Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The truth is starting to come out, the Bush Admin wanted to get rid of Saddam because he was giving money to the families of suicide bombers in Israel and Palestine and Israel was mad and when Israel gets mad, all hell breaks loose. There's a lot more truth still to come out.Bush canceled a planned visit to Switzerland for fear he might be arrested for war crimesWe all knew WMD was a fabrication. Now that we know it was for just two reasons we went to war, Bush being upset with Saddam threatening his "Daddy" and this character Janabi, who wanted to get rid of the Saddam regime and found the US the vehicle for doing so, shouldn't both be put on trial for conspiracy? They each fed into each others designs for ending the Saddam regime at the expense of American blood and treasure. @#$% is with this country if something is not done to hold these traitors accountable. There is just no justification for allowing this sort of abuse to go without response.All of them need to go down...Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell, Blair and his cabinet...put the blame firmly where it belongs. They all knew, from numerous sources, that the intel was bad, "shaky, at best" as called by Hans Blix prior to the war. The US and UK were so embroiled in coordinating contracts for the war and the rebuilding of Iraq post-war, and their five year plans, etc., dollar signs blinding them, that they never stopped, not for one second, to listen to the rest of the world. They just plowed through and illegally went to war...and for what? Global destabilization. Had Hans Blix and the UN weapons inspectors been given a few more months, we would never be in the position we are now in...on the brink of collapse.
It is an embarrassment how dishonorable our country has become.

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