Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Trillions being lost to FRAUD. The financial conspiracy of Wall Street, Hedge funds, Ponzi Schemes still go unpunished and overlooked. The biggest STICK UP in history and the FEDS rewarded them with billions of bail out money because they were TOO BIG TO FAIL. Where's the accountability for the decisions taken by the CEO'S? Where's the regulations??? Medicare, social security, big oil, tax fraud, the list is endless. Who is overseeing this fraud.....organized crime? The fox in the hen house? There's payment fraud in government, state and city Are we so distracted and mesmerized by the fanatical political parties and the overload of what's happening in our country? Where is the PEOPLES SAFETY NET? WAKE UP FROM YOUR STUPOR!Inflation
COINS don't keep value
Bubble economy
Market demand saturatedNotice that stocks rose on Chinese Communist growth. Not on US growth. Now that Obama has sold his soul to the Devil and became a closet Republican, inflation is going to triple, mortgage rates will go to 6%, business loans to 10-12%, gas to $4 a gallon by summer and not One SINGLE solitary job will be created. Way to go you stupid T-Baggers!

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