Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hitler had prisoner's drinking water fluoridated to keep them slow and compliant.
The US is the most fluoridated country in the world and it's population is the easiest to convince that unjust wars are justified.
Coincidence?I'm sorry guys, but we, the people of China feel like the American government is always looking for new enemies. The US military is like a giant soldier, dumbly patrolling the world with a big gun and taking a jab at issues irrelevant to it's domestic interests.
When the cold war was over, the Red Army decreased its military arsenal dramatically. Yet Americans still maintain a sense of anti-Russian, which is apparent in its propaganda themed games like Call of Duty. Instead of decreasing the US military budget, the government actually increases it dramatically every year. Why? What potential threat do you see in this world now? Why cant you just accept peace?
During 2001, the crash of a U.S. spy plane with a chinese jet propelled American media into a unrelenting blaze of anti-Chinese propaganda. This only faded away with the devastating events of 9-11. Sadly, China was a potential first suspect. Yet those events gave the military excuses to invade two separate countries. After ten years, what are you still doing there? Where is peace and democracy? What has changed? Is the world truly better off?
Now i ask, Why can't the government focus more on your people? Why waste bombs and money to kill people in Libya? This is not your business. You are not Roma empire. You are not the British Empire. You are not the Soviet Union. The first step in an empire's downfall is meddling in other country's business. Mind your own business. Save money. Invest in your own people. And stop owing us so much debt. We're fed up.

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