Sunday, January 16, 2011

Not a word in this entire article about the new US AND ISRAELI intel that says that Iran isn't even trying ot build a nuclear weapon.
Hey, we wouldn't want to impede the rush to war with a few facts, right?$22 billion is nothing; we have a guy in the United States called "George W. Bush" who inherited a $0.00 deficit and left America with a $1.4 TRILLION dollar per year deficit.
By the way, i could have run that bank and at the very least came out with a balanced budget, but in no way would i have lost $22 billion. In fact, I could have lost half that for half the wage you pay your CEO.
Haha. Well it is only a temporary loss....Bernanke and the Fed will bail them out too. I have no sympathy for banking systems that have huge losses and fail. They are payed big bonuses to manage money. That is what they are supposed to be skilled at. Most are pros at losing the public's money.

Replies (2) Yes, we call this @ss licking and our politicians would eat a mile o pooh for a buck or a vote. Look at the foolish Amerikans now haha, we have them right where we want them stated Hu..."black is beautiful and tan is grand but YELLOW is the color of our big boss man" Thanks Walmart...

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