Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gideon Levy is the most hated man in Israel – and perhaps the most heroic. This “good Tel Aviv boy” – a sober, serious child of the Jewish state – has been shot at repeatedly by the Israeli Defence Force, been threatened with being “beaten to a pulp” on the country’s streets, and faced demands from government ministers that he be tightly monitored as “a security risk.” This is because he has done something very simple, and something that almost no other Israeli has done. Nearly every week for three decades, he has travelled to the Occupied Territories and described what he sees, plainly and without propaganda. “My modest mission,” he says, “is to prevent a situation in which many Israelis will be able to say, ‘We didn’t know.’” And for that, many people want him silenced.From Hezbollah's point of view (and, formerly, Vietnam's), isn't the USA a "terrorist" nation? We killed
just under two million Vietnamese people in some ways that were far worse than the Nazis, for example, napalm (jelly gasoline that sticks to the skin).The Israel Lobby's Big Problem: People Aren't Afraid to Criticize Israel Anymore

Which brings me to the other noteworthy quote, a rather blunt one from AIPAC attendee Donell Weinkopf of New York: “I would not say that I am disappointed by the Netanyahu government. But I feel like shiet. Israel did something stupid by declaring this construction. … I think that the time has come for Israel to stop biting the hand of a friend.”

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