Monday, January 10, 2011

There was a report an explosion from a car bomb in front of the State Department and another one under the George Washington Bridge in a van, yet our benevolent government has shown zero inclination to investigate any types of possible involvement of explosives, regardless of the testimony from firefighters, workers, William Rodriguiz (Presidential Medal Awarded for his actions of saving so many lives that day), Barry Williams (now deceased). or the FACT that Donald Rumsfeld said, on 9/12, that a MISSLE had hit the Pentagon, or the fact that the entry hole into the Pentagon was entirely too small to fit an airliner through it.
The "airliner that hit the Pentagon" somehow managed to penetrate over 18 feet of steel-reinforced concrete and leave a hole in the last ring 6 feet in diameter with ZERO plane parts inside of it.I agree with what you have said...did you notice the markings in the grass if you watch the video, don't line up with the damaged area of the wall of the pentagon, it was most likely a missle...and there was no evidence of the damaged fuselage at the pentagon and at the supposedly crash site in Shanksville, PA. No bodies, no blood, no parts of the fuselage, no debris field.

The whole thing was an inside job and if people can not see this with the evidence, especially seeing how the towers collapsed. That was a planned demolition, you can see that by the way those towers fell. They would have been able to with stand two air planes hitting them and remain standing. Instead, they collapsed like a demolition and the fire was not hot enough to weaken the steel. I think the temperatures would have had to be over 3,000 degrees to cause any weakness or melting of steel.

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