Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A few days ago, Israeli terrorists killed innocent Palestinian children while playing soccer...the terrorists as usual don't seem to care who they kill.

Jews.......America's misfortune.The Old Christian quarter of Jersualem has been systematically decimated by Israel; they were
put out, forced out by Israel. The Christians of Gaza are also persecuted most by Israel as the IDF uses live shells which pierce the house walls of Christians and injure many people who are now
dead or dispossed. It is a carefully guarded secret by Israel. However, it is fact for those who use their head. The Christians are GONE! almost...

While all they while the U.S. Christians and Chruch Organizations have been sending large donations to Israel to do precisely this to the Christians and Arabs here.

One example was the bell ringer for 30 years was shot dead while comming out to ring his bell by the IDF.

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