Wednesday, December 22, 2010

High profit margins aren't a problem in a normal economy, but we don't have a normal economy. We have an economy propped up by central bank money printing that will soon crash our currency, on top of government fiscal stimulus that can never be repaid, on top of our routine level of government spending that can never be repaid or even sustained without more money printing. To cap all of that off we have 20% real unemployment and half the country dependent on government aid, more if you count health care. We have a large and growing cohort living rent free because our government controlled mortgage market can't handle any more foreclosed homes. We have a large group of approaching retirees who have no savings to support themselves and no chance of receiving an adequate from their underfunded public and private pension programs.

We have a banking system that should be in reorganization, but instead is paying record bonuses to the gamblers that helped create this debt bubble and sustain it right up to this very day. We have a middle class who have mostly consumed themselves into debt, waking up this morning to a barrage of propaganda from the American media to go out and spend their last dime on another Christmas gift they can't afford. And those middle class savers who ignore the constant consumerist brainwashing and try to save their hard earned dollars for an uncertain future will soon find that Ben Bernanke has rendered those savings as worthless as a three year old iPad, because Ben learned from his study of the Great Depression that saving money is the worst thing that Americans could possibly do after they've spent themselves into bankruptcy.

That, in a nutshell, is why our economy, and our markets, are a government induced fiction novel and when we turn the last page of the book we will learn that there is no happy ending.

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