Wednesday, December 29, 2010

With unemployment at 9.8% and record foreclosures and bankruptcies, there
is little evidence to support any kind of "confidence" factor in our govt.'s actions.
We need private full-time jobs and the only thing we see Dems and Obama
doing is to further extend unemployment benefits. Apparently, being on the
govt. dole creates dependency and this ultimately provides more Democratic
Party supporters.The market rallies!! But people still are not buying. Consumer spending UP. But unemployment is down. Unemployment is up, But spending is down. Its a sea saw, everyday. Until jobs return, it will NOT get better. Still, today people are losing jobs in and around me, daily. Its alitte scary, now.
And how are we gonna keep the war machine up? We dont manufacture anything.Think about that one for a few minutes.
And why we are at it, go to a walmart. Pick up at random, 20 items. Im willing to bet money, not ONE of those items are made in the USA. Is that a problem? I guess it is if your out of work, or for many, soon will matter how FED is trying to cover up the problem by printing money and feeding to wallstreet.

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