Tuesday, January 11, 2011

On a side not though, I dont really care if it was an inside job or not. What I do know is that we are fighting a fake war..yes...but we are never told the truth..we kill, plot,steal,...an cover it up better than anyone...sad part is Americans believe the God Bless America crap when we are the biggest HYPOCRITES in the world...as i said we just white wash it better than anyone else does...Even today the technology to go to the moon is not there,, we can go to orbit,, but not to the moon9/11 was an inside job and Americans remain amongst the Stupidest and most Gullible creatures on the PLANET.And alot of people die after 9/11 to cause of this false flag war and we have the right to ask question ....Why didn't they just set fire to it with jet fuel? Those buildings come down in no time - whoosh. Gone. Then have lots of people clean it up without adequate protection. That worked last time.

PS: my heart is heavy for those who lost friends and relatives on 9/11. But don't let the ease of blaming an invisible far away enemy be an excuse not to face the facts.FO, I wonder what your opinion is on the 1 trillion spent on Iraq, Mr. There Will Be No Expense. "Furor" Obama? You must have forgotten how our Republic works. The President is one of 3 balancing powers of government, so there's no Fuhrer.

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