Friday, January 14, 2011

It's still being reported on a daily basis. Don't try to make this a Bush/Obama thing, both men have used and abused our troops. This war was unnecessary and has accomplished nothing but reducing the population of both countries. Afghanistan is a war of no morals, we have no reason to be there and no good will come of it. In the end, we, like all foreigners before us, will leave in disgrace having wasted a lot of money and blood with nothing to show for it. Bush is a criminal for starting it and Obama is a criminal for continuing it.Despite being lied to repeatedly, almost daily, Americans are strangely gullible to incoherent, even ridiculous narratives dished up by their government. Brainwashed by the bromide that their nation is always a force for good, anywhere, worldwide, Americans can't imagine that Washington could be complicit in the murder of its own citiBlair has never publicly acknowledged that Saddam was actually an enemy of radical Islam: admitting that would drain the last dram of logic from his justification for invading Iraq. So he only talks in general terms about fighting "radical Islam" and hopes that the more ignorant part of the public will think that includes the Iraq war.

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