Thursday, January 13, 2011

The gop Failed to protect our homeland, it was there watch 9/11 occurredThe gop Failed to keep us safe by entering into 2 wars with over 4600 of our soldiers dead and another 40,000 maimedThey Failed to put forth a honest budget in 7 years that ignored the 2 costly wars they started.They Failed with fiscal responsibility by creating the 3 trillion in debt when they inherited a budget surplus.They Failed to see and stop the greatest financial crisis since the great depression.The gop will soon be gone. All you need to do is read the post of all the old man hateful repuds and you know the people of this country are not like this. They will soon be gone, there day will soon be over.
Let's see what all they hate, they hate working familes organizations, they hate mexicans, they hate blacks, they hate anyone who doesn't agree with them. But one thing they must like, is lying. I guess they know it's the only way they can get the votes of the unimformed. You gop idiots know you're new leaders in the house say US workers make too much money to compete with china, so they want to get rid of minimum wage, They make 58 cents an hour in china, good thinking gop, we know the rich will like that.

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