Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Once again the narcisstic Isreali government of known liars thieves assissins and provocateurs point their bony finger of hypocrisy at the Palestinian leadership. While they themselves ignore their own provocative actions. When them Isreali carpet baggers fools and zealots chose expansion over peace. They did more to incite the Arabs then Hamas could have done on their own.Wow... I wonder who those Senators are? I'll bet AIPAC funds them all, what do you think?

I'm so happy my elected representatives vote with me in mind last and Israel always first.

When the truth comes out and the find that a Palestinian didn't do this, it was another Settler or Southeast asia worker I hope all 27 have to publicly eat a turd on TV.

Where is teh condemnation from these racist reps over the two Palestinian kids who were blown up by a tank shortly after this family was murdered while playing soccer?

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