Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wikileaks has revealed the wars are about guns, oil, and profits.

After investigating the gulf oil spill it has been revealed that the CEO of BP sold 1/3 of his stock 1 month before the spill. Halliburton had bought the largest clean up company 11 days before the spill, creating billions in profit for Halliburton.

You have decided to appoint Gene Sperling to replace Larry Summers on the economic council. Gene Sperling helped create the deviates market and made $120 million from it before the collapse.

Goldman Sacs received $12.9 billion from the AIG bailout -- where then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson had previously worked as chief executive -- in the months after the insurer was rescued by the government last September.
$12,900,000,000 from the Tax payer to a “private” wall street firm. Without it Goldman would have gone bankrupt.

The wars need to end!
Profit from destruction needs to end!
Sadly if Washington politics have gone center right, and Obama is just playing the role of the puppet, then believe he will stick to his neo conservative agenda, Fox news will keep brain washing people to believe you are a socialist..

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