Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Isreal can not take on Iran alone. Hezbollah gave them hell. Hamas is a huge thorn thatbisreal cannot defeat. Isreal is the most overrated army in the world. No matter how much metal or bullets you have, man power and Heart(Hezbollah proved they Jews have none) is needed. Crusaders had Jerusalem fir 90 years. Even 150 years is a blink of an eye in history.Netnyahu trying to get more Americans to do or die for Isreal!!! Whats wrong with this picture??? A middle east region free of future Iranian nukes AND free of Israeli nukes. That is exactly what the world needs.

Rather hypocritical , a leader of a nation which is occupying another nation for more that 40 years, stealing land , neglecting UN decisions speaking about the risk factor of another nation.
For me Israel is the greatest threat to world peace.

Reply"Only the convincing threat of military action headed by the United States will persuade Iran to drop plans to build an atomic bomb, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday." Are you serious? First off if this is such a huge threat to Israel why dont they handle it? Oh wait their economy is not doing so well and would have to ask for help sooner or later or is it the fact that its the pot calling the kettle black as they have a Nuclear Weapons program that they continue to deny even though they have had the bomb for more than forty years. Sooner or later the United States is going to have to cut the purse strings to Israel and tell them either to behave and solve their own problems or do something constructive like keep the promise they made about trying to find peace in their own back yard

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