Saturday, January 15, 2011

Why they died in Iraq ??

For U.S.A & your freedoms ? no no no, for the sake of Texan oil & greedy corporations. They are making extra billions.even today the technology to go to the moon is not there,, we can go to orbit but not to the moon,, the shuttle can only go to orbitit won't end until big oilman has sucked out all oil of that country! haven't you read your history? or you still believe we are there protecting them? wake up!Why are Americans watching their fellow-American's in the Armed Forces murdered day after day after day......without demanding the use of nuclear weaponry within its arsenal to blast cities off the map in the Middle East? Common sense would tell any American these fine men and women are being misused and put directly in "harms way" to be killed for absolutely no good reason! An occupation solves nothing...and when people and your military personnel are dying, why is such nonsense continuing? American's need to back the U.S. troops and demand they are brought back home!we need lie,s and liar,s out of any government,, we do not need war,s on less we are thinking of making money out of it on less that is what we are doing making money out of it are we,, look at bad weed Bush

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