Wednesday, December 22, 2010

This issue is important. But please forget about this situation for a few minutes because there is a much more pressing issue at the moment. The following needs our immediate attention.
I would like to inform people that senate bill S-510 will be voted on Nov 29. This is "The Food Safety and Modernization Act". Please Research it. If we were properly informed, we would all surely oppose it. Unfortunately, it is being done in secret. No media coverage whatsoever. It seems that they intend to pass it in secret. (Even Yahoo has been censoring my comments about it.) Please:
1) Research it fast. (It hurts small, local, organic farmers and food producers and helps the big corps.)
2) Contact your senators electronically (it only takes 2 minutes). Go to US Senate Homepage.
3) Re-post this wherever you canEveryone needs to go out and spend lots of money over the Holidays so the Economy will look better...Thats what they're hoping for and buy lots of gas, everyone must do their part, go to all the dollar stores and buy all the imports you can find, we must feed this Global Economy you know.. Guess what, it started today, everyone is shopping like crazy....Bernanke must keep those Presses running to print all the worthless Money......

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