Thursday, March 24, 2011

Attacking tanks and armored vehicals is not part of the no fly zone, guess Obama lies too so much for change.These so called Allied nations should pick on their own size. Why not mess with North Korea or Russia if you wish to demonstrate strength. Is this so called humanitarian reason not present in these countries?

This is pure and applied modern day colonialism in making but it will fail....Leave Libyans alone.

The composition of countries in African is alien to present day Western culture...... Read the history on the so called scramble and partition of Africa in 1841 (sic).

I guess French is used to supporting rebels beginning with General George Washington….Americans, at least most of them, are warmongers! They kill people all over the world, in the name of freedom, however actually in the name of petroleum. The American government is cheater, liar, and consisted all of tyrants!We are the number one exporter of terrorism. And the only jobs security for Americans is in the Army Navy Airforce & Marines. Sure you got to sign your life away but they pay you. You get the chance to serve your country and possibly kill some insurgents.

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