Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The excuses that are given for parceling out the money are:-

1) "If you don't give the money to the banksters, the whole system is going to collapse!" A thinly-veiled extortion threat. "See? Look how all these banks are shutting their doors?"

No regard to the fact that the banks colluded with one another to create the on-the-precipice situation through clever trading. And no mention either of the fact that if the system is so vulnerable to collapse, perhaps the nation would be better served by reforming the whole system so that there wouldn't be any chance of big banks ever holding the nation hostage to blackmailing attempts again. But there was no talk of reform at the same time that taxpayers' money was handed over.

2) "If you give tax cuts to the wealthy, they will spend the money on American products and American industry can boom again, creating jobs for everyone."

This "remedy" overlooks the fact that business has been fully globalized, and money that a person has in one nation can be invested in another nation in the form of shares or setting up factories there. Citizenship or nationality is irrelevant when it comes to choosing where you will produce your wealth in this era of globalization.

So we can see that the economic system that is in place in America is an unsustainable one, but the American sheople are the last ones to know.

They are continually led on by promises by the conservatives that the system can be fixed – with a twiddle here and a tweak there. Just give us the tax cuts. Give us – the engines of the economy (the rich, the banksters) – control of the purse-strings, and we will make the US prosperous again.

And the American sheople have fallen for these promises time and time again. And become poorer for it, and more emotionally wedded to the system, a system they have no understanding of – a state of ignorance the elite encourage and perpetuate (through the mainstream media).

The Democrats are only marginally better. The welfare they give to the bottom 10% end up in the hands of the rich, the elite. How is that accomplished? Money is taken from the middle class who would have saved that money for creating businesses and is given to the poor who spend it on goods bought at Walmart, returning the money to the offshorers. The welfare class have no incentive to save or otherwise use that money productively and so they don't – they spend it on mindless consumption. You will see the welfare class spending their money on iPhones, xboxes, Wii and the like. Look at the last Black Friday sales. And that spending, too, is by design. It only goes to making the wealthy elite richer. Without this welfare system in place, Americans wouldn't consume as much; they wouldn't go shopping at Walmart and buy the products of the offshoring modern-day slavers as much. Walmart wouldn't be so big.

It is coming to the end of the road for the American sheople. It has come down to people diving in to grab a share of the money that is still left before America goes kaput (the elite are busy doing this currently – the housing bubble was part of that scheme to enrich themselves). The system that isn't fixable is beginning to fall apart. And this time, it's for good.

As I have said, the left wing economists realize all of this, probably because they know that this system which is supposedly capitalist is really socialist in nature. They don't care about closing the deficit gap or paying off the enormous debt because it doesn't matter. It's not in the realm of the possible. Let the economy run down, declare bankruptcy, and leave the Chinese holding the bag. Meanwhile, scavenge what's left of the corpse and dole out the loot to the bottom 90%.

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