Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Let's withdraw at the end of the year like we are supposed to, and never do something like this again. 4,000+ troops dead, 200k+ civilians, and billions of dollars is just not worth the mess that Iraq is today.The United States has 94 permanent Military Bases in Iraq as well as the worlds largest US Foreign Embassy. They aren't going anywhere. Anything Biden says about US Troops leaving will be lies.After spending 3 trillion dollars, and killing more than one million muslims. aahh its time to leave.
time to leave??
leaving behind an embassy the size of vatican city. aahh the pope coming to visit from time to time.Most Americans do not know the meaning of “Goyim” = Stupid Cattle.
THIS is what Israeli Zionists call Americans. THIS is how they regard them.tea party = american talibanBanks are the scum of the earth and can just dry up and die for all I care. I am not a slave to them. I owe nothing and don't ask for anything. F*%$ banks! I do fine without them.

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