Monday, December 27, 2010

Ok, they think video camera's is gonna stop a bomb. Never knew my video camera had that feature. Bye,Bye Freedom of America. Pretty soon we are Video cameras on every corner watching our every move. Heck they already have mobile vans that can x-ray your entire house.Maybe we should thank BinLaden and his misfits. They are helping create a whole new industry to boost our economy, security. More jobs, more new products.They are putting the plans for a New World Order police state into full gear. They have been making a very aggressive approach lately. Research the NWO. Wake upNow we will have to strip naked and go through x-ray before we can check into a hotel or shop at the mall. That's right, Homeland Security. Keep feeding us fear flakes.The US is becoming a fascist ,police state. No more "Land of the Free Home of the Brave".It is becoming "Land of the Rich Corporations Home of the Slaves".Are you aware that Napolitano stated that Homeland Security is now going to work with Global Warming liars and enforce whatever comes down the pike?Talk about a doppleganger!!!

What Global Warming? Errr..the one that will put $10Trillion a year, in the pockets of those involved in the Chicago Exchange....that is who...and guess who started this? ...Obama...and friends. That is who!
Don't believe me...look it up.

Greed and Lust will be the end of the USA!

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