Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The pennies that America spends in that region of the world are nothing compared to the billions that are spent elsewhere. It all boils down to where Americans want to fight Al Qaeda terrorism........ in the hills of Yemen or on Main Street USA.Every time Israel gets nose to nose with Iran they realize they are looking very far up hill.

Every time Israel has done any saber rattling against Iran Iran always says 'Bring it on" and Suddenly there is an Israeli ambassador whining in Washington.ZioNazis do not want talks with Iran; they want Iran the same way they wanted Iraq, Palestine Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and all the rest. Iran does not have nuclear weapons nor does it want nuclear weapons in the Middle East. None of the countries aside from the apartheid church state of welfare want nuclear weapons. By now we all know the ZioNazis are using the non existent Iranian weapons as a ploy to attack Iran much like it used the aluminum tubes, WMD, smoking guns, they'll be waiting with open arms and all the other lies to attack Iraq. Only when the taxpayers of the USA throw the Zionists out of Washington DC will there be peace in the world.

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