Saturday, January 15, 2011

Gee....not to long ago, the Israelii police and IDF were beating up and arresting they want to make nice...errr....make money off've the goofy christians again. lolChristian priests in Jerusalem get spit on by Jews. As blessed as Mother Mary is, this is the last place a Christian should go.Israel spies on the US.
Israel president rapes his own employes.
Israel bombs innocent Palestinian villages and throws Palestinians off their homes.
Hell, the last place I would ever go to spend money is Israel. I've never bought an Israeli product, nor ever done business with companies that donate to Israel. I don't need women's and children's blood on my hands.israel would bulldoze and murder Mary just as they killed Rachel Corrie, they have no regard for any human life that opposes their askeNAZI agendaisrael kills and degrades the christians that live there. they are, as usual just after the tourists money they have no respect or understanding of christianity they 'know not what they do' they are as arrogant as they are incompetent

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