Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"Tougher Congress" means a bunch of stupid newbies who won't commit because they can't figure out whether to wind their azzes or check their watches. November was an example of a nation of illiterates voting-in a bunch of nobodys! They don't know and will learn on the job while important issues are ignored. For a nation of sit-on-their-azzes-at-home to make a profit bozos, who don't have a clue, we're just plain F**ked because the brains have moved overseas or out of the country!Those in the white house looks at us as stupid . They look at themselves as very smart and educated in which both of these comments not true. Looks like to many people are afraid to rock the boat.We need to learn we are the people that they should be working for . That is why they are in office. It is about time the people got got together and file some charges against those leaches and teach them we don't have to take their garbage that they dish out and shove it down our throats , They are not our bosses , we are their bosses, The sooner we realize that the sooner we can clean the white house up the sooner things will be put in the right order.Shut down the government while a shooting war is going on in Afghanistan? Maybe the new House should stick to earmarks and impeachment threats, that will keep them away from real treason.

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