Thursday, December 23, 2010

This is new QE2. The effects will last for many decades since QE1 was 2 trillion USD printed and delivered. QE2 should be 4 trillion. Timmy made promises that he cant keep, lets watch what happens when USD devalues and Treasury bonds are dumped by countries in open market. The meaning of Currency and exchange rates has suddenly become meaningless.OK, Folks, time for some real smart thinking. I vote for all leading institution most hold the mortgage or loan on their books. This will put FANNY/MAC out to lunch. Those loans sold back to banks on a "most accept schedule" each year till zero holdings. Each bank in the country can charge interest and attract dollars as that area of the country requires. Banks can only loan in THEIR defined district. BANKS could attract outside funds by issuing stock to raise capital. NOTE : we put OLD BEN and FED. company back to teaching, FED's central housing redistribution down the tubes of never, never land. Hay! anybody want me to take over U.S. Treasury job, part time only while I fish four day a week. GOLD standard, no printing money. As a country we need to make are own shoes, etc, suppose NASA could manage that?so does this mean the currencies are being based on copper. fiat currency, based on nothing, worth something, anything, today copper, yesterday oil, tomorrow peanut butter, next year cotton, after that asteroid dust. it just keeps getting worse. return to sound currency, abolish the central banking cartels made up of international fabians, collectivists and slave masters. beware dear citizens, you can't be first, but you can be next. we are in great danger in our country. it is time to stop, bare our teeth and just say no. support your local militia.

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