Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The right time for all Americans who are fed up sucking the Jews to camp out in front of the White House.George Bush Sr. is a pedophile--he was allowed to continue as President.Berlusconi Faces Trial and the Wrath of Italy's Women".

Hmmm.....don't you know Clinton is glad he hailed from Arkansas and not Italy about right now?I don't know if he's guilty or innocent but one thing is for certain. The old goat has great taste in women. I've seen some of the girls who have come from his parties and they're enough to make Hef salivate.If I was a billionaire, I would have paid 7000 euro for Ruby, its like $10 for you and me
most men would too
B will die with a smile on his face, even if he goes to jailwhy?!?!? this @#$% is illegal. I have no problem calling this government bullshit, and i dont mean Obama, i mean what our government has become. THe Patriot act is pre-obama, not that he has done much to actually end the Bush Era take over of rights, or was it the CLinton Era selling out of rights, or the REagan Era of bending over and receiving our rights up the poop shoot? I forget...

But I am starting to like what them Egyptians were doing...Popular up rising to remove a corrupt government. A government that took the peoples money so that the lawmakers could live lavishly. Our problem here is not only government, but corporate oligarchies...

Is it really unpatriotic to call this filthy slime bucket of a government illegal? Or would it be unpatriotic to turn an eye to the decades of corruption that the US government has been engaged in. Everytime they throw a state dinner, remember its costing us 10's of thousands of dollars, just so to entertain their friends and to get sell bonds to foreign dignitaries...They actually use our tax money to whine and dine the people they are selling our social security bonds too...

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