets as well as cash.

What, they didn't whip 'em and drink their blood?

You mean Muslims RESPECTED their women?

Who knew, huh?


Related: Muslims Celebrate 9/11

Enjoy your Sunday, dear readers. I will not, for I have to go socialize and watch football today. My friends are not even interested in my lack of joy for the whole event, never mind imparting truth on them. All they care about is their players and their picks. Thank God the little cat is there to jump in my lap.
Posted by Rocker at 4:54 AM
Labels: 9/11, Iraq, Islam, Middle East, MSM, Pakistan, Palestine, Yemen
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