Monday, January 10, 2011

It doesn't matter if the US government was involved. Even if Bush had no idea in advance, we still know about the CIA's operation Cyclone. Our government funded, trained and set up the precursors to both the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, in order to defeat the Soviet Army during the Cold War. Osama Bin Laden, Ayman Al-Zawahiri and the Karzai brothers all received support, training, money and arms. We taught the terrorists how to take down planes and towers. Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted it in 97 in a French Magazine called Le Nouvel Observateur, and Robert Gates admitted US involvement even before the Russians invaded. The neocons were surely there too, but they never admit to anything.September 11th, 2001: John O'Neill (->), former deputy director of the FBI (investigations into Osama bin Laden's network), Officially: killed in Twin Towers Speculation: put in charge with prior knowledge of attacks on the same day various employees from raytheon, one from BAe and many high tech representatives had been killed in three of the four planes (Flight 93 had no high tech representatives aboard)treason “Truth is one of the rarest commodities in the times we are living through, to expose it to the masses is tantamount to slapping the entrenched power structure of the United States in their very face, but which, at times, someone needs to take the risk and do, otherwise, and what we are seeing in America now, lies become the truth because they are more comfortable for people to believe.

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