Thursday, December 23, 2010

It all @#$%, no one that really needs to change their currency
valuation will do anything...China!
Sustained Global Growth...increase consumption
in all of Asia? Build a Middle Class in South Asia 'India' and
East and South East Asia, because Europe and especially the US
have burned out on Buying things..we also have no jobs and no credit
to buy anything above basic needs. This will not change.
We have no Industry, we make food products & grow food.
We have some Services, but our Country will not Recover without
industries coming back, and possibly a few new ones created.
That is it! Both Parties sent our industry overseas, and neither Party
can put Humpt Dumpty Back together.
Double Dip is Coming due to Asia's Speculation on Oil,
once Gasoline goes up, less money to spend on Trinckets and Baubles.

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