Sunday, December 26, 2010

bring them home now these guys are going to come back damaged goods PST ... theres a reason why more and more troops come back messed up its because they have seen unjust killings there human too.We spend over $600 billion annually on the military but can't cope with an enemy yielding box cutters ($4.49 apiece at Walmart) and do-it-yourself bombs made from discarded paint cans! Meanwhile our porous borders almost guarantees a major strike against one of our major population centers.When you attempt to expand your econimic empire throughout the world by use of force you lose life. These soldiers are pawns in a corrupt fascist game of economic militarism started by Bush & Cheney which is being continued by Obama. Truman warned about this crap 60 years ago about the dangers to the USA from within by permitting our gov and economy to become dominated by an ever expanding "national defense" industry military machine. At present over 70% of the people employed by our so called Defense Department are not even US gov employees, they are highly paid contractors, 70%. War has become profitable for these corrupt fascists and the grunts in the US military do their dirty work. The US currently spends more than $1 trillion annually on national defense, that's more than the spending of the next 15 nations combined.

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