Wednesday, December 29, 2010

US question China peaceful rise? Hahahahah haha... hahaha...
the US that kill million of innocent Arab people?
the US that bomb countless innocent children?
the US that "peaceful rise" start up with wiping out entire continent of natives people?
the US that commit genocide against innocent native indian?
haha...haahaha....This comes out of the most bullying nation in the world. WOW!

Y know what I see from American foreign policy?

"The US demands", " The US urges" ," "The US has a stake in every country's affairs", "Y haven't served the US with all yr might". "The US accuses"

That is great foreign policy. Everywhere y turn, y can see US meddling and invading in good intention(for the promotion of democracy).

And for yr information, China is not even a little bit hardine compared to US' bullying ways. Sometimes some people just had enough and had to resist out of human nature entirely

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